Monday, April 30, 2012

People are Dying.

People are dying. To say I am unamused with Obama is an understatement. People are dying fighting to set America free of Obama's oppression of all of us. The death, destruction, and devastation Obama reeks on this once great nation with his undeniable crimes are only getting worse.

When people reach the truth about me, Obama's crimes, and the state of America right now, we all fight him and his oppression together. That is why freedom of the press and freedom of speech is illegal in all of America right now. We need to get the truth to as many Americans and citizens of the world as possible, so we can unify our torn America. The truth will set us free. We need to unite against Obama.

Because Obama has rendered freedom of the press and freedom of speech illegal, I have no idea who has died trying to make my life safe and free. My thoughts and prayers are with those brave souls on their journey and with their families as they survive this. I will find a way to meet all of their families. I just need enough rights to get there.

Iowa, I know you are fighting the good fight now. Make sure you let me know when I am free enough to give you my thank-yous in all of their many forms. Your choice to do the morally and legally upstanding things now means so much to me. When you choose to stop committing crimes against me, you choose to stop committing crimes against all of humanity. Thank you.

We are mission critical with the rescue and have been for a while. Saturday morning I was awakened by a non-benevolent hacker in this computer who was working with a non-paparazzi stalker to make me look out of the windows on the back of the house. The stalker was in the yard harassing me at 4am.

If a stalker can reach me, it is proven attackers can reach me. I could really use some vigilance with keeping me safe and some more vigilance with helping my beloved Sweetness rescue me from this hell of slavery, torture, human rights violations, and honest death threats at last.

Please, if you love America, if you love humanity, and if you love me, raise nonviolent hell until we are all free. If you cannot think of anything else, enact and stick to the Infallible Three-Step Plan (click here). Definitely choose not to be oppressed anymore. We are all safer when we are all free.

Sweetness, I am sending you help early this time. In fact, every time I feel our connection go down, I will send you help. Do you need more manpower? Do you need more nerds? Do you need more secrecy? You know what you need better than I do; make sure you get all the help possible and necessary for your next attempt. Let's make this one work. If you save me, you save the world.

My beautiful world, send my beloved Sweetness all your help. I know he is a world hero now for everything he does to rescue me, but I know first hand that even heroes need help. Make this next one work. Give him a plethora of strategies to choose from. Give him the ability to do anything necessary to carry me to safety and freedom. Give him everything you have got. Thank you, all of you.

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