Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Social Solution

It is practically impossible to find a decent conversation in this town. Yet, just when I get desperate for witty repartee I am rescued by my dear, British friend ‘Imaginary’ Daniel. No, he is not actually imaginary, but he is so good with conversation that it sometimes feels as though my subconscious spat him out just for my own amusement. He is my social remedy for how unbearable this place can be. When in doubt, all I need is a decent conversation to keep my head where it needs to be. He and the internet are my social solutions.

Speaking of solutions, I hope all of you in the States went out and rocked the vote yesterday. Democracy in action is breathtaking to behold. The US government needs its ass kicked into line, and I think that is what you, the American public, have been up to. Let us hope it worked. Let us hope all of the candidates keep their campaign promises… and then some. Also, let us hope you have all preserved America's freedoms and rights for everyone and even made the States a safe place for me when I get back.

Thank you, my entire beautiful world, for standing strong and united. You have almost brought me out of this hell and back to the States. The quack, in her smarmy yet occasionally useful way, has decided to notify the International Organization for Migration that I am ‘fit to travel’ back. The quack is so dirty that I need to bathe after I speak with her. I will be going to Iowa first, but there is a lot of America and the world I need to see. Because I am not going directly to my husband’s arms by going to France, the UK is not redeemed, but as soon as I am no longer their victim, I can treat them as normal humans again. The quack is so corrupt that I am not going to count my chickens until I am home, but my beautiful world, you have stood by me and it has worked. Thank you. With every essence of my soul, thank you. Keep the pressure on until I am safely freed from this hell.

Why did I not post this yesterday when I got the news? I am so sorry this blog post did not come out sooner than today, but I had to finish a letter to my husband to tell him first. I put it in the mail drop first thing this morning after a venture out into the rain. I did go out to celebrate last night, though. I went to see ‘The Social Network.’

‘The Social Network’ reminded me of the interconnectedness of the human experience and of the importance of every single last one of us. Just one person can make such a difference, and we are a connected world of such individuals. As I said already, the internet is part of my social solution to making life bearable in this hell. Staying connected to my loved ones and my world is something I could not live without. The human experience is a connection of singular individuals. Thank you, again, my beautiful world.

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