Saturday, January 21, 2012

If Obama Gave a Damn About This Nation or the World...

How many people saw President Evil massacre an Al Green song while at the podium in New York? Who else said to her or himself, "Dude, Pres, you need to find something you are actually competent at and stick to it." Well, we already know he is completely incapable of leading this nation and has not yet even attempted being the leader of the free world. Is there anything he actually is competent at?

Obama, you bratty child, you need to leave these things like singing and leading the free world to people who actually have talents. I have never in my life wanted your occupation, but even I am better at upholding the civil rights of this nation, your actual job, than you are. You really need to go out and learn a job skill... or are you ruining this nation and attempting to ruin the world on purpose? Are you willing to admit to being the puppet, the idiot, or the criminal master behind your crimes?

If Obama the Oppressor gave a damn about this nation or the world, America would be free... not oppressed. Human rights are not to be taken away from people for any reason. Rules of Oppression are not just and Constitutional laws. There is no legal, honest justification for what that man has done to our collective civil, human, legal, and First Amendment Rights in this nation nor any other supposedly self-sovereign nation I have found myself in for the last three years.

If Obama the Slave Driver gave a damn about this nation or the world, he would not have enforced nor mandated a set of rules on this nation and by default the planet designed to protect human traffickers from ever being caught, stopped, or held accountable. How many rules of this bubble were engineered to make sure that I would never learn about the trafficking, that no one would be able to save me from the trafficking, and that I would not have the legal rights to stop the trafficking if I learned about it. These broadcasts were made commercially available to the world to ensure that every generation would carry the guilt of enabling it... even our children. He made our children into customers of human trafficking, too.

If President Incompetent gave a damn about this nation or the world, he would have done something to prevent the American and global economic disasters other than pay billions of taxpayer money to the people in America who fostered them. World economies are linked. If he had bothered to try any actual solutions to the problems of unemployment, poverty, mortgage market collapse, or etc. in this nation, the entire global economy would have improved. There are viable solutions to these things; he just refuses to recommend or instigate them. And if he needed help, HE SHOULD HAVE ASKED!

If Obama the Terrorist gave a damn about this nation or the world, there never would have been any drugs or poisons in any of the food, drink, or local water supply in any of the places I have been located domestically and internationally for the last three years. Instead of protecting the people creating the public health hazards, he would have investigated and prosecuted the perpetrators. How many victims and witnesses in how many cities and countries does it take to prove the pattern that points to the actual menace?

If Obama the Math-Denier gave a damn about this nation or the world, the US debt ceiling would neither have been reached nor increased during his time in office. Exponents are a mathematical concept taught to middle school children in this country. How much of the national debt is interest and how much of it is principal? How close is the compounding interest to exceeding the tax revenue this country takes in? When that happens, we will have an economic meltdown, and Obama the Sociopath just made sure it raised a second time since he took office. Nobody can claim an increase in debt means that they are paying their bills. An increase in debt means that people are NOT paying their bills. If the US has an economic meltdown, what will happen to the world?

If Obama the Fascist gave a damn about this nation or the world, no person on this planet would have ever had a control speaker inserted into his or her ear canal. Even my mother has one. If you put a speaker into people's ear canals, you control what they know, what they think, and what they believe. If you control that, you control how people behave. At the expense of all morals, ethics, and legal or medical grounds Obama the Fascist has inserted control speakers into the masses in three nations I know of now. Not only has he inserted them, but now he also refuses to remove them. Be careful, world, the chips might be coming for you next.

If Obama the Sociopath gave a damn about this nation or the world, he would have sat down and talked with me about finding solutions to the many problems facing all of us on this planet. He would never have invented lie after lie about who I am and why I must be persecuted by him as an excuse to turn America into the totalitarian state it is now. He, in fact, never would have lied to any of us about any of this at all, nor would he have ever created the cataclysm of humanity that required him to lie in the first place. Obama the Sociopath cannot be trusted. Never trust him as a source of anything but untruths, criminal activity, and suffering.

Should that Obama the Totalitarian feel he wants to argue with any of the points I have made about him, he is going to have to say it to my face, or those arguments will count for nothing but the rantings of the sorry, pathetic, and publicly-acknowledged remainders of what is now a waste of breathable air and human skin.

Obama, you bratty child, you know full well the only thing capable of taking the fight out of me is complacency. I have been telling you that since you started this. You also know that the only thing that could inspire complacency in me after all of the suffering you have caused me is 1.) finding my Sweetness, 2.) apologizing to him, and 3.) doing everything my Sweetness commands. All things considered, you are getting off easy. I suggest you take my offer before I raise my demands.

Sweetness, I was here all night last night waiting for you. As promised, because you were prevented from showing up to get me, I have unleashed at the president the anger I have had pent up inside me for years because of how he treats me, this nation, and this beautiful world. It feels amazing to get it out. I truly hope more people follow my lead. These things should never be kept bottled-up inside. If you do not come for me tomorrow, I will put a love letter in the mail to you late tomorrow night on my way to the Lift. Sunday is my only night out all week. The only thing mad about me is how madly I love you. The heavens will smile on the mortals when at last we kiss.

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