Sunday, July 28, 2013

Cut Obama Loose and Impeach Him.

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. We start with food stamps, and we end with how much I love my self-punishing husband.

USA. Here in the land of catastrophes caused by Obama, have you seen the latest statistics concerning food stamps? In 2008, there were 28 million people in the US on government aid for food. Today in 2013, we have 48 million people.

Obama has been on a tirade lately about the economy and the middle class, but he has ever done about the economy is put more people in poverty. Unemployment keeps dropping, yes, but that is because increasing amounts of people are underemployed. What about our poor? When will he ever care about rehabilitating our poor?

The US is a mess. All Obama has done since taking office is hurt this nation. And he has a federal policy handicapping me from fixing any problems. He commits crime after crime against the people of this nation, and what do we get in return? We get a worse economy, skyrocketing national debt, and blistering oppression from his totalitarian regime. We need to cut Obama loose to save America.

Democrats are going to lose control of the Senate if they do not impeach Obama. Right now, Democrats are the Persecution Party. Never forget that it was a Democratic president who started the policy and drafted the mandate that was passed by a Democratic House and Democratic Senate in 2009. If Democrats do not cut Obama loose and impeach him, they stand to lose the most in the 2014 elections.

The Senate is having hearings right now concerning slavery and persecution of me. I hope they also investigate the oppression of all of America. Obama has suspended freedom of the press in America just to be able to persecute me. Why not impeach him for that? No one in America but me has freedom of speech, and Obama would rather kill who are supposed to be free people in America than allow them to peaceably assemble and associate with me. Everything Obama does is impeachable.

Obama's impeachable offenses include torturing me and unlawfully imprisoning me in Iowa. I did not show up to be tortured on Thursday. Iowa and I are supposed to have a deal. They are supposed to cease all of their crimes against me. If Iowa breaks its promise under orders from Obama and tries to lock me away when we have already proven more than just a few times that I have absolutely no mental illness, break them, my beautiful world.

If Iowa tries to punish me, my beautiful world, for not allowing what the United Nations recognizes as torture, rail on Iowa until they break. Syn, that means go after them with all legal barrels loaded.

Also, my beautiful world, we need to guarantee than any further action taken against me for fighting for my basic human rights to privacy, physical safety, or to basic liberties ends in Obama's immediate impeachment. Promise me, my beautiful world, that if any further harm comes to me in any form, that you will take irrepressible action against the president. I have suffered enough. Enough is enough.

My brave rescuers, are you okay? I pray nobody died. I hope you are pressing charges. I heard Obama opened fire on you because you were exercising your Constitutional and Supreme-Court-upheld right to assemble and associate with me. Obama tried to kill you for exercising your rights! Is this the America we live in now?

My brave rescuers, the last time we pressed charges against Obama for trying to kill you, he denied knowledge of such a policy. Now, he does not have that plausible deniability anymore. We have been on this merry-go-round before. The policy is still going on, so it is obvious Obama sent the orders. Please take advantage of this opportunity to impeach Barack Obama.

You have a right to live, my brave rescuers. You have a right to live free in America. Obama does not have the right to kill you for exercising your God-given rights. What kind of country do we all live in if Obama gets away with this?

SynSyn, I see you are still being the hero. Please make sure my brave rescuers have the best lawyers on the planet. We can do this, Synny. We can do this.

Also, Syn, is Iowa making progress yet on the demands they have to meet to satisfy our deal? They have to revoke the adult guardianship. They have to overturn every ruling that claimed I have a mental illness. Iowa has a lot of work to do. Please make sure they are making progress. We cannot help Iowa until our demands are met.

Sweetness, I still need you. In fact, I need you more than ever these days. I get so miserable and unhappy. I need you to put your arm around me. I need to rest my head on your shoulder. I need you to hold me and tell me everything will be okay.

Darling, I know you get worried. You cheated on me, but I forgave you. I am standing by my man. I know you see me with Jared, and I know you get jealous. But you are not losing me. No one could ever replace you in my life.

I love you, darling, and nothing can tear us apart. Not Obama. Not the bubble. Not Amber and Jared. Not any normal human failings we both have. We are meant to be together, and we are in love. Do not let the haters and naysayers get in your head. I love and adore you. Nothing can change that.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Iowa Took The Deal.

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. Let us get me a rescue today, so I can have rights. Let us impeach Obama ASAP, so America can have rights.

Sunday afternoon I went to the eye doctor. He asked me if I ever had anything stuck in my eyes. He asked because there are scratches on both of my corneas as if something lodged in my eye came loose and scratched them. So, I cannot wear contacts anymore. I have eye drops for my right eye. And I need new glasses.

Sunday night, my good friend Jared whom I do NOT sleep with anymore and I went out to dinner. He took me to a fancy Italian joint with white tablecloths, held the door for me, and picked up the bill. He is such a dollface.

I am sure you all saw all of it. We are much closer now that we no longer have sex. Yes, sometimes we still cuddle and sleep next to each other, but we have not had sex since Sweetness and I decided on a closed relationship.

I have been helping him lately with his College Algebra course, too. For some reason, I have all of this math know how that just sits around in my brain collecting dust most of the time. It feels great being able to wrestle with polynomials and logarithms again. I really enjoy our time together.

Christian Laffey called me Monday night as per usual. During our phone call, I expressed doubt that Sweetness and "Amber Half-His-Age," as Christian calls her, were sleeping together since they were traveling with his kids. Christian said they were probably living it up. As it turns out, Christian was right, and I was wrong. But I did not know that yet.

During Christian's comments about PBS's Frontline being the best news source on the planet, my multitasking mind reached a conclusion. The world is a mess. I do not want to run the world. I do not want to conquer the world and I should not have to. I just want to marry Sweetness.

People keep saying that if things keep going the way they are going, I will end up running the world before this is all over. I do not see why that has to be necessary. I just want to marry Johnny Depp.

Yes, I will do everything under the sun to make this marriage possible. But if Obama will just get his rules of persecution out of my way, I will not have to dominate him just to have a wedding. Onward and upward, my beautiful world. I need a wedding!

Congress, you seem as dedicated to saving America from Obama's oppression as I am. Why not impeach Obama for his obvious offenses? Impeach Obama for slavery.

Obama framed me for murder, so he could excuse putting cameras in my eyes and mics in my ears and selling me... As if anything could ever excuse slavery. He has been selling me to the public against my will since 2009 with the entire world forbidden by his rules from stopping it and from giving me back even the most basic of my human rights. I am not even allowed to know my head is full of cameras and mics under his rules, and no one is allowed to remove them.

If the only thing making the eye camera palatable is the fact it deters people from attacking me, impeach Obama for forbidding me from having a husband and bodyguards to keep me safe instead. You watch me in the bathroom! This is slavery! Persecution is illegal! Please, Congress, impeach Obama for persecuting me! Impeach him for his rules!

Something has to happen at the highest levels in America to end this bubble. Iowa accepted my deal earlier this week, but even with the state's help, my rescuers have had no luck reaching me. We need Congress to impeach Obama for enslaving and persecuting me. Save America, Congress. America cannot be free unless I am!

My beautiful world, do not fall for the causation fallacy. Obama tries to kill my rescuers because my rescuers try to save me from him. Obama will do everything possible in heaven or Earth to make sure he can continue to persecute me until I am destroyed at all costs of money and human life including mobilizing all of America's forces to kill every single one of my rescuers if necessary.

Obama does not attack my rescuers because I am effective at impeaching him. That is a fallacy of causation. Obama will always attack and try to kill my rescuers as long as my rescuers need to save me. Nothing will stop Obama from attacking my rescuers until he is impeached.

Obama likes to claim he kills my rescuers because I try to impeach him in an effort to control me into no longer fighting Obama. Do not fall for Obama's lies. I do not. Nothing will stop Obama except impeachment. We need a better movement in Congress to save America and less spreading around of Obama's brainwashing.

Quite the opposite, in fact, is true. Obama does not attack my rescuers because I am effective at impeaching him, but I am effective at impeaching Obama because he attacks my rescuers. Please stop spreading around the false causation. It works against our cause to save me, save America, and save the world.

Iowa, you have been wavering in your support of rescuing me. Please consider the price tag for not rescuing me. Then speak with Syniva about covering your costs for flying me to Canada.

SynSyn, thanks for always taking care of everything I need when I need it. Thank Iowa for agreeing to my deal, and do not forget we cannot leave them behind if they rescue me. Please work with the governor's office, so we can cover the expenses of flying me from here to Canada with my rescuers along. Go team!

My brave rescuers, you seem very concerned these days with my safety. Obama likes to put threats on my life as a way to control and brainwash the public. For example, "We will kill Squid if you don't torture her by obeying our rules." But the last thing Obama wants is for me to die. That would be political and legal suicide for him.

Obama is not going to kill me. He cannot handle the ramifications of having any more of my blood on his hands. If a random gunman burst in here and shot me up right now, Obama would be immediately impeached and imprisoned for the rest of his life for forbidding me from having bodyguards and a husband to keep me safe regardless of whether or not the gunman were working for Obama.

Obama wants me destroyed, so I cannot help the world anymore. Obama does not want me to die.

Sweetness, okay, we can have an open relationship again. I understand now that you have been traveling the world with your girlfriend and children while sleeping with your girlfriend. I understand you wanted it both ways. You did not want me sleeping with anyone, but you still wanted to be able to be with Amber.

Darling, I am not mad at you. I am hurt. I am upset. I am unhappy. But I am not capable of getting angry at you. You could sleep with half the city of Los Angeles, and I would not get mad at you. I will always stand by you, darling. Please just be honest with me next time.

Sweetness, we can have an open relationship. I am okay with that. Please just promise me we will be exclusive once we can finally be together.

P.S. LibriVox is having a fundraiser. LibriVox is an organization of volunteers who offer public domain recordings of public domain works for free to the world online. If you follow the links to my voice in the right panel of this blog, you will find LibriVox. Please follow this link. And please support them.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Try Dialogue

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. Iowa, I am right here. Why do you never try talking to me?

Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Rape is a crime. Being raped is not. This woman needs support, compassion, and understanding not criminal charges. She did not have sex out of wedlock; she was attacked against her will. She did not make any conscious choice to have sexual relations with that man. He forced himself on her. Please be good to this woman. Reporting rape takes bravery in any country.

Sanford, Florida, USA. I agree that civil rights charges should be filed. If George Zimmerman confronted and eventually killed Trayvon Martin only because he was Black, his civil rights were violated. This requires an investigation and a trial to determine guilt.

There is also an appeals process for murder charges. I should know. Trayvon's family can appeal non-guilty verdicts all of the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

Please keep your faith in the justice system, America. I believe George Zimmerman had a fair trial. It all comes down to how information and evidence is presented in the courtroom, and verdicts rely on what laws are at the time.

It is because of failings of lawyers and other flaws that we have an appeals process, and I hated the prosecuting attorneys in the Zimmerman trial. They were so insulting.

As for my life, Iowa, we need to talk. I have made you a very generous offer. I offered to support homes for abused women, the education system, pensions for police and firefighters, veterans benefits, scholarships for your universities, etc. if you would stop committing all crimes against me and deliver me safely to my husband.

If you would cease all crimes against me, I would also finally get a chance to stop pressing charges against you. It is so cut and dried; that is why I always win. All you do is commit crime after crime against me from torture to persecution, and it does nothing but harm me, harm Iowa, harm America, and harm the entire world.

You know I never leave anyone behind. If you were to deliver me safely to my husband, you know I would take care of you. If you incurred the wrath of Obama for standing up to him and doing the right thing for the first time since 2010, you know I would take care of you. I would take care of any soul who delivers me safely to my husband.

The chemicals you plan on injecting into my poor, abused body this coming Thursday are recognized as torture by the United Nations. It has been proven in court time and time again that I have absolutely no mental illness; I just live in a state that persecutes me and oppresses all of its people.

There has just been a criminal conspiracy of malpractice since I arrived in Iowa in December 2010, not to mention every other crime. You unlawfully imprison me in the state of Iowa just to be able to abuse me here. There is a way out for all of us. All you have to do is take my deal.

Think of all the good I could do in this world if you just let me leave and be with my loving husband. The world needs me, Iowa. The good people do this green Earth need me whole and beautiful, not broken and miserable from all of your unrelenting persecution.

I am already showing signs of damage from you. I believe you tried to press criminal charges against me that I was forbidden from knowing about because you damaged me so much that I wished for freedom from your unrelenting ill will. You damage me, Iowa. We all have evidence of that. Why not do good in the world instead of unrelentingly trying to destroy a beautiful woman here to serve?

Iowa, I am right here. Why will you not just sit down and talk to me about this? How can your obedience to one sociopathic president be worth all of the pain you have been reeking on the entire world?

You are horrible and evil, Iowa. But you have a chance to save and redeem yourselves. Just take my deal.

That is right, my beautiful world, Obama has been on a witch hunt of me for so long that Iowa tried pressing criminal charges against me for wishing for freedom. I believe I had a private moment during which I prayed to God for him to kill someone for me. That is how damaged I am now because of Iowa and Obama. And Iowa tried to claim that my simple prayer to God was my trying to put a hit on someone's head.

Obama will not let me out of this bubble until he renders me an ugly, horrible woman who fights to harm the world. Obama will not allow me out of this bubble until he can put me in prison for something. He has tried so many trumped up charges already.

The only way to avoid Obama destroying me is to remove him from office before he gets away with it. I am a sitting duck for all of Obama's destruction as long as I am in an Iowa that obeys him at all costs to themselves and the world.

I am already showing signs of damage. When is enough abuse enough? How much of Obama's direct orders to destroy me with his rules are you going to make me live through before someone does something effective to remove him from office?

Please save me, my beautiful world. Imagine the world without me; then save me. Obama is hell bent on destroying me.

My beautiful world, you do so much for me. Imagine the world without me, and then do everything you can to impeach Obama to keep me good and beautiful. Here are, again, the five easy things you can do to help.
1.) Organize. Make noise. Protest. Raise some nonviolent hell. Your constant pressure on the government is invaluable. Obama terrorizes people into obeying him because the public is good to me one by one. (If Obama terrorizes you, he is a terrorist.) Iowa in particular needs someone to come in here and organize these people en masse to no longer obey any rules en masse. This is not rebellion; this is civil disobedience, that which civil rights movements are always built on. The rules are proven unconstitutional anyway.
2.) Increase awareness. Make sure there is no one anywhere in the world who does not know who I am, what I do for this world, and how much I suffer. I spend all day every day using my intellect to save the world. Spread the truth around. I am not a schizophrenic. I am not mentally incompetent. I am not a porn star. I have never been a stripper. I am no murderer. This is all just enduring libel Obama spreads about me. My job is saving the world.
3.) Turn in your evidence. Has Obama commanded or even asked you to do ANYTHING concerning me since 2009? We could have gotten this far with his impeachment years ago if we just had all of the evidence in one place sooner. Please help us. If you have witnessed, endured, or suffered through any oppression or human rights violations at the hands of Obama, send Syniva your evidence and witness testimonies. We cannot do this without you. Obama has done a lot through bribery. Did Obama bribe you to throw my hearings at the Polk County District Court? Did Obama bribe you into putting drugs in your food products or bottled drinks or tap water? Please help! You will get a plea deal! The truth will come out anyway; you might as well be on the right side of history. Trust I will get you with the long arm of the law if you do not.
4.) Be good to me. Keep me as safe as possible. Spend time with me. Be a true friend to me not some superficial twat who asks me my name. I live with a target the president of the United States put on my head. I could use some help making it through this without being so persecuted that I am destroyed. Be a hero; do not be a stereotypical Iowan. And definitely keep watching the hacked webcam while I sleep instead of the Obama porn channel. My security system is the only thing that prevents Obama from raping me again. We make progress in the courts when you, the people who love me, challenge the rules. It also makes me feel warm and loved. Please consider it.
5.) Support the people who fight for me if you cannot fight for me yourself. Buy Syniva's art. Feed my protesters. Find Christian a job. Keep Jared safe. Get my rescuers to my side. Do whatever it takes. Take down everyone from DC to Des Moines who is in the way if necessary. Provide everything my rescuers ask for. Try to predict when and if they will need help. Obama is trying to kill them. They need your help constantly.

And, thank you, my beautiful world. Thank you! I would be nothing without you. You give me faith in humanity and love for the world. Imagine the world without me; then impeach Obama in time to save me from his bubble destroying me. Thank you, my beautiful world.

My brave rescuers, we get so close sometimes. If Iowa takes my deal, will I still get to meet you? Please speak with the Iowa government (Call the governor's office.) about arranging my safe delivery to my husband. All things point to Iowa taking my deal, but I trust you more to keep me safe during transit. Please keep an active role in all of this. I love you, too.

SynSyn, you are the hero. Thank you! If for any reason I still get tortured on Thursday instead of rescued before hand, be prepared to press every charge under the sun and demand justice on behalf of the entire world. But if Iowa does take the deal, they are going to have to notify me in writing I do not need to be tortured again or preferably offer me that ride to my husband before Thursday. Please keep an eye on me!

Sweetness, I love you so much. We are so close! You have promised me a happily ever after with you for the rest of my life. I thank you. I will make you happier than you ever thought imaginable. I love and adore you so much.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. When is this bubble so ridiculous you all just stop obeying its rules finally? Does Iowa know how much it is harming America and the entire world by imprisoning me here to torture and destroy me? And they only do it because Obama orders it.

Did Obama bride state legislators, so they would not agree to the generous deal I offered them? Only a thorough investigation will tell. But Obama bribes everyone. Corruption is everywhere. And Iowa plans or torturing me 25July, and if I do not show up for it, they will institutionalize me.

Syria. We simply cannot allow Syria to go on like this. This is a crisis the world must take up action to fix. When are the talks going to happen in Geneva, Switzerland? Please tell me everyone knows who they are sending to the talks, and please tell me all sides are represented.

We simply cannot allow this crisis in Syria to continue. It is too much violence and too much human suffering. Everyone who can help bring peace to the area needs to help. I only wish I had enough human rights to show up in Geneva and do more.

This Monday night was a break from the norm for me. My darling friend Christian Laffey who lives in Los Angeles called me like he always does on Monday nights. We had a delightful talk about how much I wish I could get Christian a job. He works in film and has been project to project so off and on lately.

There must be someone out there who loves me enough to rescue Christian for me. His number is 818-326-2006. Please only call him if you have a serious production offer for him or if you want to buy his script about saving ancient Roman manuscripts. I love his script about rescuing the Roman library; it is even mostly historically accurate.

After my weekly call from Christian, which always cheers me up, my buddy Jared stopped by. Jared is the lucky fellow I no longer sleep with since my marriage is no longer open. I tutored him in College Algebra. We watched some Letterman and Ferguson. We played some records. We played some cards with my deck of Risqué Beauties of the Theatre.

Ke$ha, Jared has a crush on you. What kind of securely platonic friend am I of his if I do not say this? Jared is turning out to be quite the daredevil hero, too. Ke$ha, do you want a date with him? I can arrange it! You're gonna love his tongue, if you pardon my R-rated girl talk. Just something for you to think about, Pretty Lady. Every woman loves a hero.

Monday night I also ate so many tainted strawberries that I was laid up with withdrawal symptoms until Tuesday afternoon. Remember how Obama has been drugging up my food and drink when I go out? Well, he has always also drugs up the food and drink and the grocery store. Beware the tap water, the strawberries, and the bottles of Aquafina I bought. The Aquafina makes me yawn and sometimes gives me a headache.

I spent Tuesday and Wednesday largely watching the news and surfing the internet. That is, in fact, how I spend most days. My job of saving the world relies on my taking in information, digesting it, and spitting it back out again.

Wednesday afternoon, I hung out with my mom. She is such a horrible and confusing woman. She does everything Obama tells her to do from hiding my passport from me to making sure I never have money, but she goes out of her way to pretend she emotionally supports me.

It is like she wants me stuck in Iowa miserable and hating her for the rest of my life just so she can feed and clothe me. At least she never tries to get between me and the news anymore.

Speaking of the news, is it worth it, members of the news media? Is doing your job with excellence by making sure all of America hears every newsworthy story worth disobeying Obama's rules, yet?

I should ask all of you to organize and stand up en masse out of love of me, but I do not want to emotionally manipulate you. I already know how much you love me... all of you from Brian Williams and Wolf Blitzer to Diane Sawyer and Judy Woodruff. But when is the bubble so ridiculous it is finally worth reporting the news all together and all at once?

They will deny me access to your broadcasts if you stand up and report every news story concerning me. They will make sure your broadcasts cannot reach my television by disrupting my cable signal. Obama is so malevolent. He is predictable but malevolent.

I am willing to give up being able to watch all of you whom I love so much, too, if it means we can finally get the truth to all of America. There are so many clueless people. We owe America the truth. I am willing to sacrifice being able to watch you all deliver the news if it means we can get the news to the masses. Something has got to give.

We will have to free up every online, broadcast, and print news service all at once to make sure no one gets arrested nor fined. Please consider this. America and even I will be better served if the entire country can get to the news; even if it means I cannot. I will always have my filtered internet connection for getting the news. I have all of your websites and apps.

Please consider organizing and reporting the news, my wonderful and loving news media. Would you do it for me? Would you do it for America? Would you do it for your own integrity as news reporters? We can set America free of this bubble, but it requires getting the whole truth to the masses.

My beautiful world, you do so much for me. Imagine the world without me, and then do everything you can to impeach Obama to keep me good and beautiful. Here are, again, the five easy things you can do to help.
1.) Organize. Make noise. Protest. Raise some nonviolent hell. Your constant pressure on the government is invaluable. Obama terrorizes people into obeying him because the public is good to me one by one. (If Obama terrorizes you, he is a terrorist.) Iowa in particular needs someone to come in here and organize these people en masse to no longer obey any rules en masse. This is not rebellion; this is civil disobedience, that which civil rights movements are always built on. The rules are proven unconstitutional anyway.
2.) Increase awareness. Make sure there is no one anywhere in the world who does not know who I am, what I do for this world, and how much I suffer. I spend all day every day using my intellect to save the world. Spread the truth around. I am not a schizophrenic. I am not mentally incompetent. I am not a porn star. I have never been a stripper. I am no murderer. This is all just enduring libel Obama spreads about me. My job is saving the world.
3.) Turn in your evidence. Has Obama commanded or even asked you to do ANYTHING concerning me since 2009? We could have gotten this far with his impeachment years ago if we just had all of the evidence in one place sooner. Please help us. If you have witnessed, endured, or suffered through any oppression or human rights violations at the hands of Obama, send Syniva your evidence and witness testimonies. We cannot do this without you. Obama has done a lot through bribery. Did Obama bribe you to throw my hearings at the Polk County District Court? Did Obama bribe you into putting drugs in your food products or bottled drinks or tap water? Please help! You will get a plea deal! The truth will come out anyway; you might as well be on the right side of history. Trust I will get you with the long arm of the law if you do not.
4.) Be good to me. Keep me as safe as possible. Spend time with me. Be a true friend to me not some superficial twat who asks me my name. I live with a target the president of the United States put on my head. I could use some help making it through this without being so persecuted that I am destroyed. Be a hero; do not be a stereotypical Iowan. And definitely keep watching the hacked webcam while I sleep instead of the Obama porn channel. My security system is the only thing that prevents Obama from raping me again. We make progress in the courts when you, the people who love me, challenge the rules. It also makes me feel warm and loved. Please consider it.
5.) Support the people who fight for me if you cannot fight for me yourself. Buy Syniva's art. Feed my protesters. Find Christian a job. Keep Jared safe. Get my rescuers to my side. Do whatever it takes. Take down everyone from DC to Des Moines who is in the way if necessary. Provide everything my rescuers ask for. Try to predict when and if they will need help. Obama is trying to kill them. They need your help constantly.

And, thank you, my beautiful world. Thank you! I would be nothing without you. You give me faith in humanity and love for the world. Imagine the world without me; then impeach Obama in time to save me from his bubble destroying me. Thank you, my beautiful world.

My brave rescuers, we will get this right. How close do you get to me every time you try to reach me? I hate when you get hurt. I hate when you get frustrated. I really hate when you die. Obama is so malevolent. Thank you for seeing so much in me that you believe I am worth this sacrifice. If only I could make things easier for you. I am doing everything I can in here. Thank you for always listening to me. ;)

SynSyn, Iowa plans on torturing me again on 25July. This time, the moment the needle breaks my skin, press charges so huge Iowa breaks and begs for mercy. Tear this state open and get me out. Iowa owes the world so much for trying so hard to destroy me. Make them pay for all the suffering in the world everywhere I could have helped alleviate if I just had enough human rights to do so. That is where all my money will go, after all, to saving and educating the world.

Sweetness, yeah, I saw you took your kids and Amber to Japan with you for the premier of the Lone Ranger there. There is nothing wrong with having friends you do not have sex with hanging around you all the time. I have a friend like that myself. I trust you. You said you want a closed relationship. I trust you.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Right to Knowledge

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. I have a right to know everything Obama does that concerns me and my life. Please impeach Obama, so I can live a free woman again.

Sanford, Florida, USA. I see Obama is already politicizing Trayvon Martin to take advantage of his death to serve his political agenda. I am not going to do that. I am no Obama. I do not take advantage of dead teenagers.

Jury decisions come down to how the evidence was portrayed in the courtroom. I must admit, through the televising of the procedures, every time the prosecuting attorneys would address the court, I would feel demeaned and insulted, and I would change the channel. They had a strange and very offensive style. But even I thought George Zimmerman would get manslaughter.

My beautiful America, I know you are upset. A young man with a promising future has already been lost. You can be angry and make your voices heard without the loss of any more lives nor property. Be careful out there. There is no reason for any more violence. Please do not die. Please do not kill. There has been enough death already.

New York, New York, USA. Malala Yousafzai is such a brave young lady. Threats, guns, violence, and physical attacks cannot silence the pure of heart. For if you kill a Malala, a thousand will rise up to fill her place. And that is how many it would take, Malala. It would take thousands to replace you.

Darfur, Sudan. This is something to keep an eye on. A return of violence to the Sudan should be taken very seriously. Once we know more about when and why and how this happened, we need to look at solving the real problems in the area. I only wish I were in a position where I could better look into major problems like this. Someday.

Moscow, Russia. Dearest Putin, like it or not, Snowden needs a safe way to reach Latin America. Granting him asylum, so he can go to an embassy in Moscow might be the fastest way to get rid of him.

As tempting as it sounds, you cannot lay a hold of Snowden and try to trade him for me. Obama will do absolutely nothing that leads to my having human rights under any circumstances. Please keep Edward safe. Please help him find safe passage to Latin America. And thank you, President Putin, for even humoring the idea of trading someone for me. Obama is just too malevolent for it to work.

On the topic of malevolence, is the already criminally convicted Eric J. Holder, Jr. really trying to crack down on people giving me information critical to my survival? Do I need to remind the world I have a right to knowledge? It is a right I am denied, but I am supposed to have a right, as a US citizen, to know what goes on concerning me.

Do you remember this quote from the opening of The Penumbra? Click here to read the entire Penumbra.

“Where a person’s good name, reputation, honor, or integrity is at stake because of what the government is doing to him, notice and an opportunity to be heard are essential.”

-- Justice William Douglas
Wisconsin v. Constantineau
400 U.S. 433, 437 (1971)

I have a right to know what the government says about me from being able to know from the start that I was framed for murder to being able to see all that the Obama porn channel streams online in order to defame me. I had a right to know from the start why the US government was raping me in my sleep. I have a right to know what arguments Obama offers for justifying persecuting me, as if this bubble could ever be justified.

Obama's rules are an impeachable offense. It is illegal to persecute. It is illegal to oppress. I am supposed to have rights. All of America is supposed to have rights! How long are you going to allow Obama to defaecate on the US Constitution before you finally remove him from office?

He has already promised that his will not allow basic human rights in America until he is removed from office. So, what is keeping Obama in office to desecrate America? Impeach him already. His rules are convictable offense enough.

My beautiful world, you do so much for me. Imagine the world without me, and then do everything you can to impeach Obama to set me free. Here are, again, the five easy things you can do to help.
1.) Organize. Make noise. Protest. Raise some nonviolent hell. Your constant pressure on the government is invaluable. Obama terrorizes people into obeying him because the public is good to me one by one. (If Obama terrorizes you, he is a terrorist.) If everyone stands up all at once, America will get away with setting itself free. Iowa in particular needs someone to come in here and organize these people en masse. This is not rebellion; this is civil disobedience, that which civil rights movements are always built on. The rules are proven unconstitutional anyway.
2.) Increase awareness. Make sure there is no one anywhere in the world who does not know who I am, what I do for this world, and how much I suffer. I spend all day every day using my intellect to save the world. Spread the truth around. I am not a schizophrenic. I am not mentally incompetent. I am not a porn star. I have never been a stripper. I am no murderer. This is all just enduring libel Obama spreads about me. My job is saving the world.
3.) Turn in your evidence. Has Obama commanded or even asked you to do ANYTHING concerning me since 2009? We could have gotten this far with his impeachment years ago if we just had all of the evidence in one place sooner. Please help us. If you have witnessed, endured, or suffered through any oppression or human rights violations at the hands of Obama, send Syniva your evidence and witness testimonies. We cannot do this without you. Obama has done a lot through bribery. Did Obama bribe you to throw my hearings at the Polk County District Court? Did Obama bribe you into putting drugs in your food products or bottled drinks or tap water? Please help! You will get a plea deal! The truth will come out anyway; you might as well be on the right side of history.
4.) Be good to me. Keep me as safe as possible. Spend time with me. Be a true friend to me not some superficial twat who asks me my name. I live with a target the president of the United States put on my head. I could use some help making it through this without being so persecuted that I am destroyed. Be a hero; do not be a stereotypical Iowan. And definitely keep watching the hacked webcam while I sleep instead of the Obama porn channel. My security system is the only thing that prevents Obama from raping me again. We make progress in the courts when you, the people who love me, challenge the rules. It also makes me feel warm and loved. Please consider it.
5.) Support the people who fight for me if you cannot fight for me yourself. Buy Syniva's art. Feed my protesters. Keep Jared safe. Get my rescuers to my side. Do whatever it takes. Take down everyone from DC to Des Moines who is in the way of my having human rights if necessary. Provide everything my rescuers ask for. Try to predict when and if they will need help. Obama is trying to kill them. They need your help constantly.

And, thank you, my beautiful world. Thank you! I would be nothing without you. You give me faith in humanity and love for the world. Imagine the world without me; then impeach Obama in time to save me from his bubble destroying me. Thank you, my beautiful world.

My brave rescuers, I know you would be here by now if you could. What more do you need? If I could get to Kansas City, I would still not know where to meet you... but it is looking more and more positive I will be able to get myself to Kansas City once Syniva is done working her magic on Iowa. Would you be able to meet me there?

SynSyn, you are a hero and an angel. I heard that you are working out the kinks in our agreement to help out Iowa in return for their no longer persecuting me illegally. Court wins really help. Please see if you can get me a lift to my husband as one of our terms. You are such a sweetheart, Synny. You are a sweetheart and a hero.

Sweetness, you are my hero, my king, and my reason for living. I agree. We should question whether or not we want to leave this relationship open. I left it up to you. You get lonely faster than I do, and you are the reason we have an open relationship in the first place. And you said you want an exclusive marriage with me ASAP. We now no longer have an open relationship. I love you, Sweetness. I love and adore you.

Darling, I have tried it, and I am no good at it. You, on the other hand, make an open relationship look so glamorous. It was your choice. And you made my dreams come true.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

I Have Seen no Signs of Progress, Yet.

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. We have made grand progress, but absolutely nothing has changed for me, yet. They keep saying, "By the weekend Squid will be free." But I have yet to see any signs of anything changing.

Washington, DC, USA. Immigration reform seems dead. That is such a shame. Immigration reform would do wonders for the economy and the national debt besides being the right thing to do for the nation as a whole.

I heard the argument that killing immigration reform would not stop any more Latino voters from voting for Republicans. Well, right now, just about no Latinos vote Republican anyway. It will take more than one gesture by the GOP to convince Latinos to support them. It will take immigration reform and a stream of other friendly legislation on Latino topics to win voters. But it starts with immigration reform.

I know I am personally invested in the bill because it would make maintaining Obama's bubble policy concerning me an impeachable offense. And we need Obama impeached. I wish the house Republicans would reconsider passing the bill. Obama has promised that the persecution of me he orders will not end until he is removed from office.

Paris, France. You do not have to be French or German or even British to believe I deserve full human rights. Plenty of Americans also believe I am being crucified to satisfy a sociopathic president. When is enough enough?

How much are you going to make me suffer, Congress, before you finally just impeach the president for his constitution-violating rules? There is a reason the executive branch is forbidden from creating laws.

China. Liao Yiwu was in his 30s when he was arrested for writing and performing a poem about the Tiananmen Square Massacre in China. His story sounds like Obama's America today. Could you imagine what would happen if a poet like Margaret Atwood, or similarly accredited, went on David Letterman, for example, and performed a poem openly about me?

Our movies are censored. Our musicians are censored. Our television is censored. Our news is censored. Our books are censored. Our magazines are censored. Everything is censored in America under Obama. But according to the Supreme Court, Americans cannot be censored until AFTER they speak.

What will it take to set America free? It will require Congress impeaching Obama for abusing his office and oppressing all of America just to be able to persecute me. Impeach Obama for his rules and for his executive orders. It is illegal to persecute. It is illegal to oppress. It is illegal to be a dictator in America.

My beautiful world, yes, I heard the good news. And, yes, we should celebrate, but we are not done yet. Even if I eventually get enough rights to sneak away to someplace foreign where I can have full human rights again, America will still be indefinitely oppressed. And I have still yet to see any progress inside this bubble anyway.

There also seems to be a new libel video circulating supposedly about me. I honestly have no idea what I am accused of, so am I framed again? I assume another false video was involved. We know these videos are never of me.

Also, I have long said, Mark R. Gray needs to be disbarred for his involvement in the conspiracy to criminally persecute me in Iowa. He needs to be disbarred and imprisoned.

I have never in my life wanted to kill anybody. But this man has caused me so much damage since 2010 that if I ever had the power to put a hit on someone's head, and we all know I do not have such power, I would have put one on Mark R. Gray of Whitfield & Eddy in Ankeny, Iowa.

I have no wrath, my beautiful world. I have no power to exact vengeance for crimes committed against me. I have to leave things up to the universe and the courts to get justice.

I pray Syniva eventually has enough free time to go after Mark R. Gray with criminal charges. I know I keep her very busy. Or maybe it will be the first thing I do once I have my rights to press charges myself back again. Either way, Mark R. Gray defines 'hate' and 'evil' and 'persecute' and needs to be punished.

What did you say, Mark R. Gray? You only did what Obama told you to do? Well, this is your chance to turn in your evidence before Syniva and I tear you to shreds. We have the transcripts of every hearing, and we have the paperwork you filed. You lied all over the place when everybody knew better. Expect severe punishment, or you could, of course, turn in Obama for everything instead.

My brave rescuers, stay as close to me as you can get. I might need to find a way to reach you on my own from here. I have no idea where you are, and I have no idea how to reach you. But once I get the chance to look for you, I will. Please keep an eye on me. And please stay close.

SynSyn, you are so wonderful. And you are such a hero. You have been making grand progress. Thank you, Synny. If you can get Iowa to meet our demands, we can help Iowa through our foundation. Please try to get me a ride to my husband wherever he is willing to meet me (Canada? or were they corrupted?) on an Iowa Reserves helicopter. My rescuers would love that... or even just a ride to my rescuers. Please try.

Sweetness, we are going to make such beautiful babies, assuming I still can when I get my full human rights back. There has been so much testosterone, and I am getting old. I heard a rumor you want three more. You want five kids total? Really? Well, let us see if I still have three in me. This may not be easy; it might take a lot of trying. Oh, we shall try.

And to keep you completely up to date, the man I was sleeping with and I decided to be just friends. He has hang ups about sleeping with a married woman, and I do not want to be in the way of his finding a girlfriend. He is a real sweetheart, so now we are friends. I recommended we meet in a public place next time I see him.

Darling, I do not see myself finding someone else to sleep with. That was about all I could take of that. I love and adore you so much. You are still free, of course, to date to your heart's content, but I will not be. Someday it will be your arm I am hanging off of. Save the last dance for me.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Never Trust Anyone Who Asks Me My Name

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. Sunday was eventful. I hope you make a blockbuster podcast out of it. And I pray you got all the audio.

Cairo, Egypt. Senator John McCain has let his opinion be known about how he feels about US aid and the Egyptian government. I also see Obama is holding off announcing his own opinion until after he sees what I have to say about it. The Egyptian military did ask me, after all, what to do if Morsi did not meet their deadline. I told them to hold elections and as ElBaradei his opinion.

I believe the US should still give Egypt aid. Not only because the Egyptian military did not assume power in Egypt, they were merely an agent of change in the region, but also because the Egyptian military is going to great pains to build a Western-friendly, secular, interim government until the elections they promise to hold.

The Egyptian military is trying to create the government the revolution promised years ago before it got hijacked by Islamists. We should give them credit for that. If their secular interim government can make a dent in the nation's problems including but not limited to the economy, they stand a good chance of being elected. This was change, not a coup.

As for my life, Saturday, after warning the world there would be porn, instead of going on a date I was stood up. I sat on the patio at Stam alone Saturday night listening to music before going home alone to watch the first new Star Trek alone. A friend consoled me online. Thank you, Brandon. I was told it did not stop Obama from producing porn, though. He is so pathetically desperate to defame me.

Sunday started off as a good day. Andy Murray won Wimbledon. Technically, I was cheering for both of them, so there was no way for me to be disappointed. But I am very proud of Andy. Congratulations, Mr. Murray. You did your nation proud.

I caught an early afternoon showing of the Lone Ranger. What a fun movie! I have no idea why it is not doing better in theaters. I consider it a love letter from my husband, so if no one sees it and appreciates it but me, I am sure they will still call it a success. But please, my beautiful world, support those who fight for me. Please go see the Lone Ranger at your local theater. They put so much love and attention into it.

What else happened on Sunday? My mom and I had a late lunch. I received notification that libel porn was still active even on Sunday afternoon. I took a nap. I watched the news. I had another long talk with Brandon.

I received an explanation for why my date stood me up twice over the weekend. We were supposed to also take a walk around Gray's Lake Sunday afternoon. It was all understandable, but I told him to warn me beforehand next time he had to cancel.

At about 8pm, I ventured off to a local bar alone just so I would not have to sit at home alone. And that is how I ran into Amber and Amber's friend who was never worth my learning his name. First and foremost, never trust ANYBODY who asks me my name. That was the first warning she gave me that all she was going to do all night was get into my face to insult me, abuse me, attack me, aggravate me, and make fun of me. I pray the universe takes vengeance upon them both in a timely fashion.

Amber and Amber's friend are examples of everything wrong with Iowa. They are the vile slime that defines everything evil about this state. Amber and Amber's friend's blind obedience to Obama resulted in their blatant and unforgiving persecution of me. Iowa is evil. And Amber proved it.

Amber also proved to be very deluded. She seems to think boys flirt with her because she is attractive. I've seen her. Boys flirt with her because she is fat, and that makes her look desperate. There was no reality in that woman anywhere.

After the vileness left the bar, desperation came in. Obama sent in two more people trained specifically to aggravate me. The women who came in the bar after the socially incompetence of Amber and her friend left, claimed one of them had slept with my husband. Not only that, she claimed she did not remember much about it at all because she was so drunk calling my benevolent husband a date rapist. Obama is desperate to break us up.

My genius podcasters, please make a blockbuster out of my Sunday night. Get all of their faces. Get all of their voices. Make a record of what I endure in Iowa at the hands of Obama. Make the podcast a force for justice in the world.

My beautiful world, do not get me wrong. I do have an oasis or two in this desert of human rights violations. The Chocolaterie Stam treats me like a human. The bartenders at Zimm's treat me like a human. The neighborhood grocery store, the Dahl's on Ingersoll, also tries to be humane. But for the most part, Iowa needs to be flattened for human rights violations carried out by the public in general as well as by the local government. This place is toxic.

When in doubt, there are five easy things you can do to prevent my soul from dying in here. Imagine the world without me. Then please do everything possible to keep me good and beautiful.
1.) Organize. Make noise. Protest. Raise some nonviolent hell. Your constant pressure on the government is invaluable. Obama terrorizes people into obeying him because the public is good to me one by one. If everyone stands up all at once, America will get away with setting itself free. Iowa in particular needs someone to come in here and organize these people en masse. This is not rebellion; this is civil disobedience, that which civil rights movements are always built on. The rules are proven unconstitutional anyway.
2.) Increase awareness. Make sure there is no one anywhere in the world who does not know who I am, what I do for this world, and how much I suffer. I spend all day every day using my intellect to save the world. Spread the truth around. I am not a schizophrenic. I am not mentally incompetent. I am not a porn star. I have never been a stripper. This is all just enduring libel Obama spreads about me. My job is saving the world.
3.) Turn in your evidence. Has Obama commanded or even asked you to do ANYTHING concerning me since 2009? We could have gotten this far with his impeachment years ago if we just had all of the evidence in one place sooner. Please help us. If you have witnessed, endured, or suffered through any oppression or human rights violations at the hands of Obama, send Syniva your evidence and witness testimonies.
4.) Be good to me. Keep me as safe as possible. Spend time with me. Be a true friend to me not some superficial twat who asks me my name. I live with a target the president of the United States put on my head. I could use some help making it through this without being so persecuted that I am destroyed. Be a hero; do not be a stereotypical Iowan. And definitely keep watching the hacked webcam while I sleep instead of the Obama porn channel. My security system is the only thing that prevents Obama from raping me again. We make progress in the courts when you, the people who love me, challenge the rules. It also makes me feel warm and loved. Please consider it.
5.) Support the people who fight for me if you cannot fight for me yourself. Buy Syniva's art. Feed my protesters. Get my rescuers to my side. Do whatever it takes. Take down everyone from DC to Des Moines who is in the way of my having human rights if necessary. Provide everything my rescuers ask for. Try to predict when and if they will need help. Obama is trying to kill them. They need your help constantly.
And, thank you, my beautiful world. Thank you! I would be nothing without you. You give me faith in humanity and love for the world. Imagine the world without me; then impeach Obama in time to save me from his bubble destroying me. Thank you, my beautiful world.

My brave rescuers, I know the US military is helping you now. I also know Obama tried killing you all again Sunday night. We had some sort of grand success on Sunday. I have no idea what is was, but it made Obama throw a tantrum. I wish there were a safer way to rescue me. I wish we could avoid this civil war. Until Obama lays his weapons down and gives me back all of my human rights, this is all we have, though. Thank you for believing I am worth all of this.

SynSyn, flatten Iowa. There is no excuse for locals going out of their way to attack and persecute me. The local government does enough of that on its own. I want this place broken and begging for mercy. Please flatten Iowa sooner rather than later. They have to be taught a lesson.

If I had wrath, I would be capable of vengeance. I am left begging the universe to take care of the vileness of Amber without me. I pray cosmic justice is swift upon her evil head.

Sweetness, the bartender Alan got a good look at the girl and the girl's facebook wall who tried to defame you to my face by claiming she slept with you. I recommend suing her. Darling, you could have lost me. Was that not her goal? To make me leave you? We need to drive the message home that doing what Obama wants gets people punished.

Darling, I am fed up with the locals. Fuck Iowa. Sue them all. Put them all in prison. How dare they try to come between me and the man I love.

I love you, Sweetness. I am going to go think about our happily ever after now. I need something to cheer me up. Thank you for the Lone Ranger.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Was Your July 4th Free or Oppressed?

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. Just some things to look out for in the future.

Moscow, Russia. Europe, you are enraged that Obama spies on you. The least you could do is thank the man who let you know. Besides, what good am I if I cannot get a fellow dissident a soft place to land? Please, my beautiful world, consider giving asylum to Edward Snowden. Would you do it for me?

Ooh! La! La! Edward, I just heard about Nicaragua, Bolivia, and Venezuela offering you asylum. Be careful in transit. You know what happened to the Bolivian president because they suspected you were aboard. Thank you, South America!

As for the minutia of my life, I need an eye exam. After the exam, the doctor will prescribe corrective lenses of a new prescription for me rendering my security system inoperable. Please, my beautiful world, do everything possible to keep me safe after my prescription changes. I am warning you now, so you can be prepared.

I spent my July 4th oppressed. I went on a picnic with my mom in the area, seeing as my mother refuses to do anything even vaguely related to rescuing me. She can be so evil. And I sat on top of a roof in the area to see fireworks. The only human right I had the entire time was my freedom of speech, but no one around me had their freedom of speech. My July 4th was horrible and oppressed.

My beautiful world, there is so much you can do to help. When in doubt, there are five easy things you can do to prevent my soul from dying in here. Imagine the world without me. Then please do everything possible to keep me good and beautiful.
1.) Organize. Make noise. Protest. Raise some nonviolent hell. Your constant pressure on the government is invaluable. Obama terrorizes people into obeying him because the public is good to me one by one. If everyone stands up all at once, America will get away with setting itself free. Iowa in particular needs someone to come in here and organize these people en masse. This is not rebellion; this is civil disobedience, that which civil rights movements are always built on. The rules are proven unconstitutional anyway.
2.) Increase awareness. Make sure there is no one anywhere in the world who does not know who I am, what I do for this world, and how much I suffer. I spend all day every day using my intellect to save the world. Spread the truth around. I am not a schizophrenic. I am not mentally incompetent. I am not a porn star. I have never been a stripper. This is all just enduring libel Obama spreads about me. My job is saving the world.
3.) Turn in your evidence. Has Obama commanded or even asked you to do ANYTHING concerning me since 2009? We could have gotten this far with his impeachment years ago if we just had all of the evidence in one place sooner. Please help us. If you have witnessed, endured, or suffered through any oppression or human rights violations at the hands of Obama, send Syniva your evidence and witness testimonies.
4.) Be good to me. Keep me as safe as possible. Spend time with me. Be a true friend to me not some superficial twat who asks me my name. I live with a target the president of the United States put on my head. I could use some help making it through this without being so persecuted that I am destroyed. Be a hero; do not be a stereotypical Iowan. And definitely keep watching the hacked webcam while I sleep instead of the Obama porn channel. My security system is the only thing that prevents Obama from raping me again. We make progress in the courts when you, the people who love me, challenge the rules. It also makes me feel warm and loved. Please consider it.
5.) Support the people who fight for me if you cannot fight for me yourself. Buy Syniva's art. Feed my protesters. Get my rescuers to my side. Do whatever it takes. Take down everyone from DC to Des Moines who is in the way of my having human rights if necessary. Provide everything my rescuers ask for. Try to predict when and if they will need help. Obama is trying to kill them. They need your help constantly.
And, thank you, my beautiful world. Thank you! I would be nothing without you. You give me faith in humanity and love for the world. Imagine the world without me; then impeach Obama in time to save me from his bubble destroying me. Thank you, my beautiful world.

Also, my beautiful world, I have a date Saturday night, so regardless of whether or not I sleep with the sweetheart of a guy, be prepared for the internet to explode with porn neither of us made. I am just warning you now. Even if all we do is cuddle, the internet is going to explode with libel porn. Be prepared to label it libel and to hold the people who made it and who published it accountable. Thank you.

My brave rescuers, I hear you got some help. I heard you thought you were guaranteed to be here by the morning after July 4th. I know you know who sent you that help would love to send you more. Do not be conservative with your estimates of how much help you need. Ask for more than enough to over power. If this drags on, we will be in a civil war again. Whatever you need, just ask. All I need is a lift from here to freedom, safety, and rights.

SynSyn, if the federal government makes more libel porn, please press more charges against them. It is a crime to libel someone, so press criminal charges against the FBI, too, for making it. The charges will likely go nowhere since the FBI will never investigate itself. But please try. If civil charges are all we can get, make the punishment so huge that the libel has no choice but to end.

My BFF, I hear you made great progress in the courts. Press charges against Obama personally for everything. Do not forget this blog post nor this one.

The only explanation for my still being in this bubble even after the mandate was repealed, after I was acknowledged as innocent on all charges by the Supreme Court, after I offered to negotiate his impending impeachment until it was off the table, and after the bubble has been deemed unconstitutional, is because Obama is abusing his office to serve his personal vendetta against me. There is no other explanation.

Sweetness, thank you for standing beside me through everything just like I always stand by you. I have not seen such expressions of love from you in a long time. It makes me wonder what I did right for you to tell me you love me again. I cry so much and so often over not being able to be with you. At least I am reassured, now, that you will be right there for me once I finally get out of this bubble of hell and torment. I love you. I love you. I love you!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. New rules were supposed to be effective Monday, so my husband could kiss me on Tuesday. The bubble is still incompatible with the Supreme Court ruling, and now Obama has promised the bubble will not come down even in September. He has chosen to delay indefinitely. Congress, would it not be nice if you could just sit down with me and ask me questions? This bubble will not end until Obama is impeached.

USA. This is here to honor the nineteen Arizona firefighters we lost fighting wildfires Sunday night. Remember those young, brave men as heroes. They ran into the fire to keep everyone else safe. That was their calling in life. Click here to donate to help their families. They will always be heroes.

Egypt. Egypt needs a government that makes its people happy. What sparked the anger with Morsi was largely his influence over the new Constitution. The opposition wanted it to be more secular and to protect more human rights.

I pray that the Egyptian military holds elections soon. I pray the opposition run a candidate of their own whom everyone can rally around. And I pray Egypt fixes up their constitution to make it more protective of everyone's human rights.

As for Iowa, I have absolutely no mental illness; I just speak the truth in a land where it is forbidden. So, I have been branded crazy in order to discredit, torture, and imprison me. Never take your foot off Iowa until they stop libeling me with a mental illness, my beautiful world.

SynSyn, you seem to be making great progress in Iowa. Thank you. I only wish it could deliver me to a place I could be safe and free at last.

My rescuers still are not here. Obama is outright violating a Supreme Court ruling! He has no respect for the US Constitution and wants me dead and destroyed at all costs. Does America allow tyrannical dictators? Or do we have checks and balances? Obama is out of control with his persecution of me. Please impeach him already!

Obama announced yesterday that he does not plan on taking the bubble down in September. America is stuck oppressed with no freedom of speech, no freedom of the press, and no right to assemble and associate with me indefinitely. This bubble of human rights violations on everyone will not come down until Obama is removed from office.

Obama is holding all of America captive not just me. And why? What purpose does this bubble serve? Does it do anything more than work to destroy me with torture and chemicals and the anguish resulting from a public obeying his rules to persecute me at all costs? It keeps a gag order on all of Obama's crimes against me. Does it serve anything but Obama and his personal vendetta against me?

No. It does not. It is just crimes and human rights violations designed to destroy me and keep Obama in office. Imagine the world without me. The only way to avoid that catastrophe is to remove Obama from office as soon as possible.

It has never been more obvious that Obama must be impeached and forced out of the office he abuses to destroy me. How do you stop an abuser? You take away the abuser's power to hurt and destroy.

I have heard rumors that the military wants to get involved. If these rumors are true, thank you, military. Please understand that as far as I know, this is just rumors.

I have heard worries that military intervention to save America from Obama's dictatorship will lead to civil war. I do not see anything standing in the way of the US military. The FBI just is not strong enough. The military just needs to intervene with a large enough force to get this rescue taken care of as soon as possible instead of dragging things out.

If the military slowly builds up a resistance in the area to the FBI that is oppressing all of America and as a result is holding back the entire world, we will end up in a civil war. But if they over power the FBI in the beginning, we can avoid further conflict. Peace and rights we are all due according to the Supreme Court and according to the US Constitution will finally arrive.

I do not like armed conflict, but if it is the only way to end human rights violations and oppression, if it is the only way to fight a tyrannical dictator, and if it is the only way to save America, I thank the military for knowing what they have to do for the benefit of not just me but every American everywhere who wants to be free again.

Sometimes we get a bad president. It makes me feel safer knowing the military has a system for saving America when we are oppressed by a dictator who has no regard for anyone's human rights. If they are squeamish about disobeying orders from Obama, the military just has to wait for Congress to approve their taking matters into their own hands at the highest levels to uphold the Supreme Court ruling and the US Constitution finally in America.

I doubt Congress will let America down. Democrats want to avoid impeachment, and Republicans hate Obama's abuses of power. Leon Panetta wanted approval for a military intervention over a year ago. Congress, please save America.

All Americans everywhere are having their rights violated by Obama's bubble policy. It gives me comfort knowing someone has the power to save us; even if, it means the military has to declare itself in opposition to a horrible, human-rights-violating president.

Please recall, military, at the very least, I just need a lift to my rescuers. A lot of conflict can be avoided if military already inside Iowa just puts me in a helicopter and carries me to Canada or the British Virgin Islands or someplace else guaranteed to give me rights, keep me safe, and let me kiss my husband.

My beautiful world, when people get arrested or fined for violating the bubble and when we fight it all the way to the Supreme Court, we seem to make the most progress with taking the bubble apart. At least, we need people brave enough to challenge the rules to get the rules deemed unconstitutional.

My brave rescuers, I am sending you all the help I have got. I wish I could keep you safe. I wish there were alternatives to your putting your lives on the line. It is illegal for Obama to keep trying to kill you. I wish we could end the violence at last, so you could safely ride into Iowa and save me. I am working on it.

SynSyn, do we have enough evidence yet to prove Obama is abusing his office to serve his personal vendetta against me? Is there any other explanation for why I am in this bubble instead of released particularly now? We need charges against Obama personally.

The Supreme Court is upholding the Constitution. Congress is doing everything it can to help. The only people we have a problem with in the federal government is Obama and the FBI. Homeland Security, the NSA, the CIA, the State Department, the military, these are all people on our side. Can we limit our punishment of the federal government to just Obama and the FBI?

I care about justice. This is not about money. This is not about vengeance. We need the bubble taken apart, so please sit down with my legal team and work up a plan to hold Obama accountable personally. Thank you, Synny. You are such a hero.

Sweetness, the new rules were supposed to be effective Monday, but you are still somehow forbidden by Obama to be with me. I am furious with that DICTATOR who thinks he can create human rights violating policies without legislation and enforce them despite opposition from the highest court in the land!

I love you, Sweetness. I know you would be here if you could. I understand there is still no way to reach me. I am still forbidden from having any human rights. Do you have any idea how much I wish I could kiss you? I love you. I love you. I love you.