Thursday, January 21, 2010

Still the Real Live Breathing Human I Have Always Been ... And Still Waiting for Rights to be Reinstated

Have any of you other North Beach locals noticed that the non-locals hanging around the neighborhood seem to go through phases of dressing like the same masculine celebrity?  Ever since coming back to the neighborhood, I could play celebrity look-a-like bingo with categories such as "Actor who a Played Pirate at Least Once" or "Tennis Champion" or "Child Star All Grown Up Now" or "Dead Rock Star" or "English-Language Author with a Drinking Problem" and the like...  I should make cards and hand them out to actual locals.  Wait... were they real?  Or were they just figments of my imagination?  Whatever happens, at least something is feeding the local economy.

Then again, I hate playing games (against others, that is); I am so inherently anti-competitive.  I would never instigate one.  For that matter, if I found myself stuck quite against my will in a game that is clearly just a distraction to keep my friends, my country, my city, my world, etc... away from actually figuring out some sort of bigger truth when somehow knowing and understanding said truth might actually be for the betterment of mankind.  Well, I suppose I would hang around in my home neighborhood constantly and insistently acting like myself, wouldn't I?  Oh, huh... look at that... I've been doing that since June.  I am so sorry it took me so long to come home and heal myself into my normal behaviors.  I should thank you for all of that dancing... it is how I clear my mind.  Do we all know that, yet?

So, I am sitting around at MELT! right now.  I just watched Johnny and Doug play a game of Scrabble(R), and Deforrest and Paul are hanging out behind me moving little discs around the backgammon board.  Do you ever get the feeling that you are intentionally being kept from actively contributing to society?  If you ever need to know how I figured out that some sort of completely irrational governmental force is actively preventing me from having any sort of employment, you just need to ask me to my face.  People do that all the time.  It's as though no one out there ever discusses the truth about me... But, WOW! do those lies I am not supposed to know about sure travel fast!  I am constantly beating my latest record time at figuring them out from the way people around me treat me after they fall for said lies. 

Hmmmm... I have already said that I do not recommend anyone taking on my brain in a battle of wits.  I have done it before myself, and I barely survived.  I suppose even if you tilt all the odds in your favor with a bottomless budget; cameras in my eyes and bugs in my ears to know all I see, hear, and do; force me into a relapse of a severely debilitating mental illness I have had for YEARS by repeatedly violating my body (Please pardon my polite understatement on that one.); break every law you can uncover in an attempt to find new and exciting ways to cover your ugly, naked backside under the misconception that you are above the law; and even, I don't know, go above and beyond the description of evil by terrorizing my country, suspending my rights, and suspending my country's rights, and all it is necessary for me to do in response is tell the truth; abide by the existing laws; learn, think, and non-chemically self-medicate; stand my ground on behalf of my home (in all descriptions of the word); and use proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar whenever I can remember to... well, huh,.. look where all of that put me, and look where all of that put all of you.  I suppose I have to quote Obi-Wan Kenobi on this one, "Who is the greater fool?  The fool or the fool that follows?"

I might be done expressing that idea, now.  If I think of more to say, I suppose today will get two posts.  I'll just post this without any proofreading, as per usual.  Please enjoy my typos. 

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