Monday, June 11, 2012

The United Nations, the ACLU, and Other Concerns

Preface: Obama keeps breaking the links to my blog posts and in my blog posts. Please type the address into the navigation bar in your browser and make sure you favorite or bookmark the general blog site and check it for new posts regularly. If you all send around links to my posts yourselves, those links will not be broken. Obama only breaks links I send around. So please send around links to my posts yourselves. That is what the "Share" button on the top left of the site is there for.

Here we go! Here is my latest blog post!...

Thursday I learned that there are fewer safe groceries than before and that they are indistinguishable from the unsafe ones. Friday I learned they will poison me in their restaurants. I know I cannot hunger strike. I promised my beautiful world that I would keep myself alive until they can rescue me.

I have never once claimed I am dead. That is a lie Obama likes to repeat every time it is convenient for him. How many times has he claimed I have died already? Is it three?

Please recall this paragraph I already wrote for you all. Click here to read the entire previous blog post... If I were dead, why would the bubble still be here? That is proof that this totalitarian oppression of all of America never really had anything to do with me and is actually part of something much larger and more sinister.

...Never allow anybody to try to convince you that anyone anywhere for any reason would volunteer to live my life and be persecuted by the government as severely as I am. Stop pretending that you truly honestly think that there is any other person anywhere on this planet who could pass for me and also do everything I am capable of in this world. Besides, all anybody has ever had to do is take my fingerprints to know that I am I and nobody else.

We need to send an envoy to address the UN General Assembly as soon as possible to ask them for a mandate enabling and empowering the UN to send in forces to rescue me and to end all of this genocide, slavery, torture, oppression, persecution, totalitarianism, war crimes, etc. Please ask Mr. Brian Williams laden with evidence, Ms. Kelli Rae Powell who has known me since high school, Mr. Harrison Ford who has been on the front lines, and anyone else who could be influential and informative (Syniva? Sweetness? Ugwuji? Amita? Any volunteers?) if they are willing to do this for all of us. The General Assembly may choose to make a decision before I can send people to address them. Please communicate with them about this.

The UN is demanding access to get me out right now, but if we address the General Assembly and if they vote in approval of a mandate, the UN will be able to move troops. Please take care of this as soon as possible. Thank you all for everything you do for me.

According to the ICTY of the UN's ICC, forced public nudity and forced public humiliation are also war crimes not just forced prostitution and systemic rape used as torture. Please check the rules of operation and all other necessary paperwork from the ICTYugoslavia for the proper definitions of these terms. We can also use the injection torture, the electrobeams, and all of the chemicals and poisons in my hair to prove torture and my lack of the basic human right to physical safety. Please check my blog (the full-text search option is in the top left corner of the site) for all of my references to "forced public nudity" and "forced public humiliation" etc.

We also need to press charges against the people aiding and abetting these crimes including the state of Iowa, my father, and Obama if we cannot tie them directly to committing these crimes. Please also investigate Congress, the FBI, and Homeland Security in aiding and abetting these crimes if we cannot tie them to directly committing the crimes.

They have been refusing to do anything to make it stop by refusing to repeal legislation and refusing to investigate and prosecute culprits, but they have also passed the criminal human-rights-violating legislation and carried out acts of terrorism like operating the hotel in San Diego which they blamed on the Secret Service and slaughtering the people coming here to rescue me.

I hold firmly to the belief that it has been Homeland Security and people under their orders carrying out Obama's commands (through his involvement with the New World Order) who have been poisoning the water supplies, imprisoning me in Iowa which admits it persecutes me, poisoning the bottled water and packaged foods, running the libel and hate campaign, broadcasting the signal into all of the chips in everyone's heads, attacking me in my sleep to be able to keep selling me (forced prostitution), and every other crime against my person.

I am sure they are the ones who put the spy equipment in my head in May 2009 and who kept putting the cameras back in my eyes again in my sleep against my will when they would fall out on their own. The federal government has already put on official public record that they claim they can continue to own and operate all of this spy equipment, but the rest of this will require a thorough investigation to prove. Sadly, the FBI refuse to investigate and prosecute people who commit crimes against me and the public, so we are going to need to go international to find an authority we can trust to investigate all of this.

Ask them to determine which crimes Obama is guilty of and which crimes his conspirators are guilty of. We need to hold Obama accountable for aiding and abetting everything his conspirators are guilty of; those are crimes he knew were happening and created rules to protect, maintain, and prevent anyone from ever stopping. Please remember, none of these crimes have stopped yet.

Obama is not even humoring the thought of stopping. He will throw away the entire American public and definitely everyone in the state of Iowa if he has to in order to be able to destroy me. Look at all of the crimes he and his conspirators have committed already.

Please consider asking the ACLU or some other trustworthy NGO to take on the responsibility of demanding the human rights of the public. Ask them to demand the removal of all of the chips from everyone's heads. Ask them to demand justice for all of the poisoned water supplies, tainted bottled liquids, tampered with packaged foods, etc.; we need our food and drink cleaned up as soon as possible. Ask them to demand the end to all of the totalitarian control of the media and an end to the suspension of freedom of speech in America.

I know the ACLU will have to go after the FDA, Health and Human Services, Congress, the president, the FBI for refusing to stop any of this, and everyone else who they can figure out is guilty. I know how busy I keep all of you. The public needs justice and protecting, too, though, so please make sure someone takes on these responsibilities. Thank you for everything.

I hear that Iowans finally admitted that this is mental health genocide in here. This brings up some unfortunate truths for Iowans concerning mental health and the justice system. People with mental illnesses, even debilitating ones, as they claim they have, are still held accountable in courts of law for their crimes. They claim they have no choice but to attack, hurt, and poison me in all of the ways we have already documented because of their collective mental illness.

But if a person is so mentally ill that he or she cannot tell the difference between right and wrong, that person is a psychopath. Did Iowans actually claim they are all psychopaths as a way to explain why they are all helpless but to persecute me here? Did they actually put that on official public record? Psychopaths are supposed to be locked away for the rest of their lives once they are caught. Please keep these official public records of theirs handy for use in our charges against them.

Iowa, if you are blaming the speakers in your heads for your behavior which you have already acknowledged you know is criminal, why have none of you removed those speakers from your heads yet? If I had a way to influence mobs of people motivated to do good and demand justice in my name in here in this bubble of hell, those people would walk the streets of Des Moines throwing people to the ground and pulling the speakers from their heads. All it takes is a pair of tweezers.

My beautiful world, Iowans are still acknowledging that they are persecuting me. At the same time, they are still pretending they are doing something "to solve the problem," when all of us who do not fall for lies know that they are really just blowing smoke to get away with refusing to stop.

Never believe that Iowans love or support me unless they give me my full human rights. Do you have any idea of how basic the need for human rights is to the human experience? These are the people actually permitted to be physically near me. They refuse to treat me like a human by giving me my rights. They refuse to stop killing heroes by refusing to just give me a ride to my rescuers. They refuse to remove the speakers from their own heads.

Never trust any Iowans who put on supposed shows of affection, but do not take real action to rescue me. The only people who truly love and support me are the ones who fight for me, the ones who take action, the ones who do actual work towards giving me back all of my stolen human rights, and the ones who will not stop until we are all free and full, fair justice is served. Never believe Iowa loves and supports me until they give me my full human rights.

Iowa, you are calling this a family dispute? Family disputes do not incite complete public persecution. Family disputes do not cause mental health genocide. This is not a fight between me and my father. These are massive war crimes and other human rights violations organized and instigated by an American oligarchy including many members of the US government from the president to many members of Congress that they have been very non-convincingly trying to pass off as some sort of investigation of a crime that never occurred.

No, this is not how investigations are conducted. This has never once even vaguely resembled a criminal investigation. This has always and only ever been human rights violations and war crimes committed against me and the American public. They gave it a label of an 'investigation' to pass it off to the public, so they could get away with it all. We all know how much Obama and his conspirators have lied almost constantly through all of this.

Iowa, you have had many moments to choose between Obama, the despot who is actively taking away your rights and oppressing you, and me, the woman who has been fighting to save you and set us all free, and you always chose the criminal instead of me. You make it very hard for me to help or save you. That is why I have to press charges against you to make you stop. And I will keep pressing charges and taking every course of action that comes to mind until you stop your crimes not only against me but also against yourselves.

Human souls are very precious to me. Look at all of the people you are killing, Iowa, by breaking all of these laws to be able to keep me here against my will.

I have fewer rights here than prisoners do in federal and state penitentiaries. I am continuously persecuted. I am regularly poisoned and drugged. I have absolutely no personal privacy which leads to forced public nudity and forced public humiliation. The torture is unrelenting. I am a victim of systemic rape. While prison detainees even get to have conjugal visits. This needs to end.

Speaking of prison, WHY IS MY FATHER NOT IN PRISON YET????? Why is he still free to commit crimes against me? Bare minimum, he has not yet stopped breaking laws to imprison me here. As long as he is near me, he is a threat to my safety and wellbeing and a violator of even the most basic of my human rights. If you would finally just lock him away for all of his documented crimes, I would finally be able to begin the process of obtaining my freedom and rights again. I am a human who has never committed a crime except for jaywalking and the occasional vandalism of a park bench. I deserve my full human rights.

If we have won civil cases against my father for his crimes. Press those charges again. He has not stopped yet. And keep pressing charges against him until all of his crimes against me and as a result the world finally stop.

Also, if this actually did happen, please hold all people accountable who even try to financially bail him out of any court-awarded just compensation to me for his crimes and hold that person or entity accountable for endangering my life and maintaining those crimes by not allowing the system to force his crimes against me to stop. He is evil, and he needs to be stopped. Please do everything possible to end his crimes against me. He is hurting more than just me. He is also killing brave rescuers by keeping me here against my will.

My father does not let me leave to get the spy equipment removed from head nor the chip the electrobeams track me with. The electrobeam torture is unrelenting.

Use EVERYTHING you can find on official, public, legal court and bank records against my father. I have been raped in this house where he imprisons me to live. He committed me to a psych ward, so I could not take trips to Chicago nor LA to be with my own husband, nor does not give me enough of my own money to leave for a safer place to live. He has an adult guardianship over me for no real medical nor defensible reason which he maintains with his lies about my mental health. He commits criminal neglect by actively endangering me by forcing me to live here where they poison and persecute me.

My father blatantly lied when he said he was worried I would not have enough money for food on the trip I wanted to take to Chicago to be with my husband on my Sweetness's birthday last year. If he had actually been worried about that, he would have just given me more of my own money to spend while I was there. Please find every last corrupt person in the system who is permitting my father to be free to continue to commit crimes in this world, and arrest them.

Did you see how long it took the local authorities to investigate him, an immediate threat to my body and my well-being? So much corruption! Ask them why they never investigated the rape itself only my father. They never spoke to me. They never dusted my room for prints. At least they are finally admitting that I have been repeatedly raped in this house.

I know we have him for accessory to torture and slavery (and possibly even genocide) by refusing to allow me to leave to have the equipment removed from my head. He always knew about the broadcasts and electrobeams; he has always read my blog. He used my blog as evidence against me to have me committed last year to prevent me from going to Chicago to be with my husband. My blog is the only way he could ever know I call my husband my husband which was his grounds for committing me in San Diego.

He must be held accountable for knowing everything in my blog and still imprisoning me the way he does, including knowing that people are dying trying to rescue me from this place that persecutes, abuses, and poisons me and still choosing to keep me here against my will. Please subpoena all necessary police and court records from both Polk County and San Diego. Definitely look into what he said to get his criminal adult guardianship over me in the first place and how he maintained it this last time we had a hearing in March of this year. Throw everything at him that you can make stick. He has not stopped yet. We need to make him stop.

His behavior is not the behavior of a father who loves his daughter. I have less than $50 of my own money in my possession at all times. I cannot keep the car full of gas with that money. I am always literally hungry. All of my shoes are broken. My dresses are threadbare. I had to ask my mother to buy me eyeliner. Does that look like love to you?

He is lying if he says he cares about me at all. This is the behavior of an evil man who will break any law to prevent me from having my basic human rights and freedoms including physical safety and privacy. How many lies has he spread to be able to keep me here against my will? Never trust my father; just prosecute him.

He even put it on official public record that he would report my husband and my rescuers for trespassing if they came here to rescue me. Luckily, I put a stop to that by officially inviting any and all rescuers here to pick me up and keep me safe. My father claims this is my home. I get to invite people here if I want to. My father needs to be stopped. My father needs to be locked away for the rest of his life as soon as humanly possible.

Please consider subpoenaing my medicare billing records. My father with his lies and the doctors whom we have already proven made conscious choices to commit malpractice have already maxed out and exceeded my total medicare benefits for the year. This is only June. This is how severely my father has been lying about me in two states now.

My father steals my tax forms when them come in the mail and, for years now, has filed my taxes against my will, so he can claim me as a dependent. This means, if anyone out there gave me any gifts in 2010 or 2011, my father is the one who has to pay the taxes on all of those gifts. Darling, did I hear you bought me a car in 2010? We clearly file our taxes separately. Make my father pay the taxes on that gift you bought for me.

This also means that since my father insisted on taking control of all of my finances that fall within my knowledge of them under the rules of the bubble, he is personally responsible for any debt I may have. Most debt I have accrued over the years are due to medical bills for rampant malpractice, and yes, if debt collectors are permitted to try to collect from me under the rules of the bubble, my father is responsible for all of that debt.

My current psychiatrist acknowledges that I have absolutely no symptoms of any mental illness and does not pretend that I need to take any psychiatric medications. Because of this, the local authorities were instructed to investigate and prosecute her for touching me inappropriately. I have never once wanted charges filed against my current psychiatrist, but I do still want criminal malpractice charges filed against Dr. Green in Des Moines, Dr. Dennert in Des Moines, Dr. Ramos in Mason City, Dr. Ocampo in Des Moines, Dr. Chiriac in San Diego, Dr. Thompson in Minneapolis, and Dr. Reynolds in Liverpool. We all have to wait on actual justice, but inappropriate criminal charges get filed all the time. Yes, that is enough psychiatrists over three years to prove a conspiracy.

Similarly, Cuddlebunny is one of my star witnesses against Obama and his conspirators. How narrowly did we avoid allowing Obama starting a world-wide manhunt for him, so the president and his conspirators could silence him?

It is also common knowledge that Obama tried pressing charges against my husband because my Sweetness has been trying to exercise his Constitutionally guaranteed rights while in America. Yes, we narrowly avoided that horrendous miscarriage of justice as well.

Eric H. Holder, Jr. has now put it on official public record that he is investigating and planning to prosecute people who exercise their freedom of speech and the freedom of the press in America instead of investigating or prosecuting the very well documented crimes against me, my body, or my person or even against the public. Poisoned water supplies, mental health genocide, tampered and poisoned bottled liquids and packaged foods, the crimes of my father, human trafficking, war crimes, etc... These are all things he is supposed to be investigating, prosecuting, and protecting the public from instead.

Use all these things they have put on official public record against them. Use records of who they press charges against and who they choose not to even investigate as evidence against the FBI, the Attorney General, and the president and hold them all accountable with all of this information.

How much crap and lies did our enemies' lawyers spew this past weekend? Use it all against them. Hold them accountable with it. Use everything they put on official public record, like claiming that making pornography of me against my will and refusing to allow it to stop was for my own physical safety instead of being human rights violations, human trafficking, provable forced prostitution, forced public nudity, forced public humiliation, and other war crimes, to prove they cannot be trusted.

Use it to prove the lawyers cannot be trusted. Use it to prove the criminals cannot be trusted. Tear through their credibility. Show the flaws in their character. Prove their inability to do their jobs. Prove that they use their office and occupation to break the law. Prove this all about the opposing lawyers and their criminals. Please do this in every case we have in which the opposing legal team lies.

Also, every time someone says I have a disability, particularly a mental disability, kick their ass metaphorically. Press charges against them. Get in their face until they stop. It is libel that has been used to harm me, torture me, and imprison me and that my father uses to excuse keeping me in this house where I have been repeatedly abused against my will and without enough money for food or clothes. My father is evil. We need him locked away for the entire rest of his life.

Sweetness, I saw recent photos. I do not think you are eating enough... or is that just my subconscious need to bake you cookies? I know you are physically hurting and no longer on the front lines coming to rescue me, or is it that you are my cowboy on a white steed in the courtroom right now?

My beloved, thank you for keeping yourself alive for me. Please try to eat more. I know you are very busy. I know you still have to put your house in order before I get there. I know we have a lot of court cases to keep winning. I know you are as motivated to end all of this as I am.

When you are ready, please remember that there are so many ways to fight for me. Yes, I know you are my knight in shining armor right now leading my army of heroes-in-suits into the fray, but if you find free time on your hands, please also feel free to do what you do best. Use your charm and influence to tell stories and sway the public into fighting for and supporting us. There are still so many who even claim they love and support who do not know all of reality yet.

My darling, I know we have the upper hand. That comes from our constantly walking the high road. I have never claimed that I have never sinned. I have normal human flaws just like everyone else. But as we have always known, the good shall prevail. To paraphrase Mel Brooks: The good shall prevail because evil is stupid.

I love you, my beloved hero-in-man-jewelery. I cannot wait to bake you cookies.

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