Sunday, June 3, 2012

Pertinent Broadcast Legalities

I do not spend my days trying to undermine the president. I spend my days doing his job for him because he outright refuses to protect Americans and our rights himself nor does he ever choose to effectively lead the free world in any noncriminal way like he is supposed to. I spend my days undoing all of his destruction and human devastation to our society as well as undoing the damage he has caused in foreign countries. And I spend my days laying the groundwork for having him arrested. If he did not want to be arrested, he never would have committed his crimes in the first place.

Did you hear about the International Criminal Court decision concerning Charles Taylor? Please click here if you would like to read more details. It sets an international legal precedent for convicting world leaders who aid and abet war crimes beyond committing the crimes themselves. Beyond this ruling being a huge step forward for justice in the world as a whole, it means we do not need to to tie Obama directly to the people who have been torturing and enslaving me for over three years now, as easy as that would be with all of the latest developments. All we need as evidence to be able to convict him is his own public statements concerning me and the rules he has been using to enforce his totalitarian bubble over all of America. This ruling is a good thing in so many ways.

It is so tragic to me, though, that a leader of Liberia could be so complicit and so culpable in war crimes. Do you know the history of Liberia? The nation was formed a couple of centuries ago by freed slaves from the American South who chose to return to Africa. The corruption in their government is such a tragic turn for the noble start to their nation. If you want to learn more about Liberia, please click here. Let us hope they progress forward with better attention to the rights of their own and all people.

Speaking of human rights, I never owned a webcam until I bought this netbook through while in Liverpool in 2010. The 2003 Mobile Computing tablet PC I carried around for years does not have a webcam on it anywhere, and I definitely had no wi-fi nor any other internet signal in my "nun's cell" in North Beach, anyway. I have no idea what you thought you were watching while I lived in San Francisco, but if it really was me, it was human trafficking off of cameras placed in my home against my will and without my knowledge. If it was not me, it was libel. I have a feeling you watched both. The broadcast definitely was not used to keep me safe; I was attacked in my sleep in that room more times than any human should ever have to endure in one lifetime. Unless they were instructed to paint the room, I bet you will find the pinhole cameras in the walls still.

This webcam in this netbook is the first one I have ever owned. It feeds a broadcast I am not allowed to know about that was created with my written permission and that is under the control of people I trust. As long as my BFF Syniva or my beloved husband has control of any broadcast concerning me, that broadcast can be trusted to be both accurate and legal. My loved ones do not create human trafficking nor libel. I prefer that these broadcasts be used solely to keep me physically safe and to deliver my accurate content, but I understand that they have to cover operating expenses, music rights, etc. So, if these broadcasts that are under the control of my loved ones do need to have a commercial aspect of some sort, I understand, and I consent. Obama still forbids me any income, so please make sure any money I could be making off of this feeds my SuperPAC. Thank you.

No, there is no middle ground. You either love America, or you support Obama. You either actively fight to set me free, or you are part of the oppression over all of this nation. It is us or him. You are an active part of the fight for freedom, or you are enforcing the slavery. It is impossible to say you care about anything good in this world if you also say you want Obama to stay president. You take up the fight to set America free, or you are part of the problem. No, there is no middle ground. There is too much corruption in the system for you to expect anyone else to fight this fight for you. The revolution has already begun. Do your part, or admit you are complicit in the government's crimes.

On Thursday when I ventured out of this house to write my last blog post (Click here to read it. Obama tried illegally blocking it for a while.), I was presented by a representative of Homeland Security who tried to convince me that it was the British who were torturing me in San Diego instead of (a certain vile subset of) the US government and its hired mercenaries. Well, at least Homeland Security is no longer trying to pretend it is the mafia who are secretly attacking me. The Italian Mafia falls under the same category as most people of 'speculative occupation' (including the espionage community) who would die trying to rescue me. This failed brainwashing confrontation of theirs made it clear to me, though, that I need to clarify my opinions of the British.

There are only certain British people whom I do not trust. If you would like evidence that I do not hate all Brits unilaterally, please speak with Mr. Alan Rickman. Or, ask Ms. Annie Lennox about the letter I wrote to her; that was one of my better letters out of many. Talk to Mr. Robert Plant about my opinion of his music, or sit down and talk to Mr. Daniel Craig about the letter I wrote to him while I was in the torture facility in Liverpool.

I believe there is a special place in hell and, hopefully, a special place in prison for Dr. Helen Reynolds who ordered that I be unlawfully imprisoned in that quack ward for seven months and for the entire nursing staff except for Vinny and Damian who took paychecks for carrying out the torture she ordered there. No, I have no mental illness. They knew that then, and everybody knows this now.

I have always gotten along just fine with the British royal family. I even asked my HoneyHoney to take my step-daughter in my place to sit among the royal families of the world at Prince William and Princess Kate's wedding. I have also heard rumors that Prince Harry is trying to ensure I will have a safe place to live once I am set free of this bubble of torture, slavery, and hell in America.

If I am permitted to get involved in British politics beyond pressing charges against David Cameron and Gordon Brown for their crimes against me, I have faith that the Labor Party and Ed Miliband could clean up that government just fine. Unless David Cameron is finally held accountable or at least until he sincerely asks for my forgiveness and begins fighting for me, I will never feel safe in the UK. Trusting MI5 is like trusting the FBI or Homeland Security. I did have a great relationship with the Wavertree Police in Liverpool, though. What a delightful constable.

I know there are only two possible reasons why David Cameron could have committed his crimes. He is either an active member of the international criminal conspiracy, or he permits himself to commit crimes directly against me and his own people as a favor to the current US president. Any favorable relationship with Obama should be suspect right now. Obama is, after all, a sociopath. Click here to see the list of Signs that Someone is a Sociopath that I consulted before drawing this conclusion. Or, wait, does that list also describe my dad?

When you look at my father and the way he treats me, you should ask yourself some very important questions. What kind of parent does this to their child? What kind of person does this to anyone? What kind of person does this to humanity? He is honestly keeping me in this house illegally while brave heroes die every night trying to rescue me from him.

While I was in that torture facility in Liverpool in 2010, I gave Sotheby's in New York City written permission to auction three items from my childhood in order for me to provide my mother with some cash. A few weeks later, my father broke more than one law to illegally gain a criminal adult guardianship over me, so he could force me back into this house with him to be imprisoned like this against my will. Since arriving here, I have been deeply abused in more ways than just sexually, and he refuses to give me control of enough of my own money to be able to leave. It recently came to my attention that my father intends to go through with the auctioning off of my childhood belongings, so he can pay off court and legal fees he has accrued from my fight to be free of him and his cruelty. Yet, he still refuses to let me leave this place.

If Sotheby's, which is the only place I have ever given permission to sell any of my belongings for any reason, has moral objections to providing my father with the resources to keep imprisoning me or to pay for imprisoning me, I am sure the world will understand. I would be very grateful to Sotheby's if they choose to force my father to pay his own bills without his profiting off of me first, and I would return this favor to their prestigious auction house not only by participating in their auctions but also by allowing them exclusive permission for the future auctioning of all of my memorabilia. Thank you for everything, Sotheby's. Please keep my human rights and the benefit of all of humanity in mind when you make this important decisions.

If my father needs to sell this house and land to be able to make ends meet, please keep in mind that it has always been my intention to make this place a museum, a national landmark, and possibly an UNESCO heritage site if there were interest in it. The best thing would be for him to just surrender the house and all its contents to me and my husband (or to Syniva, depending on legal details), so we can donate it to the National Park Service. If this place is sold to anyone I do not trust, they must legally acknowledge that all belongings in this house that are mine from adulthood, from childhood, or from any other part of my life must remain mine and cannot be used for any purposes but my own. My belongings are a matter of world and national heritage, and I will never allow my life to be abused nor exploited.

As for you, Iowa, did you just say that you commit these heinous human rights violations both against me and against yourselves because you are "under stress"? First of all, you do not know what stress is. I am under stress. This. This life I live. This is stress. Yet, under all of this stress, I am still capable of being completely moral and never breaking the law. Your newest lie is still no justification for any crime you commit. Secondly, if you are aware you are committing human rights violations just as you acknowledge with that excuse, you are obligated to stop them immediately. It is impossible for you to say, Iowa, that you do not know at least now that you are committing grievous human rights violations. Stop already. You are forcing the entire world to suffer because you refuse to treat me like a human and give me my full human rights.

Yes, my vigilant legal team that I am not allowed to know about, neither my father nor Iowa nor Obama nor his conspirators have stopped any of their crimes against me. If we have already pressed charges and received favorable rulings, we need to press those charges again because they still have not stopped committing their crimes. If we pressed charges and if they proved they did not know at the time they were breaking the law, it is obvious that they do know now that their behaviors towards me are completely criminal, so we need to press charges against them again because they are aware of what they do yet refuse to stop. Yes, keep pressing charges and do not stop until all of their crimes have ended. Provide them with dictionary entries for "cease" and "desist" if you have to.

Look at how these people treat me. What are they teaching in their churches in Iowa? Is this church country or not? I am an atheist. It is guaranteed I will never hear their sermon nor homily. They are free to discuss and disseminate the truth about me in their places of worship. Let us all pray they only tell the verified truth there.

On the topic of the church, the Pope has never had any illusions about me. I know why. He knows I have known about his methods of watching me ever since he had a special meeting in 2009 to discuss what to do in a missionary sense if life were ever found on an alien planet. No, that does not mean I am an extraterrestrial. That means I know he heard private conversations I have had that no one else has ever acknowledged.

According to Catholic doctrine, once we are baptized and confirmed we are in the church forever. He can beatify my if he wants to without compromising any Catholic teachings or beliefs. Yes, he understands fully that I have chosen to be an atheist in my adult life. He also knows that this conscious choice of mine keeps peace in the world. The Pope also fully understands that although I have normal human imperfections, I am completely benevolent in this world.

Oddly enough, Obama has some very irrational fears concerning me. He is convinced that I could kill him from across the room using only my mind. The man will not even come to Des Moines because of this, and in 2009 he waited until I was in Mexico for a few days before he was willing to even step foot in San Francisco. I know where this completely irrational fear of his came from. It started with Sampo before she was much more highly evolved. Let us all be completely honest about me right now, though. I am solely benevolent. I do not kill people with my mind. I also believe in putting criminals on trial before executing them... no matter how heinous their crimes have been. This behavior of his towards me is just further proof of his emotional immaturity and potential instability.

Pardon me for one quick moment as I vent... I do not need more expletiving evidence that Obama hacks my computer without my permission and expletives with my hard drive. It took me four hours to write the first half this blog post this morning. Expletiving expletive president! Impeach his sorry expletive already! What the hell was he expletiving doing in my expletiving hard drive anyway? I gave him no permission to invade my privacy. He provided me with no expletiving search warrant. Do not expletiving mess with my expletiving processing speed! Sigh... Okay, that is out of my system.

Back on topic, I also have an irrational fear. I hate bunnies. I am irrationally afraid of bunnies. There is something not right about their twitchy nose. There is definitely something not right about that fuzzy tail. And I definitely cannot stand their floppy ears. I am being serious here. I cannot stand bunnies.

This next paragraph is going to fall under the category of my doing Obama's job for him because he reuses to do it himself...
Dearest store owners and retail executives, just stop carrying the roofied, drugged, and poisoned foods and beverages. You yourselves are responsible for selling them if they are tampered with, especially if it is public knowledge that these goods are unsafe. Do not just put them on sale to move them faster; return them to the distributors and refuse to stock them until they are no longer a public health hazard. Put the pressure on the bottling plants yourselves to bring their products up to code. The FDA is controlled by Obama; they cannot be expected to fix this national crisis. If they were allowed to do anything about this, they would have done it by now.

Did Eric H. Holder, Jr. really put it on official public record that he was going to prosecute my innocent husband instead of cleaning up the water supply, ending the human rights violations against me, or finally putting my father in prison for his own heinous crimes? Please make sure we have a complete record of what the Attorney General is and is not doing to end all these national emergencies of deep, moral, and spiritual concern. He is part of the corruption that wants me imprisoned without human rights until Homeland Security can manage to kill me, and we have the evidence now.

My dearest podcast staff and team of volunteers whom I am not allowed to know about, please make sure the full and accurate content of my blog posts circulates through the public through whatever means necessary. Please add any necessary explanation or illustration of any salient points I make. My official hit count on all of my posts has not ticked up in days. We need to make sure Obama is not blocking my blog. The single, solitary human right I have in here is my freedom of speech. We need to make sure we protect it. Thank you sincerely for everything you do for me. Please also make a memorial podcast that commemorates every brave soul who has died trying to rescue me and set America free. This is very important to me.

Now let me get this clear, when media of me was libel used to commit and justify human rights violations, forced prostitution, and totalitarian oppression, that illicit media was rampant, promoted, and protected by the government. At one point they even recorded and sold "pornography" of me being raped to the public. But now because this media is the wholesome and holy truth about me, because this media grants me a modicum of physical safety, and because, like my blog, this honest media serves a purpose in the world by fighting human rights violations, solving world problems, and preventing international crime, they want to limit my voice and my ability to help the world.

Did Obama really put it on official public record that the only media of me, true or otherwise, he has ever wanted limited is my media of which I have control from my blog to my security system which only serve a purpose of doing good in the world? Bare minimum, their false media that claimed I was a pot-smoking, alcoholic exhibitionist caused more damage to our society than watching the real me meditate ever could. Find all of the people behind this "censorship" of reality and hold them accountable for their role in this criminal conspiracy. Treating the truth like it is a controlled substance instead of investigating and prohibiting human trafficking and war-crime-level libel is just blatant proof of our government's further culpability and corruption.

We need to make sure this broadcast that keeps me safe as I sleep never gets compromised again. They hacked the signal before and replaced the live security feed with libel-pornography that they pretended was about me, so they could attack me in my sleep again. That was just a few months ago. Now that I and my loved ones have legal control of this broadcast off of my netbook, it is no longer human trafficking nor libel. As a result, it is also never pornography because it is honest footage of me. Technically, it can only grant me a tenuous level of physical safety. A security camera cannot physically keep attackers away; it can only catch them when they attack me. Luckily, their fear of being caught has kept them away during my most vulnerable hours. As long as the integrity of this live security broadcast is never breached nor compromised, it should be able to continue to keep me safe.

We also need to lay claim to this signal broadcast out of my body. Unless this entire broadcast including both audio and video is put into the hands of me and my loved ones for non-commercial, security-only purposes, it will only ever be slavery and human trafficking. I am requesting an immediate, seamless transition from whoever has control of this slave-broadcast now to my BFF Syniva and my husband in order to end at least this human rights violation against me as soon as possible without my physical safety nor my life being put in any jeopardy.

The spy equipment is inside my body. That means they belong to only me. But because the signal from this spy equipment leaves my body, my BFF who is my legal Power of Attorney, my husband with whom I share every item (outside of my body) which I own, the people to which I have given written permission to use this signal whom you can pick around in this blog to find, and myself are the only human souls with any legal right to use my spy equipment or its live broadcast for any purposes be they commercial or otherwise. I know I can trust my loved ones blindly with laying claim to this signal, demanding criminal justice and just compensation for all of the human trafficking, and successfully prosecuting the corrupt parties from the president of the United States of America to the state of Iowa who have been aiding and abetting this human trafficking of me through their creating their "rules" and their enforcing obedience to these "rules."

The first thing I am going to do once I finally have my human rights and once people are finally allowed to acknowledge the spy equipment still in my head against my will is visit my dear old friend from college, so we can finally have all of this evil spy equipment removed. I will finally have enough human rights to have bodyguards, so the world can be assured I will be safe. And once I can finally have my basic human right to privacy back again, I plan on disappearing into paradise with my husband for some private time. My beautiful world, you are just going to have to spin without me until we get back. I am sure I have taught you enough that you will be able to manage without me while I take my first vacation in years. Okay, fine, I will take the netbook along just in case you have an emergency and need to reach me. I love and need you all, too.

My beautiful world, please be very careful of where you donate money that you want to help me. Do your research first. Trust only organizations and charities endorsed by my BFF, my husband, or other trustworthy sources. Demand your money back if these supposed charities have misled you. Never give money to people who are attacking, enslaving me, or committing any other human rights violation against me. There are many people who are lying to the public to be able to raise money to be able to continue their heinous acts against me. Please be very careful about where you donate your money.

Yes, I did my laundry last night. All of my clothes from my underwear to my dresses did not even fill one load in the washing machine. Please do everything you can to end these heinous crimes against me.

My beautiful world, my rescuers need more help. Iowa refuses to set me free. They and my father keep killing our nations' heroes by keeping me here illegally. The crimes Obama is committing against his own people to be able to continue to criminally deny me my human rights just keep getting bloodier. The "ballistic weaponry," whatever that means, is in place. I am led to believe that Obama has already shot down at least one helicopter that was trying to reach me. Yes, it is very dangerous for me in here, but it is also dangerous for all of them out there. Please send my rescuers more and bigger help.

My heroic rescuers, please send accurate first-hand accounts of what you are going through as you fight to rescue me to the national and international news media. I am worried nobody knows what you are living through. Please include any footage you may have as well as your own harrowing stories. The truth must be told if we are going to end this.

United Nations, please send in NATO to get me out. Please send a world-class strategist to assess what is needed to rescue me. Then please send that help to my rescuers. In my last blog post I asked for someone like General McCrystal to take up strategizing my rescue. I am sure you will find someone like him who is qualified and warm-hearted enough to do all of this for all the world. Thank you.

Sweetness, you are free to do anything you want in this world as far as I am concerned. Please do not feel obligated to keep buying me expensive objects, though. I will never complain, but please never feel obligated. If you were raised in a house full of crap, you would not value physical stuff much either. If you really do feel spontaneously moved to gift me with something meaningful on occasion, I will always accept and cherish your presents... but please consider growing me a garden instead.

Darling, I hear we have a lovely rooftop terrace. Do you think we could get a pumpkin patch or a kumquat tree to grow up there? A fountain or waterfall? A fire pit? A retracting glass roof to accommodate the winter weather? We definitely need a luxurious bed under a red awning. Is there enough room for us to set up a place where you, bands, and other friends can plug in? I would love to dance up there among the trees and the sky. Raspberry bushes, almond trees, orchids, roses, apples, oranges, etc...: I trust you to be creative. Thank you, my beloved, for everything you do for me.

P.S. And here is today's sing-a-long! It is from the war that was supposed to end slavery in America. Please click here to listen.

Battle Cry of Freedom
Words and Music by George F. Root (1820-1895)

"Yes we'll rally 'round the flag, boys, we'll rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of Freedom,
We will rally from the hillside we'll gather from the plain,
Shouting the battle cry of Freedom."

"The Union forever, Hurrah, boys, Hurrah!
Down with the traitor, Up with the star;
While we rally round the flag, boys, Rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of Freedom."

"We are springing to the call of our brothers gone before,
Shouting the battle cry of Freedom,
And we'll fill the vacant ranks with a million Free men more,
Shouting the battle cry of Freedom."

"We will welcome to our numbers the loyal, true and brave,
Shouting the battle cry of Freedom,
And although he may be poor he shall never be a slave,
Shouting the battle cry of Freedom."

"So we're springing to the call from the East and from the West,
Shouting the battle cry of Freedom,
And we'll hurl the HS crew from the land we love the best,
Shouting the battle cry of Freedom."

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