Saturday, March 1, 2014

Ulterior Motives Behind the Libel

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. Again, my beautiful world, when you hear libel about me you can assume it is not true. Call it out immediately instead of allowing it to fall into prolonged debate. All attention after libel is spread should be on the ulterior motives of the liar. What are they gaining by criminally misleading the public? Never let them get what they break the law to achieve.

Ukraine. Crimea should be free to choose whether they stay a part of the Ukraine or rejoin Russia. People should have the right to choose their own fate. This is not something that should be decided for them by the US or Russia. Let the people of Crimea vote on it and honor their right to decide their own fate.

Similarly, I should be free to choose my own fate. But I have no freedom of will due to all of my human rights but my freedom of speech being taken away from me by the FBI and Polk County. My life has been nothing but proven crimes against humanity and human rights violations since 2009, and lately, it has done nothing but get worse.

Syniva and my village of do-gooder lawyers dealt with the threat from Polk County to commit me to a torture facility again all Tuesday night. They handled the threat from Polk County to commit and torture me AGAIN Wednesday night and the false murder charges all Wednesday night and Thursday during the day. Thursday night, my heroes in suits dealt with the same false charges against me violating double jeopardy and ANOTHER threat to torture and commit me. Click here to read the entire previous blog post.

Late last night, Friday night, after I posted my second blog post for Friday, Polk County District Court violated Amendments Five and Six of the US Constitution again. They put me on trial AGAIN for the murder they framed me for AGAIN, just because the US Supreme Court overturned their last conviction of me for the SAME crime already.

Reality instead of libel finally got to speak in an unbiased court, and it was resolved by noon on Saturday. But this is all exhausting my BFF and village of courageous lawyers. This is worse than harassment by the Polk County District Court, and it proves persecution.

Today, Saturday evening, after the FBI learned they could not justify their crimes against humanity against me by framing me for murder, they tried to commit me AGAIN. This was the fifth night in a row.

Polk County and the FBI are a permanent, immediate threat to commit and torture me. We can take it for granted we can always prove I have no mental illness; that is a scientific fact. So what you need to focus on, my beautiful world, is the ulterior motives of the FBI and Polk County for trying to commit and torture me.

No one will ever believe I have a mental illness, so they are not libeling me to ruin my reputation this time. They are trying to PERMANENTLY lock me in a long-term institution, so I will NEVER have human rights again.

They are criminally calling me mentally ill, so they can PERMANENTLY take me away from the world. They want to take my last human right away from me, my freedom of speech, by locking me away from the internet. They want me PERMANENTLY silenced.

It is clear the FBI and Polk County will NEVER stop committing crimes against humanity against me and libeling me to make the public allow it to go on. They will NEVER give me human rights. We will fight the same battles every day and every night until the FBI and Polk County are forced to stop with a PERMANENT solution.

The FBI and Polk County will NEVER choose to stop committing crimes against humanity against me. They have to be FORCED to stop. My beautiful world, we need an effective, immediate, permanent solution to this worst human rights crisis America has ever manufactured.

Then, tonight, Saturday night, after Syniva had to fight in the courts again and again to make me safe, the libel alarm went off. For more on what to do, my beautiful world, when you here anything bad about me click here.

We have been fighting libel and spreading the honest truth about me since 2009. We have six years of evidence to prove that if anyone says anything bad about me, it is libel. I am the only the good things people say about me and all the good things people say about me. And the FBI anti-reality machine is working very hard right now to destroy me. For more about the negative effects of the libel on the world, click here.

My beautiful world, you are going to have to come in here, punish Polk County, and get me out. United Nations, are you prepared to save me? The human rights abuses by Polk County and the FBI just keep getting worse.

United Nations, keep the US military on our side, only take action against Polk County, the FBI, and the White House. Most of America including most of the federal government loves and fights for me.

Can we end the crimes against humanity you have proven the FBI and Polk County commit against me, United Nations, through charges from the International Criminal Court? I would like to avoid a war. Is there anything else you can do? We need an permanent, immediate solution.

My beautiful world, we need a permanent, immediate solution to this crimes-against-humanity-heavy human rights crisis in America. The FBI and Polk County are an unrelenting, immediate threat to me at all times. They do not care how much money they have to steal from their taxpayers to be able to commit crimes against humanity against me. They will NEVER stop until they are forced to.

The crimes against humanity committed against me by the FBI and Polk County will never end unless the world rescues me from them. We could really use some action from the International Criminal Court to protect me and bring justice. The FBI and Polk County must be FORCED to stop; they will NEVER choose to stop.

My brave rescuers, you are growing. You are arming. You will not stop until my mind, body, physical safety, and basic human rights are no longer threatened by the FBI and Polk County.

I thank you for this, my brave rescuers. I must admit, though, if you were enough to rescue me, you would have reached me by now. Can the people who send you sway more of the world to help?

My beautiful world, you need to help my brave rescuers whether or not the United Nations is willing to take action. Please keep them alive. Please keep them fed. Make sure they have medicine, blankets, heaters, gasoline, and all the help they ask for.

Also, my beautiful world, I got the message. You told me what some of the libel is, and now truth and reality get to speak. Thank you. I finally get to set the record straight.

First of all, an alleged lack of financial literacy has never been grounds to take away any person's rights and freedoms and force her under an adult guardian who tortures her. So, alleging I lack financial literacy is a moot point.

Credit card debt has never been legal grounds to take away a fully mentally competent woman's right to marry whom she chooses, right to vote, or right to live among people who love and support her instead of among a public that commits hate crimes against her. And that is just the beginning of the crimes the adult guardianship has committed against me.

An alleged lack of financial literacy is also not grounds to force a payee on a fully competent, mathematically trained genius. Such allegations, even if true, could never justify my not being allowed control of my own finances.

I lived successfully and financially independently from the age of seventeen when I moved out of my parents' house and into my first apartment until Polk County committed its first human rights violation against me at the age of thirty-three by forcing an unjustifiable adult guardianship over me when I was not even in their jurisdiction just because Polk County is in a conspiracy with the FBI to keep me suffering without any human rights in Iowa instead of free, prosperous, and human in a foreign country. Just check the transcripts of the first adult guardianship hearing.

And let us be completely honest about the most obvious reason financial literacy is a moot point. I am a multibillionaire with a multimillionaire husband. Syniva has all my real money, and it is all donated to charity or with fully competent, world class hedge fund managers.

Once I get human rights, I never have to worry about money again, and once the unjustifiable adult guardianship is overturned, I get to travel to my husband and be a human again with full human rights.

I agree that watching me through the camera in my eye as I am proven slave forced to starve on $100 a week, you do not see much financial literacy. But give me control of my finances, and you will see it. Just like you saw me live on $2400 a month successfully with no credit cards in San Francisco in 2009. No, my rent was never late.

Since when does an alleged lack of financial literacy, even if true, justify an adult guardianship that commits crimes against humanity?

Again, my beautiful world, when you hear libel about me you can assume it is not true. Call it out immediately instead of allowing it to fall into prolonged debate. All attention after libel is spread should be on the ulterior motives of the liar.

What are they gaining by criminally misleading the public? Never let them get what they break the law to achieve. For more on the negative effects of libel on the world, click here.

And before you start looking for who leaked your lies to me, FBI and corrupt Polk County, you are now forced to admit I have a right to know what people say about me, particularly if it affects my physical safety and basic human rights. Instead of your attacking the world for standing up for human rights, the world should be attacking you for lying to take them away.

Syniva, stop letting people lie about me and distort the truth by denying reality to justify crimes against humanity against me particularly in courtrooms. You know whom to press criminal and civil charges against. I love and adore you.

Also, Syn, if Broadlawns will not release the video of my being beat up and tortured by security guards, we can only assume they are hiding the truth of their culpability. I have been treated like an enemy of Broadlawns for years.

Broadlawns has a long history of willful malpractice, torture, unlawful imprisonment, and abuse of me. Throw the book at them. Get Broadlawns for willful injury, hate crimes, willful malpractice, torture, human rights violations, assault, abuse, persecution, and everything else you can make stick.

Make sure Broadlawns never lays a finger on me again.

You work so hard, Syniva. I know you are exhausted. Please remember to celebrate every win. I pray you get a good night's sleep tonight. We need to get ahead of the FBI and Polk County, but they are so diabolical. Please look at permanent solutions to every crime they commit. We need to be able to stop them from becoming repeat offenders.

Sweetness, you work so hard for me, too. You do everything I ask. Friday I asked you to save my mother and turn her into an ally. If you need to delegate that to the Mr. Harrison Ford or the Mr. Sean Connery both of whom my mother worships to be able to accomplish other goals for me, of course, I understand.

Darling, how do you feel about addressing the UN General Assembly for me? You are a world-renowned expert on all things about me. At this point, you know me at least as well as my BFF does, and Syniva has known me since I was nine years old. Can you convince the UN to take action to rescue me? I love and adore you. Will you try?

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