Friday, June 18, 2010

Still Compulsively Honest and Still Prone to Understatement: The Previous Post Continued -- They Somehow Cut me Off.

The behaviors of the nursing staff after all of this happened yesterday has been even more sad and pathetic than usual. They tried to make an open display that once on one day during my illegal incarceration here there was actually enough food for me to eat for one day. Not only was their effort to look like a nursing staff at all a sign of their complete incompetence, but their act of providing food was even incompetent in and of itself. It released more truth about the operating of this facility than they wanted made international knowledge.

The behaviors of fake patients in here with me has been mixed. Some of the fake patients have been coming around to just doing what is right instead of what they are controlled into doing. One has just decided to verbally abuse me, infiltrate my personal space supposedly casually around my lady parts, and insult me by pretending she doesn't do any of it. She calls herself Lucy. Another fake lady patient in here pretends that choosing foods to eat in front of me can turn me into either a lesbian or a ranting lunatic. I am worth so much more than half-backsided insults like these from anyone.

The behaviors of my fellow inmates has stayed absolutely spectacular.

After my plea to the local police for physical safety and for, at least, the human rights guaranteed to a human in police custody, there have been little signs of the police in here. This is an obvious sign that the local police are being denied even the chance to stick their heads in the door here in order to determine of anything needs to be done about preventing any public unrest. I wonder whose bad decision that one was.

Please, tell my dad that I asked the heads of Tesco to send my father's day card to him for me. Please also tell my mom to stop worrying so much. I WILL find my way back home to the US as soon as possible. I know she is worried about my physical safety while locked in here.

I chose not to sleep last night except for a 1.5 hours nap in a chair in the common area. If you were raped every time you slept in front of a television or even more violently when you would sleep in the bed they enforce that you sleep in, you would choose not to sleep as well. They have a tendency to come by and shut off the TVs before harming me when I sleep in front of them hoping for safety.


I am about to finish an envelope of mail to a Welsh author I have been trying to read while in here. If the complete barrage of tortures in here had not already almost completely stunted what I have left as an attention span, I might have already finished his second book in his Nursery Crime Division series by now. In the envelope with Mr. Jasper Fforde's letter, I am also including some mail for Mos Def, U2, Eddie Izzard, Liam Neeson, and the Fiennes siblings that I am asking him kindly to deliver for me. I trust that my mail always goes through to where it belongs.


Now, in recap, the three BIGGEST tortures and atrocities committed against my person while here in this clearly mislabeled torture facility still parading as a medical facility from slightly less evil to most evil:

1.) Pinpoint radiation torture that follows me through all parts of this building and walled in yard and that they particularly crank up when I do effective things to solve ANY world problems, especially my own internationally illegal incarceration here
2.) Rape and violent rape whenever I sleep
3.) Holding me down and sticking chemicals into my body with needles inserted into my beautiful backside in order to punish me for standing up for myself every time they push me into defending myself

The effects of their forced injections into me include these five things:
a.) Removal of the ability of my mind to think clearly
b.) If I even have the ability to form a thought, the injections remove my ability to articulate the thought into any form of human expression.
c.) Body contortions into inhuman shapes due to involuntary muscle contractions
d.) Demolition of my metabolism that leaves me with no appetite for food and a circulation so low that my ankles swell
e.) Disconnection between me and the energies of the natural world

Gladly, they have slowed down their abilities to locate enough cajones to inflict their non-medically used prescription-level injections on me as often as usual as of late.

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