Monday, October 18, 2010

Another Day in the Life

Aid for Gaza

Let’s hope the aid reaches its intended destination. Let’s hope the suffering becomes eased. Let us all hope that some change is made for the better in this situation. Always do everything you can to end the human suffering first, and then talk out how to prevent it from happening again afterwards.

Keeping the Area Stable

Do not let false accusations tear stability apart. If the Middle East goes to war with itself so much is lost. I know that the Middle East is very aware of this. I know that no one there wants to be a pawn for the West that starts World War 3. I know the Middle East listens to me. I know they will not be the ones to attack anyone first. For this I am hugely grateful... as is all the world.

Russia’s Fashion Week

Fashion is art, and art is culture. Fashion is a necessary form of human expression. Our expressions of ourselves begin with what we wear. We are noticed and recognized from our appearance before people can hear or witness our witty repartee. Human expression is the jewel of the human experience. Without art, we are nothing.

The Exchange Rate

The Chinese listened to me. In order to prevent global economic collapse, they kept their economy strong. It is time to ask a very important questions again, “Has Obama done anything but make the US worse?”

For example, I am a big deal. US decisions about me come straight from the top. Obama sent the executive orders to enslave me, torture me, rape me, broadcast me, sell me, and lie to me to make sure I could never find a way to stop it.

As another example, Obama has intentionally only bludgeoned the economy into almost non-existence. What has he done? And what effect did it have? That is what you need to look at. Do we think a MANDATORY universal health care plan that the lower AND middle income families (at least 80% of the country) cannot afford (especially after paying the taxes to build the system) will help or hurt the economy? Did he bail out the American public or did he bail out the wealthy? Did Obama do ANYTHING effective to fix the spill in the Gulf in a timely manner, or did he just lie and say the oil evaporated? I could ask these questions all night.

Clearly, China and the Middle East take me to heart and follow my advice while Obama is just a poser and wannabe. Obama was the first identified sperm whale and natural enemy of the giant Squid. I cannot believe he has not been impeached, yet. It is not long before his fascism has him disowned by the Democratic Party to save itself.

Multiculturalism Debate

The multiculturalism debate is a touchy one. I am a firm believer, though, that any excuse to learn a new language is a good one. I cannot imagine living immersed in a culture without wanting to learn its language. The language classes should be free, of course, and easily accessible.

If immigrants learn the new language, they will be better able to share their own culture with their new nation. They will better be able to be active members of their country and to be active in their government. I am a firm believer in breaking down all walls of ostracization.

WikiLeaks's Reputation

There is a new form of social justice. It comes from taking information and putting it in the public eye. This is a form of justice the common people have needed for a very long time. WikiLeaks has endangered no one but the corrupt, and this is clearly how the corrupt are fighting back... with slander and lies. The corrupt use it on me, and they now use it on WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks has hurt no informers. Stop falling for the lies.

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