Tuesday, November 19, 2013

More Talks, Chancellor Merkel?

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark frisco-squid.blogspot.com, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. Iowa chose to be a monster instead of a world hero. No one in Iowa has any human rights, as is the wishes of Governor Branstad. I could have brought a cultural renaissance here, but Iowa would rather live in the dark ages of human rights. Please rescue me, my beautiful world.

Iran. I believe negotiations will work with Iran. I believe if we can convince Iran to stop enriching uranium, we can lift sanctions on them. We can create a world built on trust and cooperation, so the entire Middle East can flourish and prosper.

Lebanon. We cannot have peace in Lebanon unless we have peace in Syria. It is the same war. We need to solve the real problem, and the real problem plaguing Lebanon is the war next door in Syria.

We need everyone involved including but not limited to Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, Iran, Israel, Palestine, the Syrian rebels, the Syrian regime, Russia, the US, etc. to all sit down together in Geneva and find a solution to Syria's civil war.

I would love to be there. For me to be there, though, the world will have to rescue me from the cesspool of human rights violations that is Iowa first.

My beautiful world, unless you feel like waging a full blown war against the FBI, White House, and State of Iowa, you have to make the White House want to negotiate. So, my beautiful world, I need you to really lay the pressure on them.

Write blistering exposés for every international press, news broadcaster, newspaper, etc. Make the world so furious with the White House that they have no choice but to negotiate. Get angry, my beautiful world, and express your anger.

Increase sanctions, and make the sanctions hurt. Put the sanctions on every big US export and import from cars to food. Force the White House to want to negotiate, and, of course, demand an act of good faith to establish the White House is serious about negotiating. Demand immediate freedom of speech and freedom of the press for all people under the jurisdiction of the United States before being willing to sit down at the table. There has been far too much deception. There have been too many lies.

Chancellor Merkel, thank you for agreeing to negotiate with the US government on my behalf. I apologize for the president always lying. Please make sure we get immediate freedom of the press and freedom of speech as an act of good faith from the president (whoever he or she is) for negotiations to get underway, and if you ever hit a roadblock in the talks, just ask my rescuers to impeach the current president for mass murder, persecution, disobeying Supreme Court rulings, etc. and negotiate with the new president. This bubble needs to come down unconditionally and in its completeness. And thank you.

In short, make the White House want to talk, and then start laying out our demands. We demand...
1.) unconditional surrender by the FBI and Polk County,
2.) the imprisonment in federal penitentiaries of all FBI agents guilty of mass murder just like we do with all already convicted terrorists,
3.) freedom of speech and freedom of the press returned to all Americans and foreign entities who broadcast into America,
4.) imprisonment of Barack Obama for life as a war criminal,
5.) my unconditional human rights including a free future with my free husband,
6.) the complete dissolution of the bubble and a guarantee no other person will ever be treated the same way as a government slave and rape victim ever again,
7.) a balanced budget amendment available for public vote,
8.) better veterans' benefits,
9.) solar powered cars available on the market,
and 10.) technology to keep my online accounts safe from hacking for the rest of my life.

My brave rescuers, I was so sure I could convince Iowa to rescue me. I am sorry I failed. I am so sorry you all still have a job to do rescuing me. I hate when you die. Thank you for everything you do for me, and I cannot wait to meet you all.

SynSyn, we need Lynn Boeset held without bail, or she will put me in Broadlawns to be raped and tortured again. Especially since I am not outpatient committed anymore, I do not plan on showing up for torture on Thursday. Amy Alles keeps threatening and harassing me about telling Deplorable Lynn to commit me if I do not show up for torture, so we need Amy Alles arrested and Lynn held without bail. Unless we can force the conspiracy to acknowledge I have no adult guardianship nor any outpatient commitment anymore, we need them locked away in prison to keep me safe. Thanks, Synny.

Amy Alles is enforcing torture. Arrest her!

-----Begin Email-----

On Nov 19, 2013, at 12:51 PM, "Alles, Amy" aalles@Broadlawns.org wrote:


I want to let you know up front that I cannot access email when I am out of the office which is 75% of the time. I left you a voicemail today and informed you that I spoke with your mother this morning. She stated that you told her last night that you did not have an appointment for your injection. I told you before that you can go to the injection clinic as a walk-in. You can go today or Thursday. I informed you in the voicemail also that she will be unable to take you today (because of short notice) or Thursday. So I offered to take you.

I spoke with Mara today in the injection clinic and she will keep me posted as to when you go in for your injection. She did say that previously when you went she had you go in around 3:00 pm.

Again, please let me know if you need transportation. I will see you tomorrow at 4pm. Thank you.

Amy Alles
Service Coordinator
CAP Program
515.282.6461 - Phone
515.777.8481- Cell
515.282.6775 - Fax

-----End Email-----

Sweetness, there must be something more we can do to get you to my side. I am lonely and miserable without you. I know Iowa is no place to be in love, so we have to look again at rescuing love from the evil clutches of Iowa. Please be creative and try to stay safe. I love you and cannot lose you. Kisses.

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