Tuesday, January 17, 2012


My Beautiful World, let nothing make you complacent until we have won our full rights back again. Let nothing dampen your dancing spirit nor weaken your fighting spirit until we are done. Yet, bursting the bubble and putting me in my loving husband's arms really is just the beginning.

Did anybody else see President Evil make fun of me for being enslaved during the 90th birthday celebration for Betty White last night? I know Betty had nothing to do with it, but his actions were done in very poor taste and are prime examples of his lack of compassion for human suffering and lack of any inner driving morality. Do you have any opinions on this? Go ahead and tell him yourself here.

I am surprised he went out of his way to take the time to make fun of me considering how busy he claims to be pretending he is the leader of the free world. I know for a fact that lately he has been mining the treasure trove that is this blog for the advice I used to give on how to fix the economy. If you check my posts from when I was in the torture facility in Liverpool, you will find that I recommended that the industries in California bring their jobs back from overseas to cure California's economic crisis in 2010. If you check his most recent Saturday address, you will hear him taking credit for my own policy recommendations.

Yes, I am glad that President Corrupt is finally attempting to do something to fix the economy, but repeating my own ideas without giving me credit for them is another loose form of slavery. Besides, he plans on carrying this out with corporate tax policy when corporate tax policy is not enough to fix anything. The only thing that will fix this economy is leadership, and that is something Obama the Slave Driver is incapable of. Just imagine what I could be capable of if Obama the Criminal would just end his bubble of torture and suffering.

Obama the Dictator is also asking for expanded powers for the executive branch. I believe he and ole Gee-Dub have proven that expanding the powers of the executive branch does nothing but bring ruin upon this nation. They really do enough damage with the powers they already have, do you not think? I would like to see the powers of the executive branch stripped back to those originally described in the US Constitution, if you ask me. It is a great way to fight and avoid fascism.

Sometimes I wonder of Obama the Sociopath is delusional or if he is just going down with the ship. The entire planet is witness to the fact he committed human rights violations against me including provable war crimes, violated the US Constitution to put me in a bubble to cover it all up, and commanded other nations to continue his persecution of me at the expense of their own people to make sure I could never even find physical safety least of all be with my own husband to prevent the truth about him from getting out. The longer he continues breaking new laws to cover up older infractions, the deeper he digs himself into trouble. His own nation is finally standing up to him now. We are rooting out his system of corruption of which there is ample incriminating evidence.

Thank you, my beautiful world, for not allowing him to start the war with Iran he his hungering after. Another reason he is keeping me in this bubble is to prevent me from stopping him from bringing more war. You cannot create peace, stability, or safety in the world with acts of violence or threats of violence. I know you are all looking after my goal of ending wars driven by oil and greed. Thank you for that.

Another person we need to keep an eye on is Senator John McCain. Considering the fact that the Senator was a victim of torture himself, one would think he would be opposed to human rights violations, but that is not the case. Senator McCain is the person who drafted and promoted the NDAA. If you do not know what the NDAA is, you need to watch this. Our basic human, civil, and Constitutional rights are eroding before our eyes. My beautiful America, we need to take this country back.

Start by finding doctors who are not quacks and by removing the chips in your ear canals. The only voice in your head should be your own. Are you not worried that you will end up an army of mind-controlled drones? Yes, I understand that it might be comforting for you all to feel like you have a direct connection to me right now, but that is not the actual purpose they had for putting control speakers in all of your ear canals. Take your brains back. Get the chips removed.

On a not-immediately-recognizable-as-connected note, I finally saw the Sherlock Holmes sequel last week. It almost made me blush. Also, I do not approve of most imagery concerning the game of chess; I find most chess metaphors as overused as the poker references is Kenny Roger's "The Gambler." But I liked the way they used the game in this movie. However, I still refuse personally to play the game. I believe it trivializes the horrors of war.

I heard we got California, New York, and Florida to stand up for me in defiance of the corruption and the bubble and in support of the US Constitution. The bubble only exists to hurt me, oppress America, and protect the people pulling the president's strings. It accomplishes nothing else, and I will never have more than a marginal amount of physical safety as long as I am in this bubble. Did we get Texas, Michigan, Hawaii, Washington, Ohio, South Dakota, Louisiana, or the District of Columbia yet? Those states (and district) feel very supportive of me. It is okay to write state laws that defy the president's bubble. They would work just like the medical marijuana laws... but would be far less controversial. Minnesota, do you listen to me? I am pretty sure Iowa is coming around; we have an understanding now. One way to phrase it is: I will go easy on them if they stop breaking their own laws and demand justice instead. Please see my previous post for details.

All states in the union are probably very interested in their own Congressional leaders this election year beyond our collective interest in the presidential race. Incumbents in Congress are more likely to be reelected if they impeach the president. Slavery and enabling slavery, just to mention one crime, is a capitol offense, and the entire planet is witness to the fact the president has not only committed this crime but is also still committing it. My beautiful America, make sure you make it clear to your senators and representatives what your opinions are on this topic both in writing and at the ballot box.

My beautiful world, in a previous post I asked you all to start documenting all of the horrible and frequently criminal things the Feds have mandated that you do in order to maintain this illegal bubble. The biggest step in breaking this oppression down and making sure it never happens again is to make sure that the actual truth is documented and circulated, so the masses can know what is actually happening. Document the abuses of power, and share them. Do this anonymously if you have to. Thank you.

Sweetness, I have been trying to post a video of me blowing you a kiss to my facebook wall, but my wall does not accept any videos. I am about to start a new love letter to you. I promise this one will not be so short. I dream about you constantly, all day and all night. I know everything you do for me, and yes, it will work. Oh, and you look amazing in green. Green really is your color.

P.S. My beautiful world, beyond my being enslaved, the Feds command every entity that tries to hire me not to. My father controls what assets are allowed to reach me under the rules of the bubble, and he does not even allow me enough money to get an apartment. That is how I am forced to live in a house with my parents. The Feds also mandate that your donations for the story "Infamy" are not allowed to reach me. You can ask podiobooks for the details on that one. I do not put ads on this blog because that would force Google to break the law. The Feds would mandate then that the AdSense money never reach me either. The government with the help of my father are keeping me broke at all times. I could really use a new pair of shoes in here in this bubble. The pair I wear every day are falling apart.

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