Friday, October 1, 2010

And now... some Narcissism!

It has been one more day waiting for the letter from my mom to arrive. The good news is that letter from my angelic mother is on its way. It should be here soon. Freedom, here I come!!!

The quack is still quacking... and loudly. I still have no leave. I am still tortured by nurses with needles. I am still confined to this hell they pretend is a hospital. People keep asking me if I would be willing to stay in Liverpool. Those people must be crazy, pardon the joke. I have been more poorly treated here than anywhere else. It has reached the point that the nurses’ accent on ANY human can make me cringe in pain. We will see how long it takes me to heal from that.

Yesterday was torture day. They came after me with needles. I screamed in anguish. I cannot wait until I am released from this torture facility.

I am now going to use world news to talk about myself… Please pardon my momentary narcissism.

1.) Visions of America
The long-term vision of America by the Obama administration has long been the total ruin of the country. Have they changed, yet? It appears not. Their policies on me included but were not limited to raping me until I killed myself. They have yet to display a long-term vision based on saving America, helping America, or allowing America to grow, thrive, and flourish. On the upside, I received a job listing in my email inbox recently from a company in San Francisco, and Iowa is acknowledging my marriage. It seems the country is on the mend on topics of me. Let’s see how far the people can heal the nation.

2.) Government Collapse Averted
It seems a faction of politicians saved Italy from government collapse. Collapse is an awful thing… so is a gap of power. Do you remember what it was like when they pretended I was dead? ‘Who listens to Obama in the first place?’ was my first reaction to the issue, but people kept believing him. There are still British who think I was somehow switched for another me. There is no other me. I am only one woman. There were just a slew of women out to slander my name. Let’s see if the world can convince the British of the truth.

3.) I am not scared to show I am vulnerable.
Okay, I was more attracted to this story due to its title. I am very vulnerable. It is easy to hurt me. Yes, I survive it all, but that does not mean people don’t hurt me in the first place. Take the nurses here, for example; they do nothing but abuse me. It is okay to show where we are vulnerable. That is a true show of strength. I have a theory that people are at their strongest when their vulnerabilities are allowed to show. I am not one for false shows of bravado. Now, that is a sign of weakness.

4.) Rwanda
There are so many things I have been wishing I could have helped with by now, if only I were not in here being abused by the nurses. There are so many enduring world problems I was hoping to get my brain around and into. Just think of everything I am capable of; now, think of what I could do if I had human rights... ANY human rights. I am here. Give me my human rights, and see what I can do!

5.) Home to Tokyo
Ah, a homecoming... Que the U2 song! Soon, I will be going to Iowa to help take care of the Midwest. There is a lot of world I need to see. I am starting where my mother lives.

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