Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It is Most Likely not Illegal to Refuse to Comply.

My beautiful world, I know you are all busy out there making arrangements and fighting for the greater good. I know and understand. There are enough of you that it will work... as long as you stay unified and organized and keep pushing until we win. Do not give up. Let's burst this bubble wide open.

Your human rights are as important as my human rights, you know. It is okay to do things for yourself. Yet, if you are not fighting for yourself (and you should be), please consider fighting for me.

If you are not fighting to end this, you are allowing yourself to be a victim, and anyone who says this should continue one moment longer is a definite part of the problem.

Do you know if any laws were passed mandating the oppression of all of America? Did Congress pass any laws that took away your freedom of speech, our freedom to assemble and associate, and the freedom of the press? Was there a law passed that said America must persecute me? If so, it is time to look at the Constitutionality of those laws. If not, you cannot be sent to a federal prison for refusing to comply. You cannot be arrested, tried, or convicted if you do not break any laws.

Is it possible that this is just a policy of the Obama administration that is not supported by any existing laws? Is it possible this is just an illegal policy that cannot actually be enforced? Is Obama the Oppressor an American president or the US's first acting dictator? Is President Incompetent's policy outside the law?

Is Obama the Asshole just oppressing America by terrorizing you all with fear? Psychology can be a form of terrorism, you know. It is actually how most terrorism works.

All together now! Stand up for yourselves. Do not let your lives be controlled by fear! Communicate and stay organized. Construct a plan. End the oppression.

What is the going rate for just compensation for using the output of a computer program with artificial intelligence? Let us get this over with before the corrupt-forces-that-be need to buy the moon and give it to me. Well, okay, it would be a better use of their money... but I would rather have my human rights as soon as possible.

Sweetness, I spent an afternoon staring at photos of you in effort to get used to seeing your face near me all the time. I fear your face will never get old to me; even if "in eternal lines to time thou grow'st," to quote the bard. My heart kept skipping every time the photos changed.

Have you ever read The Knight of the Cart,my darling hero? There is a scene where Lancelot crawls across a bridge made of sword blades just to be near Guinevere. That is how this feels sometimes. Is there anything you would not do for me?

We are an epic love story. This is an epic battle. Apparently, I cannot do anything half-assed... pun intended.

Wow, I am oddly in good spirits today.

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