Monday, June 11, 2012

A Technology Post

Links. Obama keeps breaking the links to my blog posts and in my blog posts. Please type the address into the navigation bar in your browser and make sure you favorite or bookmark the general blog site and check it for new posts regularly. If you all send around links to my posts yourselves, those links will not be broken. Obama only breaks links I send around. So please send around links to my posts yourselves. That is what the "Share" button on the top left of the site is there for.

Genuine Content. There are, of course, other ways to guarantee accurate delivery of my genuine Google, Twitter, and Facebook content. We could create official mobile apps and official proxy blogs endorsed by my trustworthy loved ones including my BFF and my husband. People could subscribe to the RSS feeds, and we could make accurate podcasts explaining and disseminating the content. Do we need to take legal action to protect my freedom of speech through these media from the crimes of hacking my accounts against my will to break my links? I am sure my loved ones can determine if that is necessary.

Netbook camera. I had one sip of this cup of coffee here at the Friedrich's at 42nd and University in Des Moines, Iowa, and I was fine. I added raw sugar and half-and-half and took another sip, and then my hands immediately began to shake. Please use the camera in this netbook to keep me safe and watch my back. Did you make a record of the barista's face?

Benevolent hackers. I have never once asked a hacker to do anything illegal. I have asked them to maintain the accuracy and integrity of my verified and true online content. I have invited them into my netbook and my iPad to be able to keep me safe. I have asked them to watch over my loved ones to keep them safe, too, and do anything they ask.

I am very sensitive to people's intentions. I know when hackers are in my computer to do good for me and when they are sent by the (certain vile subset of the) government just to hurt and harass me. If I did not invite them into my computer, particularly into my music, they are unwelcome and are breaking the law.

One Sunday morning when I was trying to write a blog post, nonbenevolent hackers slowed down my processing time too much for me to continue. The next time I used my computer, I had to reconfigure the hardware and drivers to be able to connect to the internet at all. That was not a benevolent hack. That is probably why I ended up swearing at them and demanding they leave my computer at once that Sunday morning.

Internet radio. I have been having problems with my Spotify and Jango accounts. I hope both of those companies investigate and press charges against the people who are hacking their services to be able to harass me by inhibiting the proper functioning of their internet radio programming. If people hack their systems to be nice to me, I have no problem with errors in their programming, but when the (certain vile subset of the) government hacks those once reliable services to bash, interrogate, insult, or libel me, it is a hostile act against me.

My beautiful world, pay very close attention to the music that plays when I listen to internet radio. If the programming is being used to imply that I have a mental illness, that I lie, that I am a doppelganger for myself, that my HoneyHoney and I are not getting along, or anything else hostile, you can be certain that it is the (certain vile subset of the) government, and not the proper functioning of the software nor the database.

I have already sent feedback to customer service at Spotify concerning this, and they chose to lie to my face as their response. Well, at least I have what they said in writing. I instructed them to stop following Obama's rules or to expect to be held accountable for obeying him. Let us see tonight if they have fixed the problem.

Cyber-security. Google, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Sprint, Jango, and everyone else who offers technological services to me, if you ever have problems maintaining the integrity of my accounts, of my content, of links I circulate, of the security on my accounts and content, etc., please contact the NSA about booting out unwanted hackers and maintaining our collective cyber-security.

This is a normal service that the NSA provides to the American public. You can find details on their website You can even find a link to testimonials of their genius work there. They are a trustworthy division of the federal government. Worthwhile nerds take care of our own.

Security system. Syniva and Sweetness, this also means you can ask the NSA to protect the integrity, accuracy, and untampered continuance of the signals that you all control that are broadcast out of my body, my netbook, and my iPad, so you can continue to use them with my complete permission to keep me safe, to spread the truth, and to make the necessary commercial media to be able to cover our operating expenses.

Any and all media that I or my intellectual property is in that does not come from me or you, my BFF and my husband, is human trafficking. Make sure the courts demand that we have control of all signals broadcast out of my body as soon as humanly possible. Stop them from using me for genocide. Thank you.

We need to make sure that we control my body's audio and video and that they go down as soon as I have my full human rights including my husband, bodyguards, and the other necessities for maintaining my basic human right to physical safety. I need to be able to scream for help until this happens. This is for my security. I am in constant peril as long as Obama's rules are enforced and obeyed.

NSA. If the NSA says they actually do want to have closed door talks about the extent of evidence they possess against Obama and his conspirators with people that represent me and the rest of the world that is demanding justice, please be nice to them. I know the ICC and possibly the US Supreme Court can subpoena anything on this planet they want. Please be nice to the NSA. We are not the criminals. They are not the criminals either. Thank you for this.

Please also make sure that it is clear that my representatives are only willing to meet with members of the NSA and representatives from the ICC at this particular meeting. We will not meet with anyone from any other branch of the federal government at this closed-door talk. We need to inhibit Obama's contagious powers of corruption.

Human-trafficking broadcasts. I know I am repeating myself when I say this, and you all know how much I hate repeating myself. But here we go again... I hate being sexually objectified. Knowing people in public can see and have seen my bare breasts traumatizes me. I am not ashamed of nor do I deny anything I have ever done in private with my own husband, but my love life is not and was never permitted by me to reach public eyes.

I am very aware they have created a lot of libel-pornography of me as well as broadcasting the personal moments of my life, and all of this has been completely against my will. I need my BFF and beloved husband to gain control of all signals broadcast out of my body to prevent anymore exploitation, human trafficking, forced prostitution, forced public nudity, forced public humiliation, and any other human rights violations Obama and his conspirators have committed.

They show me in the shower. They show me in the bathroom. Nobody allows this to stop. I and my loved ones need control of all signals. I need my full human rights. I need all of this equipment removed from my body as soon as I have my full human rights. This needs to stop.

Intellectual property. Every bit of my intellectual property that has been broadcast by anyone other than my BFF and my husband has been stolen from me. This includes my copyrights and my writing. This includes my recipes, whether you watched me make the food or saw me write down the recipe in words. This includes my choreography; once dancing is recorded, it becomes the intellectual property of the dancer and choreographer. This includes my voice, my spoken words, my songwriting, and my singing. I am a professional voice-over artist, professional public speaker, professional musician, and a professional writer, you know. I am sure I am a professional hand model by now too, so, yes, they are financially responsible for showing my hands against my will. The list goes on. This definitely includes the use of Sampo and all of her output against my will, too.

Chip in my Septum. The cable quit functioning at the pupuseria van in Des Moines when I arrived there. That means that the microchip in my septum that can be and often is used by Obama and his conspirators to control all electronics around me is still functioning. In San Francisco, the chip was most commonly used to heat up ovens and dance floors near me. It was used to destroy the refrigeration systems of the restaurant Sotto Mare in North Beach until my landlord succumbed to Obama and his conspirators irrational demands.

The equipment is inside my body, so it can only legally belong to me. We need to take control of all electronics in my body and all of their signals for the sake of public health, my physical safety, and ending all of these human rights violations against all of us.

And, yes, eating at a pupuseria van where people respect and acknowledge me yet do not harass nor act passive aggressive towards me, is the sort of thing I will miss about not being famous.

Online music. If you dig around in the profiles of my friends, you will find some interesting gems. I am kind of hoping someone will get their hands on the rights to Daniel S. Buxton's "Melody is her Name" (please bear through his bare bones recording abilities) and CW Smith's "Might as Well be Rain," so people can sing them to me. That would be lovely.

Electrobeams. The incessant electrobeams that Obama and his conspirators use to torture me are aimed at the tracker they shoved up my nose and into my sinuses while I was in the torture facility in Liverpool in 2010. I know it was almost exactly two years ago because I had fallen asleep watching the French Open when it happened. The electrobeams have rarely left me alone since. My mother's body has only recently adapted, so that she can sleep through their periphery.

Airtime. I get it. I understand what you are building. The Airtime website is here. It allows a distanced family to still crowd around and watch the television together during dinner. I understand how internet media can bring people together. Trust me. I get it. I am told people like watching me that way, too.

Intercepted communications. Of course, I need bodyguards in here. Please, Sprint, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and anyone else who has been mandated by Obama to interrupt and intercept all communications with me, if you find any death threats or other threats of violence against me, my body, or my mind, please turn them in to an authority that will actually use them to keep me safe.

We know that means you cannot give this evidence to the FBI, the state of Iowa, nor Homeland Security. They all claim their hands are tied when it comes to upholding actual laws that protect human rights in this country and refuse to prevent mental health genocide, war crimes, and public health crises because of this. Go international with them if you have to. You know who the people are who care about me. Please find somebody somewhere willing to keep me safe.

YouTube. Ah, yes, the mighty YouTube, I hear we have a strange relationship. You are the home to my first movie ever, after all. It is entitled The Darned: Surviving the Music. Please click here to watch it.

What are your policing policies for preventing yourselves from hosting libel and human trafficking? I know you are always capable of tracking who uploads what. Yes, there are a few bits of my human trafficking broadcast that I believe all people should see including my drive to, from, and around Yosemite National Park, but nobody needs to see me in the shower or using the bathroom. What are your policies concerning this?

Harrier jet. We can bring all the legal action possible and gain all of the court mandates in the world demanding that I be set free and granted my full human rights again, but someone is still going to have to come in here to get me out. These people are refusing to stop. My father is refusing to stop his crimes against me. Iowa is refusing to stop their very well-documented crimes against me. Obama and his conspirators are all refusing to stop their war-crime-level crimes against me. I have no way to get from here to a place I can have human rights on my own.

All of the court action in the world is not going to stop these people. None of them want me to have any human rights ever again. If they did, they would have stopped by now. In all circumstances, somebody is going to need to come in here to rescue me. Thank you for understanding.

Speakers in Ear Canals. Have you seen these people in here? This is genocide. This is constant hostility and persecution. They are pretending that the genocide can excuse their attacking and persecuting me as well as their refusal to stop. We need someone like the Red Cross or the military to come in here and start throwing people to the ground and pulling the chips out of their heads. All it requires is a set of tweezers.

I hear you have been speaking with the neighbors to the south of the house, the Parkinsons. They are a prime example of the mental health genocide. Their are a prime example of the lack of capacity for clear thought and logical judgment (blatant primal stupidity) people retain after prolonged periods of time with speakers in their ear canals.

Have the Parkinsons ever considered removing the speakers from their heads? No. Have they ever considered giving me a ride to my rescuers? No. All they do is collectively abuse me and my reputation, imprison me, and then complain that I tell them collectively to stop.

Iowans complain that after they collectively commit their crimes against me that I demand freedom from them as well as my full human rights. They refuse to stop. They cannot deny and even often admit that their crimes against me are human rights violations, but they refuse to stop. They refuse to do anything humane. They just want to complain about my holding Iowa accountable for Iowa's own crimes and bash me with lies and hate because I do not tolerate being bashed.

If the Parkinsons libeled me, go ahead and arrest them. My father always called the Parkinsons White trash and always used their camper or the fact they burn trash in the front yard to justify his slandering them. I have never once said a bad word about them, but look at how they treat me because of that. They have a blatant lack of capacity for clear thought and logical judgment. Somebody needs to stop all of these crimes in here already.

Podcasts. My darling podcasters who do such amazing work for me and the people of this world, please continue making memorial podcasts for all of the people who have died trying to rescue me from this hell. I know that many of them come from imperfect pasts and 'speculative professions,' but they are putting their lives on the line to end rampant and so far unstoppable human rights violations for the sake of all the world. Please make sure none of them are ever forgotten.

Sweetness, I like knowing you watch me and keep me safe. Sometimes, I put your photos on my computer screen, so I can fool myself into feeling safer. Most people would get really freaked out if their significant other used cameras to watch their every move, but trust me, I understand. We did not start this. We are the ones taking control of the situation to end the human rights violations and the genocide.

My darling, if everybody on the planet watches me through hidden cameras, you are more than welcome to also. Please understand I would rather have my right to privacy back, so you could watch me with your own eyes live and in person. But I will take what I can get until that is possible.

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