Saturday, May 12, 2012

Where My Rescuers Need Help and Some Passionate Words for Sweetness

Obama and his conspirators already started spreading more lies the morning after my last blog post. Thank you, my beautiful world, for no longer tolerating lies about me. Thank you for pointing out every source of libel publicly and making sure criminal and civil charges land on all of them. Their libel hurts everyone. It kills and oppresses people. It takes all of us to identify and and stop it. Thank you.

The most common source of lies in Iowa right now are the chips in everyone's ear canals. I went out last night to do some meditating to live music but never got the chance. Not only did they roofie me, but I also learned that the chips are active in everyone's heads spreading lies about me. It is very unsafe for me here. The public did not turn hostile, but their minds were being herded like cattle.

I am so disgusted with Iowa. Good, brave people are dying night after night in a fight with the president to reach me and carry me to a place where I can finally have my basic human rights including physical safety, freedom, and the company of my own husband, and these people, these Iowans, who are actually capable of being close enough to rescue me themselves are just enforcing Obama's crimes instead of giving me my full human rights themselves.

I cannot tell if Iowa is evil or brainwashed. If you ask them, they will claim they care, but so few of them are even aware of who I am in this world. I actually got carded last night. The only exception I make is for the Iowans actually active in getting me to a place I can finally have my human rights, fighting to end the oppression of all of America that Iowa's obedience to Obama's crimes enforces, and braving the fire fight to rescue my rescuers every night. The rest of them can rot in this hell they enforce on this state themselves.

When you hear people supporting Obama, please just sit down with them and gently educate them on reality. Supporting Obama and his conspirators causes me direct harm. And supporters of Obama are either brainwashed or evil. Please give them the truth and see what happens.

As I said in a previous blog post... please remember to continue to gently educate people on reality when you hear them express any and all support for Obama. If people genuinely care about humanity at all, it is impossible for those people to support Obama.

If people love me, it is definitely impossible for them to also support Barack Obama and therefore his bubble of hell, torture, and slavery in which he mandates illegally I must live.

In the case, for example, of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, it is impossible for her to love San Francisco and the state of California and still support Barack Obama. Look at all of the crimes he has committed there (and then look at how he enforces his rules to get away with all of it).

If you love America, human rights, women's rights (Look at how he treats my body!), women's health (Look at how he treats my body and mind!), freedom, or liberty, you cannot support Obama nor his bubble.

If you love the world and love balance in the world, you cannot support Obama nor his bubble. Look at how he and his bubble treat me, a force for love and balance in the world.

Obama stands firmly in the way of the laws that protect freedom and rights in America, violates the US Constitution, and fights against peace and love in the world through his policies towards me.

The water supply is completely undrinkable here. Every bottled liquid is roofied from the water to the soda to the fruit juice. The government is too corrupt to take them off the shelves. The chips are actively pumping lies into everyone's heads. I have to sleep with a camera on me to keep from being attacked in my sleep, and every time the camera goes down or gets hacked by someone I did not give permission to, I do get attacked. I am shackled to this house in this evil state by the corrupt and illegal activities of the local government. The electrobeams are active as are the spy equipment in my head. And the list just goes on...

Obama is literally killing people night after night who are trying to rescue me from this bubble of torture, slavery, humiliation, abuse, human rights violations, and terrorism in which Obama illegally mandates I must live.

Yet, Iowa refuses to do anything to help, and Obama battles and kills all the people who try to come in here to rescue me.

Please send help, my beautiful world. I believe we can fix this without declaring a literal war. Try pressure. Try diplomacy. Try sanctions. Send reinforcements for my rescuers. Try infiltrating Iowa yourselves to be able to carry me to safety and freedom. Try everything you can think of but literal war.

Please remember that the US military are some of my biggest supporters in here. They have been fans from the start and are almost cult-like followers of me and what I stand for. Please do not kill people who actually fight for me and support me in your efforts to set me free. We are all on the same side. The last thing we need is violence against our own.

As for the rest of my beautiful America, please remember to never support Obama for president; if you cannot support Mitt Romney, support the write in Hillary Clinton campaign. I completely expect her to carry some very big, very liberal states.

My beautiful world, please continue to raise nonviolent hell until I am rescued and America is free. We need more pressure on the federal government. We need more pressure on Iowa. We need to break the ring of fire around me that keeps my rescuers out and the human rights violations active in here.

Sweetness, thank you for every beloved love letter you send me. And thank you for knowing you can be completely honest with me at all times about everything. When I write letters to you, my heart opens up and everything pours out. I love you. Thank you for never judging me, and thank you for returning the trust.

Sweetness, as for Vanessa, let me know if you ever want me to get involved. I am a woman, too. I know she does these evil things out of frustration over loving and losing you. I understand that fourteen years is a long time. I understand why you want to give her the house and have joint custody of your beautiful children. I agree with giving her a comfortable life. But please remind her that I believe she is being nasty, vicious, and unreasonable, that I do not tolerate anybody treating you that way for any reason, and that after everything I have been living through her idea of what is comfortable is probably very different from mine. Please tell her that if she keeps dragging this out, I will be sitting next to you at the hearings. She only has until you ask me to get involved to finally act like an adult and do the right thing without my having to do something about this myself. I am a very understanding and sensitive woman, but look at my life. I will never be understanding of cruelty.

Sweetness, as for our relationship... when they get in your head and try to take you away from me, remember why they do it. They are trying to break us up because our love for each other is effective at bursting me out of this bubble. You are my hero. You are my husband. You are my knight in shining armor in every way. Obama and his conspirators want to take all of that away from me.

Sweetness, when their lies and attacks get to you, remember what you feel in your heart every time you look at me, remember the love on my face every time I look at you, remember who I am in this world, remember what I do in the world, remember what I am living through, remember my 'magic,' remember my science, remember my mind, remember my heart, remember that all of the rest of my life is yours, and remember how much I love you.

Sweetness, we all need something bigger than ourselves to fight for. I fight for a free America, a peaceful and better world, and the rest of my life in your loving arms. I cannot do this without you. They know that. That is why they fight so hard to take you away from me.

Sweetness, please write down who I am in the world, what you love about me, and how unconditionally I love you and keep it near your heart. Please look at it every time they get in your head. I need you, my beloved. I simply cannot do this if I lose you. Darling, your love for me is the only reason I can wake up and face the world at all.

Sweetness, I know this is not easy for you out there. Please remember it is not easy for me in here either. Without knowing you love me, I would not be capable of any of the beautiful things I do in this world.

Sweetness, it is okay to leave the rescue effort in the hands of people you trust and take a break on occasion. You have been at this nonstop for months. It is completely okay to go spend some time with your kids and reground yourself in all the beautiful parts of this world you are fighting to protect and set free. You are fighting to save more beautiful things than just me.

Sweetness, every yin needs her yang. I love you, and I will always love you. There is a reason I trust you with the power you have over me. I am no idiot; I am no fool; and I know how to choose a husband. I also cannot fight the force of the love we have for each other. I am helpless to do anything but love you. But just look at how far this love has brought us. Just look at how far our love has brought the world.

Sweetness, I know you are hurting. We will heal each other.

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