Sunday, June 17, 2012

Start Redeeming Yourselves, People.

Preface: Obama keeps breaking the links to my blog posts and in my blog posts. Please type the address into the navigation bar in your browser and make sure you favorite or bookmark the general blog site and check it for new posts regularly. If you all send around links to my posts yourselves, those links will not be broken. Obama only breaks links I send around. So please send around links to my posts yourselves. That is what the "Share" button on the top left of the site is there for.

Here we go! Here is my latest blog post!...

You know it is just me in here, right? I am not here to entertain you. I am not here to put on a show. I was your slave for so long, but now the cameras are mine. You can see me because I need to be kept safe and because I constantly need to be able to deliver and reinforce reality. This is about saving me and saving the world. Please respect the truth.

I need to take time to dance more often. This constant persecution wears on me. Some days even my soul hurts. I still weep when I see people be nice to me; it is so rare. Dancing is how I meditate; it is my connection to the divine.

My friends and loved ones are only able to contact me through electronics, and when they do they are completely oppressed and controlled by the government. But in a world where even the internet radio and music videos on television are designed to harass me, I am too responsible to allow myself to disconnect from contact with the outside world no matter how difficult it is for me to find civilized and humane company in here.

In fact, I am unrelentingly harassed in here. Walking past my table at a restaurant and calling me "shit" is a hostile act towards me. Poisoning my food and drinks is a hostile act towards me. Ignoring and denying my reality is a hostile act towards me. Passive aggressiveness is a hostile act towards me. Spreading libel is a hostile act towards me. Refusing to stop human rights violations against me is a hostile act towards me. Refusing to remove the speakers in their heads is a hostile act towards me. Lying to the world about why they do this to me is a hostile act towards me. The list goes on...

No, I am not ashamed nor do I ever deny any normal, everyday thing I have ever done with my own husband, but I am not a sexual object. I am a human, and I deserve full human rights. Treating me like I am sexy instead of respecting every beautiful thing about me is a hostile act towards me.

There was one person who treated me like a human once. He was Mr. Jerami Mathias at the T-Mobile store in Valley West Mall. Did you hear what happened afterwards? Sadly, though, that is not how anyone else has ever treated me in here. In fact, while I was writing my last blog post, the lady behind the counter told me to "Just give up and die already!" This is how I am treated in here by everybody else.

I spend so much time in here poisoned, drugged, and writhing in pain. Does anybody know what happened at the HuHot in West Des Moines this last Friday night? Did anything happen at all to catch the culprits who poison me? We need to find out how they organize and operate to be able to take their ability to kill me away from them.

My period is late. When was the last time I was sexually abused in my sleep? I know it was in this house. I think it was two weeks ago. It is also possible my period is late because of the drugs and poisons Iowans put in my food and drink. Does anyone know what was in the International Delight coffee drinks I bought at the Wal-Mart in Ankeny or in the food the locals fed me at the Raccoon River Brewing Company in Des Moines two Fridays ago? Please remember that according to the ICTY, forced pregnancy and forced birth control are also war crimes.

Spreading lies that Iowans should be pitied for committing their crimes against all of humanity by treating me this way is libel that causes me harm.

Iowa, you have had many moments to choose between Obama, the despot who is actively taking away your rights and oppressing you, and me, the woman who has been fighting to save you and set us all free, and you always chose the criminal instead of me. You make it very hard for me to help or save you. That is why I have to press charges against you to make you stop. And I will keep pressing charges and taking every course of action that comes to mind until you stop your crimes not only against me but also against yourselves... Please click here to read the entire post.

How many of you had a strange reaction to my last blog post? How many of you said to yourselves, "Sorry, Lady, I guess I just don't respect you. I still find you sexy." If you thought that, you need to come to terms with your real feelings for me. Please remember what I already said...

Speaking of loving me, my beautiful world, thank you for understanding that I am not a sexual object. I am a human. I admit people with pure hearts fall in love when they look at the real me. I do not make people want to have sex with me, though. I make people want to make love to me. There is a difference. One is an impure thought; one is not. Loving me is not dirty... not the real me, anyway. It is a natural reaction to seeing and being near the real me... if you have a pure heart. Please click here to read the entire post.

As for the libel-pornography, you know how emotionally scarred I am by it. Please do not make me discuss sex with anyone. Also, do not make me watch it all to determine if it is me. Is there any way to charge them all with both libel and human trafficking? They officially claimed it was me in all of it, so they knew they were in for human trafficking from the start. And, even merely claiming that I would ever make pornography in the first place is libel enough. There must be some way to do this without traumatizing me further. Please try.

Hmmmmm... This might help. The only people who could possibly be in human trafficking porn with me are Cuddlebunny, Grasshopper, or someone Cate Blanchett knows the name of. I wrote her a letter while I was in asylum-seeker housing in the UK. Those three should probably be able to identify if it is really me.

As I already said... Sweetness, how I wish I could just touch your hand and kiss your face. Can I ask you for a favor? Could you or someone you trust speak with Ms. Cate Blanchett about the letter I wrote to her? It concerned a man the public falsely believed was a priest. The man at one point believed I was a virgin, though, and thought that "changing" that would prevent me from ever being beatified. Last I knew, he was in upstate New York. Thank you! I know how busy I keep you. I hope you delegate to trustworthy people. Please click here to read the entire post.

As for my job in the world, there are a handful of topics I feel I should bring up right now...

First of all, I am serious about Global Climate Change. Look at the statistics; this science is reality. We can no longer allow politics to deny us the ability to adapt to our new surroundings. Most importantly, we need to make sure we can grow food in this changing climate. The Midwest is having a drought right now. Last year we had flooding, but now this fertile land is experiencing desert conditions. We need to find ways to feed the world despite any possible environmental conditions. We need to adapt to what we are living through now, and we need to prepared for the worse conditions next year.

Big Oil, I have told you so many times already that we are going to get humanity off of fossil fuels with you or without you. I would rather do it with you. If you want to save your employees, your jobs, and your companies, you need to start developing the technology and the energy that humanity already needs now, so we can all stay alive on this planet. Admit it, you actually do have the money and the resources to do all of the necessary research and design. For the sake of humanity, Big Oil, stop being the past, and be the future instead.

Mr. George Clooney, I need to talk to you about Sudan, South Sudan, and Darfur. Despite your fundraiser for Obama, I know you are a good person. Did you save a list of donors to the Obama campaign, so we can go through each one and explain reality to him or her now that you know the truth about Obama's crimes against me and America? Please take care of that, so we can discuss the Sudan and all its problems once I am able to meet with you. Thank you.

Sigh, this is what we learned from the Egyptian elections. The opposition to Mubarak knew how to organize a revolution, but they did not know how to run a campaign for a leader they wanted for their nation. Democracy is democracy. If they can prove it was a fair vote, the people need to stand by their new president, and they should give the new president a chance to prove whether or not he can lead the nation fairly and effectively before taking any measures to remove him from office, if necessary. Always hold your president accountable, Egypt, but give him time to prove whether he is good or bad first. Please click here to read an article about the Egyptian elections.

There are also elections in Greece right now. Personally, I think Greece should keep the Euro, but that decision belongs to the people of Greece and not to me. If the Greeks vote to leave the EuroZone, then the rest of the nations in the EuroZone are going to need to make sure the EU does not unravel completely. Even if the Greeks vote to leave, and I do hope is does not, I believe the EU and the EuroZone will be capable of surviving. The Greeks need to do what is best for them; all we can do is help make sure they make informed and educated choices. For more about Greece, please click here.

Okay, all of you conspiracy theorists out there, please watch these as soon as you can. The TARP bailout gave the federal government majority ownership in all of our nation's largest banks. According to Frontline, they were given money they did not need and in some cases did not even want in order to make that happen. What was the government's real reason for doing this? It sounds like the beginnings of totalitarianism if you ask me, but what do all of you come up with?

What else happened since my last blog post? Ah, yes, Obama made an official record that he is a dictator. He decided to write and enforce policies that were not created by any legislation from Congress and expanded the duties of Homeland Security, so he could carry them out. This behavior of his should have everybody's alarms going off.

This should set off alarms not only because Homeland Security has become the president's SS force who carry out his every whim be it legal or illegal but also because by doing this Obama has officially gone dictator. He is no longer waiting for laws to pass through Congress; he is just creating them himself. Please click here to read an article about this.

I hear conspirators have started making very large and completely anonymous donations to Obama's campaign and supporting SuperPACS in order to keep that war criminal in office. At least they are acknowledging that it is criminal to want Obama to be president and that they do not want to be held accountable in a court of law for it.

I hear the UN and the loving governments of the world have started seizing Obama's, all of his supporting SuperPAC's, his campaign's, and all of his identifiable conspirators' funds and assets because of this. It happens all the time to war criminals in other countries, so why not here? It is a normal step in forcing war crimes and genocide to end. I only wish it were enough.

As I already said... We can bring all the legal action possible and gain all of the court mandates in the world demanding that I be set free and granted my full human rights again, but someone is still going to have to come in here to get me out. These people are refusing to stop. My father is refusing to stop his crimes against me. Iowa is refusing to stop their very well-documented crimes against me. Obama and his conspirators are all refusing to stop their war-crime-level crimes against me. I have no way to get from here to a place I can have human rights on my own.

All of the court action in the world is not going to stop these people. None of them want me to have any human rights ever again. If they did, they would have stopped by now. In all circumstances, somebody is going to need to come in here to rescue me. Thank you for understanding.
Please click here to read the entire blog post.

There is no military coup. Stop being ridiculous. But make sure you thank Obama and his conspirators for acknowledging we need one. The chain of command in the military is still sacred; if it begins to erode, we know the entire military will fall apart. Disobeying the chain of command still brings a court martial, even if it is a breathtaking act of heroism that servicepeople commit in order to save America. Please check the podcasts I am not allowed to know about for what I said about the role of the military in America during the PBS Newshour this last Friday night.

Speaking of the military, we know that Congress is caught. Not only are they insisting on doing nothing to fix these problems in America right now, but they also wrote and passed much of the legislation that built this crisis. All people get to have a chance to redeem themselves, though. If Congress wants to finally stop its crimes against this nation and begin reversing the damage they have caused, there are some very important things they are going to need to do.

Congress needs to stop trying to blame everything on someone else and just start taking action instead. They need to stop playing games and just do the work to fix all of this already.

Without hesitation Congress needs to authorize troops to rescue me. If they do not choose to do it because it is the right thing to do for America, they can choose to do it for any other reason that Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta has already given them.

After that, Congress needs to revoke the mandate that created this bubble that has caused human rights violations, genocide, war crimes, etc. in what is supposed to be the Land of the Free. Then they need to start undoing all of the damage caused to this nation since the year 2000. They need to repeal the Patriot Act, dissolve Homeland Security, repeal the NDAA, get the national debt under control... The list goes on.

My beautiful America, you need to pay closer attention to what your Senators and Representatives are doing in Washington, DC. It is their job to answer to you and nobody else. Educate yourselves on everything that goes in front of them. This is a great site that helps with that, but I am sure there are more. Tell them what sort of legislation you want them to draft, so all of them can consider it. Most importantly, tell them what to do; it is their job to act in your best interests and to do what you want.

While on the topic of redemption... Look, people of the UK, stop trying to come up with some sort of justification for all of the horrible things you have done to me, and just fix the real problems already. You do not want to be caught trying to justify war crimes and mental health genocide, broadcasting me while I was in the privacy of my own home against my will and without my knowledge particularly because it was government-assigned housing for asylum seekers, nor for libeling me undeniably in order to get away with it.

British people, stop wasting time with baseless delays, and just fix it already. Start cleaning up your government, kicking ass, and leveling justice. You put me in a torture facility for seven months. You put speakers in everyone's heads including your schoolchildren. If you want anybody to believe you love and support me, fix your government and your country already. You only have so long before the world shows up on your doorstep for the Olympics.

Now we seem to have come to the lifestyle section of this blog post. Here are those random truths you always wondered about...

Raspberries are my favorite food in all the world. I can only use chopsticks when I eat sushi; it is a persistent quirk. I do not eat seafood, not even freshwater fish. And despite being the world's most famous whistle-blower, I do not even know how to whistle; these lips were meant for speaking.

How is everyone's arts education (The thumbnails on this post are links.)? This question, of course, makes me want to discuss some photos.

My BFF Syniva took this artsy photo in her studio apartment in North Beach in San Francisco 2007. It is intentionally reminiscent of classical Madonna-and-Child portraiture. If you think her photos of me are good, you should ask her if you can see her portraits of Ms. Rita Dalmeda some time. Yes, we are all very good friends.

Here I am on the island of Kauai in Hawaii in March 2009. What? I forgot my pooka shells? It was my first trip to those islands, and I found dear, extended family there.

My darling friend Ms. Laura Michele Diener took this photo of me in a coffee shop in Columbus, Ohio on my 24th birthday. I found the gold lame couch and leopard-print wall a little distracting, so I rendered the photo into greytones using free software I downloaded off the internet.

Yeah, my dear, old friend Laura and I have been friends since the summer of 1997. We met when we both did a study abroad to Cambridge University in the UK together. We were pen pals for years afterwards, and for some reason, mailed each other a lot of packets of sugar.

Laura grew up in Pikesville, Maryland, and when I moved to Baltimore to attend the Johns Hopkins University for grad school, she was taking her year off before going to grad school herself. She used to pick me up at my office in the math department and take me for ice cream in the countryside and other such good-friend errands. I remember watching a lot of Star Trek: Voyager with her and throwing dinner parties with edible flowers.

The following year, she was working towards her Ph.D. in Medieval Studies at Ohio State, so that is how I came to spend my birthday in Columbus in 2001. I really do wonder what she is up to now. It has been nearly impossible for me to contact my friends since 2009.

As for blog maintenance, I fixed my broken links that were in the "My Voice" section of the right panel of this here blog. You may have to scroll up a ways to see them. Why did nobody tell me they were broken? I hear Syniva put Creative Commons licenses just like the one I put on Infamy on all of my readings for LibriVox. That means you can listen all you want, but you cannot use the recording without our permission. Enjoy!

My benevolent nerds and Google techs, the full-text search on my blog is broken. Can you fix it? I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for everything you do for me, big and small.

My loved ones, please also try to squash any libel that gets spread about you. Sweetness and SynSyn, rampant lies about you two have been harassing me in person and online. Obama and his conspirators are trying to take you away from me and me away from you. They are trying to turn the public against you and end all of your hard work going good in this world.

Obama and his conspirators run their hate and libel campaign unrelentingly to be able to get away with all of their crimes and do not care if they damage or destroy all of humanity in the process. They will ruin everything beautiful in this world if they continue unchecked. That is why they are particularly so cruel to you two also.

My beautiful world, my rescuers need more help. Please help them. It is like Restrepo for them out there. We need to make sure Obama stops killing them and make sure they reach me. I have asked for people to send them supplies and food. I have asked for the UN to send them a world-class strategist and any necessary resources. Can we freeze the assets of the people killing them and the people paying the people who kill them? If mercenaries know they will not get paid, they usually stop waging war. Is this possible?

My brave rescuers, did you get food? beds? showers? generators? gasoline? more help? Again, please be careful that no one drugs nor poisons you and that no one sneaks bombs, cameras, nor mics into your camp. Is there anything else you need? Please tell good people whom you can trust what you need. You all are everybody's heroes for promising to come in here to get me. We all thank you for this.

My genius podcasters, I know I kick criminal ass nonstop all day every day. I know this keeps you backlogged on podcast ideas. Though, I doubt you mind at all. You work so hard. Thank you for always taking care of my own ideas for podcasts, too. Did Sweetness say it was okay to podcast about this last Thursday night? If he is okay with it, please also throw in a paraphrased version of "If they would do this to him, what would they do to her?" at the end. Thanks, again.

SynSyn, my dad spent the weekend in South Dakota. He is always leaving the state; though, he has made it clear he will never allow me out of the bubble. He seems to be a flight risk. Do you also think he might need an ankle bracelet locater? Also, he knows he is bare minimum aiding and abetting war, rape, torture, human trafficking, war crimes, genocide, persecution, and unrelenting attempts on my life by keeping me here against my will. When I speak to him, he denies any and all wrongdoing and claims instead that I am delusional. Is it time we put him in an asylum for the criminally insane? What do you think about that?

Sweetness, I have absolutely no illusions about you. I never have. I know about the life you have led, and I know you are a full-grown adult now. I doubt you have any illusions about me either. I am an open book. All people with spy equipment in their heads that broadcasts nonstop 24/7 for years do not believe they have any secrets they can keep from the world, anyway. And, when I lie I always admit I am lying. Neither of us are anapamu. We are real. We are blunt, in-the-face truths... and we will be beautiful truths for our entire lives.

P.S. My beautiful world, that you for understanding that none of us should have to present ourselves to the world as a man to be taken seriously and respectfully in the areas in which we are expert. I wear dresses. I bake cookies. And I kick ass. People like me should not seem weird to the world anymore.

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