Thursday, June 7, 2012

Iowa Chose to Go Out of Its Way to Hurt me Today.

Iowa, you do not get to mistreat me as horribly as you do and then complain that I tell you to stop. If you did not want me to complain about how much you mistreat me, you would treat me like a human being and grant me full human rights instead.

You already put "Shut your mouth and go downtown," on official public record. I think you need to ask the suffering people of Syria if I should shut my mouth. I think you should also reconsider demanding that I make official pubic records of your persecution of me by telling me to go downtown.

Iowa, people always have a choice whether or not they persecute another living human. You cannot deny that you know who I am for real in this world. The way you treat me is heinous and inexcusable under all circumstances. You better stop your crimes against me. You know what you do to me. Stop lying; you know you persecute me by choice. The world that actually does love me has already instructed you on the appropriate way to treat me. Choose to disobey Obama or expect the world to flatten you.

Iowa, you know I cannot forgive you until you actually bother to stop all of your crimes against me, sincerely ask for forgiveness, and then take up fighting for me and for ending all of the oppression over all of America.

As for the city of Ankeny, do you remember this blog post? Click here to see the entire original post.

The ten-acre yard that surrounds my parents' house is in jeopardy. I know, I know. With every evil thing my father has done to me, why would I help him? Well, just because my father is a waste of breathable air, it does not mean the trees and animal life should suffer.

I was tortured, raped, violated, and injected in the bedroom, but that does not mean I do not care for the giant pin oak on the north side of the house. If the City of Ankeny has its way, they will cut it down.

The City of Ankeny drew up plans years ago to build sewage lines through three sides of my parents' county-forest-preserve yard taking out any tree and disturbing every animal habitat in the way. So far, their plans have been unstoppable.

About a year and half ago they cleared out old-growth trees in the backyard across the creek to build the sewage line back there. They are not paying rent for using the land to carry their shit indefinitely, and they did not even leave the wood from the trees for my parents. You could have made lumber out of some of those trees.

Now, they are coming for the apple, ash, maple, and other trees along the road to build a sewage line up there. They have no plans to replace the greenery, particularly not with larger, older trees. These are trees I played in as a child.

A few years ago they extended First Street through the neighbor's yard to the north. They did not build their sewage line then and refuse to build their line along that nearby road now.

The whole thing screams that they have targeted my childhood home to be devalued on purpose. My parents' yard is not even within Ankeny city limits, but they refuse to dig across the street on Ankeny land that does not have any trees on it anyway. I would not be surprised if they plan on forcing an annexation of my parents' place due to "eminent domain" and do not want to pay full price for the beautiful land.

My dad is a Republican, so my older sister wrote a letter to Senator Grassley about this years ago. He said he could not do anything.

I am asking you now, my beautiful world, if you can do anything. I know many of you consider my parents' house a major landmark in the story of my suffering and battle. I know the house and land have a great significance now. Please do not allow the City of Ankeny to ruin the land further.

Please save the yard. Save the tall, old trees. Save the deer, foxes, owls, hawks, and everything else.

My beautiful world, thank you.

My beautiful world, you know that this house, all of my childhood belongings, this backyard I used to dance in as a child, and these beautiful trees I used to climb when I was young should all be a matter of world and national heritage by now. Please do everything you can to protect these things of human significance. Of course I want to make this a UNESCO world heritage site if there is any interest in it, and at least I want to make it a National Landmark and a museum. If there is anything you can do to help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

Sweetness, I know, I know, it is not like me to write two blog posts two days in a row anymore... but I could not resist. Iowans have really been going out of their way to provoke me lately. They actually thought they could even convince the world that they only persecute me because they do not recognize me. At least they are admitting that they persecute me. Please remind me to send thank-you cards to KCCI, WHO, the pupuseria van on north 2nd avenue, and the Iowa Botanical Center once I can afford thank-you cards again. They are the anomalies who treat me with basic human dignity and respect around here. Nobody should ever have to beg to be treated like a human. I love you, my darling. Thank you for everything you do for me. What do you think of coffee plants and passion flowers?

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