Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I know there are a lot of stories and evidence of super-powers floating around out there. Please remember, I am not capable of anything no other human has ever been capable of. Having a pure mind, a pure heart, and a pure conscience really helps with these things, and I never intended to leave any evidence of these abilities anywhere. I know you have the images. I know have the videos. I know you have heard the first hand accounts of the healing and the energy. I know I cannot hide it anymore. Please be careful with pushing me into my raw, screaming, basic state. That is when my subconscious takes over these abilities.

There are a lot of explanations for these epic "super-powers." Christians call it the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. Eastern religions call it qi. My explanations of choice rely on the rigors of quantum physics. Please try this link for some connections between quantum physics and consciousness. Some people call it chakras: I know you have seen my bright blue third eye and my beating golden heart. I know what you have seen of these powers. I know you know I am completely benevolent; please also understand that these are not the only benevolent things I am capable of.

Yes, I use dance trance to meditate. I know you have seen me follow live music with my body, so I can clear my mind. I do not know where or who I would be in this world if I did not have that ability to calm and heal myself this way. This is the purpose of dance in my life; it is an extension of myself, my soul, and my consciousness. I am told it is breathtaking to behold.

I have a question for you, my beautiful world. Why do people keep saying I died and was replaced with myself? Yes, I heard the stories many times, but because it was the president claiming I was dead, I assumed nobody would believe the lies. It is very well established he cannot be trusted.

The last time somebody pointed a gun at my head, I was sitting on a park bench above the Martin Luther King Memorial Fountain in the Yerba Buena Gardens in San Francisco. They pointed the laser scope at the back of my head, and I told them to put it in my eyes where it belonged. I knew that if they martyred me, all of the beautiful things I wanted for this world would come that much faster. Sadly, the government is not even competent at killing me.

The FBI's policy of cowardice, you see, was to drive me mad, so they could lock me away forever or make me kill myself. Admit it haters, I have no symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia like you claim. My only mental illness is trauma from being locked in a torture facility in Liverpool, UK for seven months and from living in a house with my father for a year. If you publicly claim that I have any mental illness other than trauma, you need to provide a list of the symptoms that support that diagnosis as well as your evidence that I actually have those symptoms. Such lies count as slander, libel, defamation, and possibly human rights violations if any medical professional consciously chose to commit malpractice by acting on those lies.

All of the above points considered, it is no wonder that the world's religions all have their own views of me. Yes, I have been beatified by the Catholic Church. It is a responsibility I take very seriously. And, yes, the Pope understands why I stand by the fact I am a beatified atheist. By claiming I follow no religion (or all religions), I help keep peace in the world.

Oddly, most benevolent religions believe in staying calm at all times. They promote finding zen and maintaining it through all adversity. They believe in turning the other cheek. Clearly, I am not a vengeful woman. But I have found that demanding fair and sometimes tough justice and exercising tough but forgiving love under the guise of benevolent rage really gets things done. I am out to fix the real problem; please never confuse my motives.

I also heard lately that some people preferred me when they thought I was a nymphomaniacal porn star. Really? They do not prefer acknowledging me as a benevolent soul who has already saved them? That does make me feel a bit under-appreciated especially considering all of the suffering I have lived through that they just watched instead of intervening to prevent. Sigh,... but no that is not enough for me to give up on goodness still being in humanity somewhere. If they could not take my faith in humanity away from me in that torture facility, nothing will ever be able to squash it.

When this is all said and done, I would really like to get a landmark status for my parents' house in Ankeny, IA. I know my old art teacher from high school has wanted to turn it into a museum since early 2009. Yes, I know most of my memories in that house are only pain, now, but I think landmark status would be beneficial to Iowa and the community. Who knows, maybe we will be able to turn the land into a park or something someday.

My beautiful world, have you discovered yet where the understanding between me and the people of Iran came from? Do you know if Iran would be willing to rejoin the negotiating table if I were free to be there with them? We need to remove these tensions. We need to end this conflict. Your sanctions are causing more suffering than good.

The Arab League seems to be doing something in Syria. Is it enough? The world has to admit that the protesters are peaceful, that the government is violent, and that slaughtering the masses is illegal. The best solution is to find an entity willing to arrest President Bashar al-Assad and put him on trial for his crimes. Syria will also need help rebuilding not only their country but also their government if that ever happens.

People pay for democracy with their lives. People pay for democracy with their bodies and souls. It is impossible to pay for democracy by allowing yourself to become oppressed.

Yes, there is still conflict in Nigeria. It does not seem to be receiving much press in the States, but the presses here are justifiably distracted with the totalitarian control of the news media in America right now. Nigeria, you need to learn to get along with each other. You need to accept the results of your elections or use the legal systems already in place in your government to overturn the results of your elections. You are capable of doing this without violence. You need to find enough faith in yourselves and the structure of your government so that you do not need to kill each other over these things. Violence does not solve problems.

As for my last few notes in this post,...

Planned Parenthood, you know I am a liberal, so keep that in mind when I say this. I recently heard you were supporting Obama the Sociopath by trying to prove to the public he actually did something in office other than mandate all of our loss of human rights. Please keep in mind the big picture when you do these things. Do you remember the ruling of Roe vs. Wade? Do you remember how the basis of the argument for the ruling was built around all humans' right to privacy? Do you really want to be known as supporting the culprit president who still commits war crimes and human rights violations against me partly by mandating I have no right to privacy? How would that help your cause?

Secondly, Iowa, please remember that if the FBI command you to break the law and you do it, it is called corruption, and everyone involved is prosecutable for it. I know you understand how heinous your crimes have been. I now understand that you genuinely intend to save yourselves and to accept the very forgiving offer I have made to you. Please understand that you will have to make arrangements yourselves to put me safely in the arms of my darling husband once this becomes official. Please do not make my Sweetness do all of the work. He has been through so much.

As for you, Twitter, I already went through your official customer service channels to notify you that someone (the FBI) is in my official twitter account producing fake posts and, I suspect, preventing some of my actual tweets from getting out. The culprits cannot be stopped by my changing my password. You actually have to bother to maintain my account the same way all other social networking sites maintain my accounts. I suggest you send the bill for that to the president. The integrity of my twitter feed is highly important; when people spread lies about me, innocent people get hurt... not just me. If you do not restore and maintain the purity of my account, I will have to take matters into my own hands to do so. You know who I am in the world. You know what I am capable of. You know you need to fix this yourselves.

Sweetness, I want to put on a cocktail dress and an apron, stand in your kitchen barefoot, and bake you dessert. I sent you two letters yesterday. Expect them both on Thursday. Yes, dear, you did see me first. You saw me before I saw you. You saw me live and in person before any other celebrity. No, that does not mean you had dibs on me. I clearly picked you out of billions. Save my your kisses. I will be coming for them.

P.S. My beautiful world, there is no justification for the existence of this bubble, instigating this bubble, or continuing this bubble that is both legal and honest. People pretend I could have lied to end it, but they would have just thought up another lie to continue oppressing America. Besides, nobody ever bothered to sit down next to me to ask me if I knew. Obeying the rules they criminally mandate validates this oppression. This bubble never should have happened in the first place. No amount of their lies will ever change that. America, you need to save yourself.

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