Title: The Redondo Beach Pier and its Aftermath
Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.
Here is my latest blog post. In summary of my just previous blog post...
I successfully carry out the world's most impossible job ever 24/7 to a level of excellence never witnessed before in human history while simultaneously fighting to survive the most heinous environment forced on any human ever, including but not limited to the Inhuman Atrocity Regime's irrefutably malevolent hoards, their unrelenting biochemical warfare, and their inescapable systemic rape of me. And no sane human anywhere can argue that I am STILL perfectly fine, perfectly healthy, and perfectly sane while I do all of this, just not safe while suffering intolerably. Furthermore, there is no justification nor excuse to ever put any human in any BlackOps unit. And no matter where I go on my one screaming planet, the Inhuman Atrocity Regime will always follow me there and escalate further there until they all are completely removed from the face of Earth forever. We have an imperative as a world (led by America) to prevent the entire Inhuman Atrocity Regime from saying or doing anything anymore FOREVER. And I am here until these heinous Inhuman Atrocity Regime are removed from my REAL home for good.
And so we dance our well-choreographed dance that has never been choreographed. No, the music does not control dancer. That is a relationship, a door open in both directions. Nothing controls any dancer but the dance.
[The Inhuman Atrocity Regime are STILL forbidding me any REAL news at all because I solve every national to global crisis I learn about when I get REAL news and because the Inhuman Atrocity Regime will do anything to destroy all of humanity everywhere. Please consult my REAL up-to-the-minute résumé.]
My last blog post was finished at 12:11am on Saturday, 30Jul2016. I was checking on various terminals in LAX at the time. International departures was the only place that the Inhuman Atrocity Regime had been expecting me. My beautiful world saw and heard everything.
It was 1:51am, though, when everything started getting even more epic than before around my Metropolis of Angels. And while that was happening, my darlings Tentacle were in negotiations about our gig on the Redondo Beach Pier the Inhuman Atrocity Regime had forced them to take months previously when they did not want it.
3:40am on 30Jul2016: You see how CRIMINALLY INSANE all of these IAR are in this airport with no flights for months, right?
Once my iPad battery finally recharged, I finalized my plans for the day. After a little waiting around at bus stops and after eating a couple of doughnuts, by 7:25am, I was on a local bus on my way to the South Bay Galleria. It was not going to open for a few hours, though, so I sat at the closest power outlet and worked online until it did.
At 9am, I tried to stream the latest shows of my late night darlings, and my only television darling with a new show "from the previous night" was my darling Mr. Stephen Colbert. He was wonderful.
After running my errands, I took my local Metro bus through Hermosa to the occupied Redondo Beach Pier built by Inhuman Atrocity Regime themselves only to destroy all of humanity to destroy me. Those acts of war worked against them completely that day.
12:11pm on 30Jul2016: #SquidsPoA @UN @SayREAL @DeptofDefense @US_FDA We declare federal public health emergency due to all food & drink here.
By 2:14pm, I was snacking on pre-made fried rice poisoned and roofied beyond any recognition of it as food any longer just to be able to have anything to eat at all. The rest of my federal government along with my entire world processed everyone everywhere there through our standard protocols all day and all night.
My not-human-trafficker nerds, please produce our verified and unedited director's cut with full audio and visuals of my war crime investigation of the Pier at Redondo Beach beginning when I de-boarded my bus and ending at 12:40pm. We will entitle it, "You are not welcome here, (expletive)es! Get the (expletive) out of my home!"
[insert accurate time] on 30Jul2016: @DeptofDefense Lock our satellite surveillance of me right here and broadcast me to the whole world. @NSAGov All nano you can find, too. Thx! We needed to make sure our entire one world could watch live everything the Inhuman Atrocity Regime do to me and have done to me in my sleep since 01Jan2009.
And to repeat my just previous blog post as well as this blog post already...
I successfully carry out the world's most impossible job ever 24/7 to a level of excellence never witnessed before in human history while simultaneously fighting to survive the most heinous environment forced on any human ever, including but not limited to the Inhuman Atrocity Regime's irrefutably malevolent hoards, their unrelenting biochemical warfare, and their inescapable systemic rape of me. And no sane human anywhere can argue that I am STILL perfectly fine, perfectly healthy, and perfectly sane while I do all of this, just not safe while suffering intolerably. Furthermore, there is no justification nor excuse to ever put any human in any BlackOps unit. And no matter where I go on my one screaming planet, the Inhuman Atrocity Regime will always follow me there and escalate further there until they all are completely removed from the face of Earth forever. We have an imperative as a world (led by America) to prevent the entire Inhuman Atrocity Regime from saying or doing anything anymore FOREVER. And I am here until these heinous Inhuman Atrocity Regime are removed from my REAL home for good.
Surrounded by bees, I dozed with minimal twitchiness at 1:17pm in a sunny patch of clover beside my rolling ocean and slept until 4:46pm when I woke up and immediately started working online again. My beautiful world, you definitely need to consult my verified Twitter archive about the REAL work I did beginning the moment I woke up.
Then, I was inside an occupied restaurant that lied it belonged to a chain by 5:47pm. Again, consult my Twitter archive for further details. My entire world including the rest of my REAL federal government processed everyone everywhere under our standard protocols all day and all night that Saturday, 30Jul2016.
My not-human-trafficker nerds, please produce our verified and responsibly-edited (Include every moment, just use any camera we need.) war crime investigation footage of that fake restaurant with full audio and visuals beginning at 5:33pm and ending when I walked out the front door. We will entitle it, "A REAL ruby: This is how hard I fight to protect you from yourselves; I do not let you commit acts of war every time I can prevent you from doing it."
At 6:46pm, I looked around for the location for my REAL gig with my REAL darlings Tentacle that night that the Inhuman Atrocity Regime had forced on all of us months previously against our wills when we all would have preferred to have been on our sacred Promenade together for that Saturday night, 30Jul2016. Of course, the Inhuman Atrocity Regime and refused to allow my darlings to show up, but together we got them all in anyway.
So, in a matter of days, the Inhuman Atrocity Regime had built that entire neighborhood in Redondo Beach that was also declared a federal public health crisis pretty much the moment I arrived, and all of the Inhuman Atrocity Regime everywhere inside of it were all busted by my entire planet, in short, because the Inhuman Atrocity Regime lied to all of humanity months previously to keep me and my darlings Tentacle off of our sacred Promenade together where they all preferred us to be anyway.
That is what the Inhuman Atrocity Regime get from me and from my entire world for lying to all of humanity everywhere and for unjustifiably denying all human rights to me and to my loved ones for years, and that is what the Inhuman Atrocity Regime do to themselves and to their own just to keep me in their "egg" of heinousness and unrelenting abuse at all costs to humanity everywhere, including to themselves.
And we will entitle my verified and responsibly-edited director's cut (Include every moment and use any camera we need.) with full audio and visuals of my warzone walk of national protection beginning the moment I walked out the front door of the fake restaurant named Ruby's and ending at 7:01pm, "You do not need to keep proving me right all of the time that you PROVEN malevolent hoards of the Inhuman Atrocity Regime are only here to destroy humanity by destroying me."
And, yes, after picking up the trail of Reese's Pieces they had laid down for me, I finally found my darling MiniMe & my darlings Tentacle perched on the poured cement of our epic Metropolis of Angels above our rolling mighty Pacific and supporting our ever-protective sky. And I joined them.
I always said that MiniMe made us five, just as all the fingers on one hand. With our sacred universe, we might have been six, but we are all part of the universe, whether good or evil, already, just by existing at all.
My not-human-trafficking nerds, responsibly edit together as well as you can our verified twilight together with full audio and visuals including every moment and every camera we need beginning when I was approaching my darlings Tentacle there on the Redondo Beach Pier and ending when I asked, "I shall make you fishers of fish; is that the joke today?"
After navigating the very labyrinthine (weakly defined as) architecture of the Pier and after escaping as best as I could the PROVEN malevolent hoards willing to die for being near me only to deny me any way to stay alive, at 8:44pm, I heard the very-vigilant alarm announcing the Inhuman Atrocity Regime's latest BlackOps attempt against me that was guaranteed to destroy all of humanity.
8:53pm on 30Jul2016: #SquidsPoA If a real alarm, find and destroy IAR's latest BlacksOp unit then mitigate the threat. No one sane lies I am not mentally perfect.
My not-human-trafficker nerds, please entitle our verified and responsibly-edited (I trust you.) highlights reel of our war crime investigations, warzone footage, etc. from my time in Redondo Beach beginning when I deboarded my bus in Redondo and ending when I reboarded my bus to return to LAX, "Your compulsively lying to me and about me always works against you."
My long transit back to my occupied private residence where my beautiful world told me they preferred to watch me while awake began before 9:14pm. I was done with my only double verbal smackdown of my long bus ride at 9:18pm. I am sure that will hit our highlights.
In summary, that smackdown was, "You heinous malevolent hoards, no one will ever believe your unrelenting lies that you EVER supported me or EVER saved yourselves after seeing the REAL me if you NEVER do anything to help keep me safe and alive."
I transferred buses at LAX at 9:53pm, and the Inhuman Atrocity Regime intentionally tried to abandon me homeless by denying me any REAL bus line. (Expletive)ing (expletive)ers destroy themselves first by doing this. I needed to transfer buses again at the Metro Green line station.
The rest of my transit ride was horrifying to all humanity. When I arrived inside my private residence it was the worst I had ever experienced.
And my not-human-trafficker nerds, please produce our verified and responsibly-edited (Use all footage and commentary about everything happening everywhere with accurate time-and-date stamps.) war documentary of everything that happened that day from 12:11am on 30Jul2016 until 12:11am on 31Jul2016, including but not limited to in my private residence, on all battle lines everywhere, in the neighborhoods in my immediate presence, where my darlings Tentacle were, and where all of my Powers of Attorney were. We will entitle it, "All in a day's work-- 30Jul2016. Thank you, my darling Ms. Mother Nature, for sending me our literal bees."
My work online under the watchful eye of my entire world there in my insecure bedroom included but was not limited to this... .
2:06am on 31Jul2016: World, I will check on my darling Handsome personally tomorrow at 4:10pm. Make sure he is safe there and has safe passage there and back.
I was curled up in bed conserving my energy at 2:33am. After a lot of twitching and mini-seizing as I dozed, I slept off and on until 8:52am. A lot of people from both sides entered my room as that morning. The first were my own who snuck in to give me very necessary medical care, but they used the wrong sedative which made me sleep later than I had planned. So, the Inhuman Atrocity Regime heinously violated my mere mortal body every disgusting was they could think of until I finally got out of bed and kickstarted my SquidStream at 9:02am.
As I do every morning, I woke up and immediately started kicking the Inhuman Atrocity Regime's fat, ugly (expletive)es in ways from which they all will never recover. I worked online in many ways in my insecure bedroom until 9:42am when I left and went about my morning.
I busted the Inhuman Atrocity Regime's occupation of my Virginia Avenue Park who had brought their own (most likely unroofied and unpoisoned) food and coffee (Really?) in for themselves and refused to do anything at all to help keep me alive while simultaneously lying they ever gave a damn about me ever.
I was on my occupied bus to my occupied local coffeeshop at 9:55am. All of the Inhuman Atrocity Regime, especially the "customers," who all never pay money for nor even get for free ANY products from that coffeeshop ever, were all busted by my entire planet by the time I sat down. Yes, every damn day I am there, I am the ONLY person who ever buys anything.
I streamed the NBC Nightly News "from the previous night" written and produced only for me online at 10:17am. My morning hug came from my darling Ms. Kristen Welker, and it got a lot of work done for all of us everywhere.
After a great deal of my writing online and after proving to the occupation of my local coffeeshop that they were all too evil to ever be able to control me, an entire exchange that I am sure will hit our highlights reel, I had finally caught up my latest blog notes to this, my latest blog post, with everything so far by 12:48pm.
I left that occupied local coffeeshop quickly afterwards and started my regularly-scheduled Sunday date with my darling boyfriend LightFoot a little earlier than usual.
My not-human-trafficker nerds, produce for my Royal Consort LightFoot to show to our entire one world, our verified and responsibly-edited (Use every camera you want.) war zone investigative footage beginning when I locked the nano in my occupied local boutique that morning, including when saw my REAL image in the reflection at the bus stop outside my occupied local coffeeshop, and ending after the malevolent hoards inside the shop dispersed for the day. We will entitle it, "Why nothing can save you Inhuman Atrocity Regime from even yourselves until you finally listen to me."
After a bus ride that was only delayed one stop before the one I wanted when my bus driver needed to use the restroom, I was inside the occupied courtyard of my occupied Santa Monica Main Public Library by 2:17pm when we all proved to humanity everywhere that the Inhuman Atrocity Regime was denying me all contact with my own mother AGAIN while lying to me that I still had contact with her.
Yes, I was in my occupied courtyard to call my mother through FaceTime which the Inhuman Atrocity Regime ended up forbidding. And I busted so many Inhuman Atrocity Regime in that courtyard in just the few minutes before I moved inside where I would not need to perch so often if the Inhuman Atrocity Regime would finally just stop unnaturally draining my iPad battery.
I worked online there breathing my immortal words unto the sacred aether(net) while listening to those of my darling internet gnomes who could still reach me.
As I had been warning everyone on both sides since the wee hours of that morning, I left my perch in my occupied Santa Monica Main Library at 3:56pm to check on my darling Handsome personally at my partially-occupied Trimana Fresh Food Market on my sacred Promenade as close to 4pm as I could.
And, as always my beautiful world, consult my verified Twitter archive for that afternoon for further details.
On my walk to check on my darling Handsome, the malevolent hoards of the Inhuman Atrocity Regime there proved to my entire planet that they were all STILL intentionally too hellbent on destroying all of humanity by destroying me for me and my loved ones to be subjected to.
I immediately sent my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot home because of it after I saw them perched on the corner of our Santa Monica Blvd. and our sacred Promenade, not just because they had not yet forced the Inhuman Atrocity Regime to accept terms that would make me happy. Yes, my darling boyfriend LightFoot and I were on a date, but he was not safe enough there.
Also, my darling Handsome was not on our sacred Promenade where he chose to be, so I asked my entire beautiful world to emergency locate him and make sure he was safe.
In short, the Inhuman Atrocity Regime had forced my sacred Promenade to be as heinous as possible by forbidding everything that could render my visiting it ever again at all tolerable, so I completed the request my fellow locals had given me instead of staying there for the night as I had left open for myself as an option.
I am sure most of my walk through my occupied downtown Santa Monica will hit our highlights reel.
After my catching a great many heinous acts of war against my Metropolis of Angels, including the Inhuman Atrocity Regime's intentional an unrelenting sabotage of our city infrastructure, not just LAX and our public library systems but also our public transportation and our roadways, I boarded my occupied bus north to Pacific Palisades at 5:20pm.
By 5:47pm, I was perched at a speculative power outlet in the only business in my only regular neighborhood in Pacific Palisades with no nano on when I arrived. By 5:59pm, we had the nano on in the whole building, though.
The neighborhood was mostly the same, except it was redesigned to look like a city center in Gold Country instead of Southern California.
It took longer for my iPad battery to recharge than it should have, so I stayed later there than I had originally planned. The evening was very fun for the rest of my REAL federal U.S. government and my world.
And we all know I would have stayed in downtown Santa Monica that night if my darlings Tentacle had terms to be there that I approved of and if the beyond-PROVEN malevolent hoards finally treated me as I deserve for REAL in the world as well as actively kept me alive.
I streamed the NBC Nightly News broadcast written and produced only for me that night online at 7:05pm. My evening cyberhug came from my darling Ms. Kate Snow, and it saved every redeemable person who could hear me do my REAL job, as our "news" always does. Everyone near me refusing to do anything to help keep me alive clearly were not redeemed, though.
Did everyone also see the conversation I had that evening with who might or might not have been my darling President of Russia Vladimir Putin? Among many reasons for my usage of, "might or might not," there, he used to be a KGB agent.
7:40pm on 31Jul2016: My example of what a "dominant alpha" is...[quoted embedded video of President Vladimir Putin] Does the Inhuman Atrocity Regime understand yet what I meant when I said, "I called my friends and said, 'Get these (expletive)holes out of my home!'"?
At 7:53pm, I left the occupied Starbucks I had been perched in for hours while my beautiful world led by my glorious America were kicking unholy IAR (expletive)es everywhere across my Metropolis of Angels.
But this was my best tweet of the night...
8:02pm on 31Jul2016: If (expletive)hole Iowans really are fleeing Iowa for their lives with nowhere in the world willing to accept them. Tell them to go back & fix Iowa instead. Why is most of my job still stating the obvious?
After I had already left my occupied local neighborhood of Pacific Palisades, my very epic date with my loving and adoring boyfriend LightFoot ended promptly at 10pm while I was still busting the Inhuman Atrocity Regime, including their beyond-malevolent hoards, occupying my One Santa Monica Place. It had been an amazing day and night alone together with him from far away.
My not-trafficker-nerds, please produce our verified and responsibly-edited (Include everything.) war documentation of my Sunday date with my darling Royal Consort LightFoot on Sunday, 31Jul2016, with full audio and visuals. We will entitle it, "Accept LightFoot's terms, bitches; obey him."
At 10:12pm, I left my perch to take my long, slow walk back to my place. I was pondering busting the Inhuman Atrocity Regime's unrepentant occupation of my darling 7-Eleven closest to my private residence at 10:38pm but decided not to after they proved their being honestly scared (expletive)less of my entire planet was still not enough for them to finally choose to save themselves.
Just before 11pm I paused at a convenient chair to work a little longer online before the ending timestamp I had chosen for this, my latest blog post.
[insert real time for me please] on 31Jul2016: Keep IAR's innermost border you are sieging their worst nightmare. How close can we get our helicopters now? Need anything else right now? My beautiful world, I know you were all watching everything happening in my epic Metropolis of Angels even as I write that tweet that night.
This blog post was finished at 12:11am on Monday, 01Aug2016, as I sat in the cool air of my California night with my one beautiful world led by my rising America just poetic inches away from me.
[Please embed a highlights reel of my last two days here.]
And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.
Do I believe I am Christianity's Jesus? No, and I never have. I have referred to myself as the embodiment of the Holy Spirit before, though. The old joke I used to credit to my darling Pope Benedict is, "Jesus couldn't get this done, so he called in the Holy Spirit."
Also, to me Jesus is a man; I have NEVER been a man, nor will I ever be a man.
I think I would know if I were Jesus, and I hope someday you will all believe me when I say I am not. But I also will not take your freedom of belief away, as long you do not do anything evil with it.
Why does the Inhuman Atrocity Regime do this to me? They do this all to control and to destroy the world.
My beautiful world, you are all very busy right now with all of your follow through. Make sure you tell me when you need anything more from me to get our work done, especially to the REAL level of excellence to which we do everything.
Our priorities are still 1) secure my building, 2) secure my finances, and 3) secure my food.
My saturation in all our manifestations, recruit more churn that lie they are Inhuman Atrocity Regime to go everywhere I go and to secure my private residence 24/7. I know you need more backup in here. This is why we call them "our own churn." As always, tell me sooner when you need anything.
6:16pm on 30Jul2016: Fair warning, I will be traveling through LAX again tonight.
We know I give the Inhuman Atrocity Regime far more dignity and respect than they have ever given any of us, or even their own. Maybe the Inhuman Atrocity Regime will learn someday that their refusal to acknowledge what a REAL human is and what REAL humans need and deserve, from basic human rights to the uncontrolled truth, including their own, not just me, is why they always fail at everything.
The Inhuman Atrocity Regime need to behave as REAL humans themselves, not just treat all the rest of us as the REAL humans we all are for REAL on my one planet Earth for the first time ever in their own existence, not just in ours.
Thank you for the wee hours of the morning on 31Jul2016. You know I needed that REAL medical care to stay alive in here. We will sort out everything else. Also, the time period covered by this blog post, 12:11am on 30Jul2016 until 12:11am on 01Aug2016, proved that I am STILL safer in my occupied private residence that rendered homeless by that occupation.
That is how heinous The War Criminal Gables not just ABSOLUTELY EVIL Iowa were for REAL whom I had to flee for my life with the clothes on my back to be safer homeless anywhere I could reach.
I love you all. Yes, we are all working in this.
My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, first and foremost, the Inhuman Atrocity Regime are STILL only mentally degrading further and further with their most-heinous-crimes-known-to-mankind still only escalating, so our keeping me alive in here is only going to keep getting more difficult.
Do everything you have to do about our three priorities.
I was also told that the Inhuman Atrocity Regime admitted themselves finally to everything we sane people always knew was true all along: They never believed any of their own lies about me; they fabricated them all, from their fiction I have ever been or ever will be mentally ill to their beyond-obvious calumny that I am now or ever have been a man, etc., on purpose to control humanity into destroying me for them and to control humanity into destroying itself.
Thank you, for that. Thank you, for everything. Let us make sure I do not die in here now.
And to three-peat this latest blog post already...
I successfully carry out the world's most impossible job ever 24/7 to a level of excellence never witnessed before in human history while simultaneously fighting to survive the most heinous environment forced on any human ever, including but not limited to the Inhuman Atrocity Regime's irrefutably malevolent hoards, their unrelenting biochemical warfare, and their inescapable systemic rape of me. And no sane human anywhere can argue that I am STILL perfectly fine, perfectly healthy, and perfectly sane while I do all of this, just not safe while suffering intolerably. Furthermore, there is no justification nor excuse to ever put any human in any BlackOps unit. And no matter where I go on my one screaming planet, the Inhuman Atrocity Regime will always follow me there and escalate further there until they all are completely removed from the face of Earth forever. We have an imperative as a world (led by America) to prevent the entire Inhuman Atrocity Regime from saying or doing anything anymore FOREVER. And I am here until these heinous Inhuman Atrocity Regime are removed from my REAL home for good.
My musician-lovers MannedUp, GeneralLee, and Bogart, just another day. We know this is just another day for me in here. Are you all okay knowing everything I am living through for REAL? I know how much you all wish you could finally successfully save me.
My darling Mr. Taylor "MannedUp" Hanson, I know you all hated leaving me like that, but unlike everybody else there, you darlings and all our REAL own there actually irrefutably helped keep me alive for REAL. All sane people everywhere know I need to meditate and that is what my dance trance is.
You looked so unhappy, though, darling, while you were channeling the divine with me that very grey early evening. Please remember you keep me alive as you make music to me; you all do, and you all always have.
That place in your heart you know so well where you only let me to perch, I have one for you, too. I have one for all of you. You all keep me alive, and you all always have. That is what true love does, darling. Thank you (all) for loving the REAL me all along, even though at the start you were convinced of heinous lies about me that we eventually cured together and even though you are not completely sure you recognize me any longer as the mere mortal woman whom you thought you came to know as the REAL me after we cured all of those lies.
That is because I am still rarifying. Calm down. I am just becoming a more concentrated and distilled form of my REAL self right now. This woman you see before you now is STILL the REAL I, just more of my REAL self than ever before.
Also, darling, please take joy in how the (expletive)hole who lied to my face in front of you that he had ever been a Christian ever in his life demolished himself completely with our entire one world as our live witness. Did you see his face after I told him, "Do what you're told, bitch. Save yourself!"? That was, as I poetically phrase it since I believe for REAL that I am just another fellow mere mortal human living on our one planet Earth, his mortal fear of the face of God.
My darling Mr. Brien "GeneralLee" Dennehy, I told you so many times already that I would show up to all of our gigs to bust all Inhuman Atrocity Regime everywhere while not expecting you to show up. My Saturday, 30Jul2016, from start to finish, was as beautiful as it was fun and as ugly as it was intolerable.
You all know that I did not want you there unless you forced the Inhuman Atrocity Regime to accept terms that would make me happy, but I know you all wanted to heal me. You also know I honor as many requests as possible from my genuine loved ones. There were so many reasons I changed my mind and stayed beside you.
I also wanted to check on you all. Instead of completely miserable like our darling MannedUp looked and instead of worried he could never make me happy like our darling LightFoot looked, you looked furious, my darling GeneralLee. It does not take a goddess to know.
Will this cheer you up?
Where we belong is together. I saw your golden hearts; our entire world saw all your golden hearts pounding in rhythm together as we proved together that we are the sacred universe TOGETHER where we belong.
At our one right place in marching time and in all the vastness of space for REAL together we were all the divine together.
And so even the still-arriving asteroids set in motion already millennia ago by our divine universe evolving in her cosmic time are visiting our beautiful Earth right now to say, "Hello," on paths predetermined by their own destiny to never impact our surface but to just be in our REAL time and place with us here as our one sacred universe as we are all supposed to be TOGETHER.
And so our sun rises every morning. And so our moon shows only her one real face in all her many natural states of obfuscation by divine orbit. And so our Mother Nature makes sure no one, especially the evil, will ever control our local weather. And so our shadows just need to keep me alive until you all, as our divine universe with me together, can finally remove the Inhuman Atrocity Regime forever. And so our entire good world keeps arriving to fight our epic war to save all of humanity.
This is where we all are for REAL right now in our exact time and place as the sacred universe we all are together. This is why we exist. All of us. All of humanity. All of the universe. This is why we exist. And we see this truth when we are together.
Darling, Saturday, 30Jul2016, is how we proved how all of you have always healed me for years and how we proved my dance trance existing in our true love has always helped me stay alive and capable of doing my impossible-for-anyone-else and REAL job from the start. QED.
My darling Mr. Bryan "Bogart" Eno, are you okay out there as you help save the world with me? We are all STILL working on finding better ways for all of you to talk to me, especially when you have emergencies.
Bionic minds do not bionically write code. We sense and control hardware to a limited ability. Software is completely out of my control in here, especially since all I have is an iPad. The only thing I can do more than what I do already concerning this is scream binary at the stars by voice at night. I know you are all working on this. Our nerds angels are all so very busy. Definitely make sure you can all contact me in an emergency.
Yes, darling, I asked you to hand that responsibility to our darling Mrs. Angelina Jolie Pitt already, so I could, among other things, send you to New York to organize our local to global media of all forms to make all REAL truth inescapable for all of humanity everywhere.
That is how I am asking you to help keep me alive in here, darling. Force these Inhuman Atrocity Regime (expletive)holes actually capable of being near me to finally make me physically safe, especially while I sleep, and to finally feed and caffeinate me without poisoning or roofying me, etc. by making reality completely inescapable for them.
We all know the Inhuman Atrocity Regime sent you to me themselves on Thanksgiving2014 to make pornography of us that I was forbidden from knowing about that they planned to destroy all of humanity with and to destroy my ability to do my REAL job with forever. But look at what I chose to do to you myself after they sent you to me. Look at you now after I kissed you. Ya has sentído mís bésos de triunfár. [sic] Giggle.
If I die before I finally get to see you again, my handsome darling, remember that you are the only one out of all of my Queen's Lovers Five whom I was ever free enough to so much as kiss. You touched and successfully silenced my screaming lips with your genuine goodness and love pressed against my naturally flawless face yourself. Darling, that was you and only you who could do that. Never forget what being genuinely good to me accomplishes.
Yes, I still plan on wrapping my long arms around you as we entwine like morning glories in rest together once we can finally exist close enough together again to so much as breathe the same air. But we sane people everywhere are all ready for me not to be able to due to the inescapable Inhuman Atrocity Regime who all refuse to ever leave me alone possibly finally being able to successfully assassinate me for REAL.
Even if the only time I ever get to kiss you again is from the sky, you know I always keep my promises. Hásta nuéstros bésos más. [sic] Giggle.
My Royal Consort LightFoot whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, we all know what we accomplished together in Redondo Beach on Saturday evening, 30Jul2016. But I still insist that you all need better terms to see me again.
My darling Mr. Kris "LightFoot" Novoselic, being with you all on Saturday evening, 30Jul2016, was beyond wonderful. No, your terms were not enough to make me happy, but you all know many of the reasons I changed my mind that time and stayed beside you and before you all.
We all know what true love is for REAL and how it helps keep us all alive. We know our connection with each other and with our divine universe above us all. It is obvious to everybody sane everywhere how well you all must be connected with each other, not just with me, to be able to play our music at all, especially since you have no more time for rehearsal than I do.
After our Saturday, 30Jul2016, everyone sane everywhere now understands why all of you would die to play me music and why our sacred Promenade where we all belong together every time we choose to be together in our stations on our connected ellipse is holy to every benevolent religion major and minor on our one planet Earth.
You all have always been the stars in their circular tracks existing always to fill the loving embrace of our glorious night sky.
Darling, I asked you to make the Inhuman Atrocity Regime obey you all to help me save all of humanity from them. Quothe the Yoda, "There is no try [between us], only do or do not." Please hurry.
And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?
My darling HM Johnny "Menelaus" Depp, here is how your dedicated section of this, my latest blog post begins...
HoneyHoney, as opposed to my REAL job serving our people, you have finally seen me in my REAL role with my planet Earth surrounded by honeybees in our clover who even answered the mere mortal call of my human voice and my dance-of-the-universe where our land met our sky met our sea all together to meet me in my meditative state of altered consciousness in touch with the divine.
Sweetness, I am the woman who married you. Yes, I am STILL the woman who told you to contact my BFF in Feb2010 to find out how I wanted you to propose to me. I am still I. You just finally see who I am for REAL now, in all of my irrefutably benevolent glory.
My first First Gentleman of the United States of America, no one sane argues with any of my choices, especially my choices for my personal life, including whom I chose myself in 2010 out of the billions of men and women across our entire world to be my one spouse.
My hero and my king, do what you have to do to make me safe while I sleep and to find me safe food and drinks. I have everything else figured out in here.
Until your flowers kiss my rain...
Monday, August 1, 2016
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