Friday, October 26, 2012

Please Make Me Safer. I Need to Heal.

Preface: Obama keeps breaking the links to my blog posts and in my blog posts. Please type the address into the navigation bar in your browser and make sure you favorite or bookmark the general blog site and check it for new posts regularly. If you all send around links to my posts yourselves, those links will not be broken. Obama only breaks links I send around. So please send around links to my posts yourselves.

Here is my latest blog post. We start is Syria and end, as always, with my Sweetness.

Syria. Mr. Lakhbar Brahimi, the UN envoy dedicated to solving the crisis in Syria, thought he could create a temporary ceasefire for the Eid al-Adha holiday. It was a brilliant idea. Make them taste peace. But the ceasefire collapsed almost before it began.

Syria needs me. The world needs me set free of Obama's bubble of persecution, torture, and rape, so I can answer my calling and help solve major world problems. The world needs me. The world needs me to have human rights again.

I promised my Sweetness that we would disappear into paradise, so I could heal once the spy equipment is removed from my head and replaced with bodyguards. I do not mind spending part of my healing time working on Syria. Giving my a problem to solve and people to help will probably help me heal all that much faster anyway.

Please. For the sake of the world, get me out of this bubble of hell that Obama illegally created for me. It has already been proven in a court of law that I never killed anyone. And this would have been an intolerably cruel and unusual punishment for me even if I had. There is absolutely no justification possible for Obama's treatment of me. Please, my beautiful world, get me out of this bubble already.

Polio. We have not yet eradicated polio. The three countries where it is most prominent are Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria. I understand that there are some cultural impediments to everyone and all children finally being vaccinated. Please remind everyone there that I am vaccinated against polio and have been since I was tiny. The vaccination caused me no health problems. I turned out just fine.

U.S. presidential debate. Did everyone catch the third and final debate on Monday night? There was so much to say. Please make sure you all get a chance to hear what I said during the debate. This election is very important.

Make sure you vote. My beautiful America, this is our nation. This is our democracy. We need to make sure we vote. Think of all the people who came before us who fought the long, hard battle of suffrage just so we could be able to vote.

This is our right. This is our civic duty. This is our chance to take back control of our own nation.

My beautiful America, this is your chance to set me free. All you have to do is vote in a president who will immediately release me from this bubble instead of continuing to persecute me. Please exercise your power as the people. Vote out Obama and vote me free.

My safety is a very big concern for me right now. I have no security and no bodyguards in here. I am a sitting duck for a shot to the head or acid in my face disguised as a random act of violence. The public is better than it used to be in Iowa, but they can still be very hostile towards me. There is still absolutely nothing keeping me safe when I sleep but a webcam.

Please, my beautiful world, send me a friend and a bodyguard. This life of constant persecution is long and lonely; no one is willing to be a friend to me in here. When was the last time you saw anybody sit down next to me and be good and respectful to me in a way that was deep and meaningful? No one in Iowa is willing to be my friend. Please, my beautiful world, send me a friend and a bodyguard.

I understand that strange and suspicious things are happening around Mr. Spoon-Me right now. There is something I learned from Cuddlebunny in San Francisco. When things get weird, when people are following you, when people are breaking down your front door and attacking you in the night, the safest place to be right next to me.

This is a strange irony about the constant danger I am in. Nothing suspicious is allowed to happen where I can see it. If it were not for the webcam, as has already been proven, I would be attacked every time I shut my eyes. But where I can see it, nothing suspicious is allowed to happen.

This does not keep me safe and will not protect me from "random acts of violence," but it keeps the people right next to me from attack and harm. Is it possible to send me Mr. Spoon-Me as my friend and bodyguard? Please send me someone, my beautiful world. Please send someone quickly. I never feel safe.

The best thing to do, of course, is to rescue me completely and set me free of all of this persecution. My brave rescuers, I know you are working on this. You are risking and sacrificing your lives to do this. I could never be more grateful nor more humbled.

A fast way to set me free would be to take away my evil father's control of my meager funds that make it to me inside this bubble. Give me back control of my money away from my evil father, and I will be able to leave Iowa to be with my husband, finally. Please try this.

My genius lawyers, the basis of my father's argument is that I have a mental illness, so he must have control of my finances. We have already scientifically proven that I have absolutely no mental illness. I have also been intentionally kept near penniless by my father for years through his control of my finances, and he uses his ill-gotten adult guardianship to trap me in Iowa against my will when I would be physically and emotionally safer with my husband, with my BFF, and someplace where I could have human rights again.

Please, SynSyn, force a review of my adult guardianship in the probate court of the Polk County District Court, so you can have it overturned. Have the hearing without me. If I am present for it, the rules of the bubble will be enforced during it, and I will not get a fair hearing. Your power of attorney papers predate the guardianship decision, so you are capable of making these legal decisions on my behalf and representing me there.

Please, SynSyn, it is absolutely critical that this adult guardianship be overturned. I once attended a guardianship hearing by phone; I am sure you can video conference from Seattle.

Also, I hear my criminal father is whining about how we press charges against him to force his intolerable cruelties to stop. If he would stop breaking the law, we could finally stop pressing charges.

If my evil father would just stop all of his crimes against me, if he would just stop pretending I have a mental illness I do not really have, and if he would just give up control of my finances and set me free, we would have no crimes left with which to press charges against him. That is, if he wants us to leave him alone, all he has to do is stop committing crimes and leave me alone. Please legally kick his ass for me, my beautiful world.

Also, SynSyn, we have enough doctors convicted to prove a conspiracy. Please investigate the conspiracy completely to find every guilty party involved. Prosecute them all.

I know you will find my father involved. He was using non-medical mental health commitments of me only to keep me away from anyplace I could have human rights and to propagate his lie that I have a mental illness in order to keep control of my finances illegally.

You will find Polk County District Court mental health courts and probably the probate court involved. They were supposed to give me fair hearings but only chose to propagate the libel that I had a mental illness instead.

I know you will find Obama involved. It is already on public record that he sent the orders to the doctors to unlawfully imprison me in mental health facilities and to literally torture me with medications. Do you remember? All of the doctors claimed they were innocent because they only broke the law because Obama told them to.

You will also find the nurses who tortured me in the conspiracy. They all knew it was torture from the start. They were contacted by the ICC and told to stop because it was torture, and they chose to continue the doctors' wishes and torture me anyway.

The nurses made a conscious choice to be loyal to the hospital and the doctor instead of making the conscious choice to do what was right for me, the 'patient.' Make sure you get the nurses, too... every single one who injected me. They always knew it was torture... and still do.

Finally, my genius lawyers, I am giving Syniva explicit permission (It is a choice within her power, anyway.) to press charges against absolutely anyone and everyone she wants who causes me emotional trauma. There were two particular (expletive)s at the bar last night who chose to go out of their way, get in my face with their obedience to Obama, and intentionally cause me emotional harm. I have spelled this out so many times in so many blog posts. IT CAUSES ME TRAUMA!!!

SynSyn, feel free to set the legal precedent at any time that such behavior should be illegal. Press charges against anyone you want in order to accomplish this. It was not so many blog posts ago when I laid out the guidelines on how to behave appropriately and safely around me. We need to force people to stop intentionally traumatizing me.

We also need to better protect people who organize on my behalf. We have a right as a political party and a political movement to organize, assemble, demonstrate, and campaign in America. If we get a permit to parade, we have a right to parade. We want changes within the system. We want to save America. We are neither seditious nor treasonous. Never forget: What saves me saves America.

We also have a right to equal protection under the law. If harm comes to anyone who demonstrates or organizes on my behalf, press charges. Collect evidence and press charges. If the authorities refuse to keep us as safe as they keep everyone else, sue them to obtain equal protection from them. I am sure I have enough money out there to foot the bill for keeping the people who make noise for me safe. Please take care of this for me, too, SynSyn.

As everyone can tell, I keep my BFF very busy. But what I want to hear is that Syniva is a highly successful artist who sells her work all over the world. I appear in much of her work, you know. I gave her a model release once. She even took the photo of me in the right panel of this blog. To support Syniva, click here. Please do this for me, my beautiful world.

Now, what I said in that blog post all those months ago, my beautiful America, is not that I am Black. I said that, as a slave, I carry the same burden of the slave heritage in America that Black Americans carry. I also said that if Obama were Black instead of African-American, he never would have made me his slave.

The torture Obama has ordered inflicted upon me has caused me a lot of damage. I used to glow. There was one Sunday night a few weeks ago, one night out of four years, when I had my glow back. Ask Mr. David Letterman which night that was. I know he noticed. That is how I used to be all the time. Now it is much more normal for me to storm out of a bar because the patrons chose to traumatize me inside.

I also used to be a healer. Ask the people at the torture facility in Liverpool. I was even able to heal people in there. Now I am a verbal warrior constantly screaming in pain, screaming the truth, or screaming for justice from a federal government that is still trying to throw me away.

Obama has damaged me. I need to leave the bubble, so I can heal.

Obama is my rapist. Systemic rape is a crime recognized by human rights activists and the ICC as repetitive rape inflicted by the system. It is both a war crime and a recognized form or torture.

Obama is my rapist. I am sorry, David Axelrod, you cannot support us both. I know you would rather I be president, but I cannot run right now. Once I am free, I am going to need to spend my time healing from everything the current president has done to me.

Syniva, make the world talk about this. Please create a podcast/broadcast about how direly I need to heal, and go international with all of our media. Take the short must-read list from my blog and the must-see list of our podcasts straight to the international presses. Take them to Latin America, Africa, Europe, Russia, Asia, Australia, everyone.

If we make the international community (which does not have silenced news media and still has freedom of the presses) discuss the reality of my plight, then maybe the conversation will spread to America. Is there any better way to get the truth back into America? Ask for help with this from my friends in the news media.

My brave rescuers, get ahead of and stay ahead of the problems. Every time you come to rescue me, a problem arises that prevents it. Please, prevent the problems before they can prevent you from reaching me. Easier said than done, I know, but please... We need this rescue to work. Please.

Sweetness, I mailed you a letter to the usual address yesterday. It should arrive in California tomorrow. I made a complete visual record of it yesterday before I mailed it just in case any of it does not make it to you. It is 125 pages of more than just sweet I-love-yous.

Also, my beloved, it has come to my attention that you made a documentary about me, and it is to this documentary that we owe the global awareness of my plight and my suffering. Is it time for a sequel and an update? This is something for you to think about. I know how busy you are. If you make a new one, please make sure you spell out how brave you all are out there on the lines, how horrifying everything is that I live through in here, and how Obama is the bad guy.

I love you, my brave husband. We will overcome. All the evil in the world cannot keep us apart... or, at least, Obama cannot much longer. Kisses!

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