Saturday, November 20, 2010

Obama the Monster

Obama’s reign as president has been a terror to my life in particular and a hunt for dictatorial powers in general. The lowest rung on his ladder is his policy of enforcing that the public not acknowledge all of the terrors they know he does to me from television shows broadcast out of equipment he put in my head to the systemic rape he uses to try and make me lose my mind. I cannot wait for his bubble around America to burst, so the American public can at last freely discuss the truth. What are you waiting for, America? Why aren’t you discussing it now while I am safely locked overseas and unable to hear it?

His fake support of me while broadcasting me against my will and initially without my knowledge in the privacy of my own home is disgusting. If I see one more bowl of apples in the foreground of a photo of him, I will not stop until he is imprisoned for all he has done to me. Okay, I already will not stop, but do not be fooled by him pretending to support what I stand for now. He is desperate to look like he did something worthwhile during his time in office, and he has always stolen from me. Now, he steals my ideas point blank.

If this continues after I get back to the States, I will rain fire on him and all that promote him. And we all know I can… even literally, if I have to.

In other thoughts than justice…

I have been finishing off a book by Jasper Fforde lately. The British have not yet complained that they hear so much Fforde coming through their earchips. I told them to get the chips removed, but we all know how little the British care to listen to my advice. Well, I have been finishing off this book, and it has made me wish I actually finished writing something last year. I had no chance, of course, with everything that passed my computer screen made common knowledge.

In 2007, I wrote the first version of “Infamy.” In 2008, I wrote the pilot episode to “CALIX, set sail!” In 2009, I finished nothing. This year has similarly proved to be mostly a dry spell, but lately I have been typing up a storm on this little Acer Aspire One. Who knows what I can get written by the time the countdown ends on New Year’s Eve.

Speaking of which, what are you all up to for New Year’s Eve. I have long considered it a more romantic night than Valentine’s Day. It does, after all, set up the tone of your entire year to come. Will I finally be allowed near my own husband? That Obama… He is such a criminal.

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