Monday, February 13, 2012

Squid Domestic Product

First and foremost, my beautiful world, kick. Kick. KICK until the bubble bursts! None of us have our stolen rights back yet, so there is nothing we can do but kick harder. Let absolutely no supposed promises nor perceived progress slow you down. Absolutely nothing will be capable of slowing me down but complacency, and in order to accomplish that, Obama the Tyrant has to find my husband, apologize to him, and do everything my Sweetness commands.

My beautiful world, I really need you to stop falling for Obama the Sociopath's lies. He does not give a damn about you or me. He does not give a damn about his own nation. He does not give a damn about the world. How many times have you been lied to by him? Has he yet given any honest explanation for why this bubble exists at all in the first place? Set yourself free of his lies.

For example, do you remember this debacle of his? Click here for reference link. In the face of the hard evidence that Obama the Sex Offender has been the one sending the people who have been raping me in my sleep for years, he decided to lie to and seduce women voters by pretending he cares about women's health. No human who orders that I be raped in my sleep in order to, among other things, enable his mandated slavery of me and thereby committing the war crime of forced prostitution could ever express an honest concern for any woman's health.

Furthermore, Obama the Sex Offender had an alterior motive for attacking the Catholic Church with this policy (out of all religious institutions). Do you remember the date rape that Obama the Human Trafficker recorded of me in the supposed privacy of my own room, packaged, and sold? Not only was that rape, forced prostitution, forced public nudity, forced public humiliation, human trafficking, etc., he also spread around a lie that the man who raped me was a Catholic priest.

In all reality, the man was sent by the president himself. I am very much convinced he was a military chaplain. (Yet, I will never attacked the military nor veterans over this. I am not the kind that spreads hatred due to stereotypes.) He was definitely hired by the government to make sure I could never be beatified. You see, the government despite all its lies was convinced I was still a virgin at that time, and all the man could find to do to stop the beatification process was rape me. Luckily, virginity has never been a requirement to be a saint. Any actual priest could have told him that.

Let us continue the list of Obama the Totalitarian's wrongs against this nation. Let us discuss the poisoned and drugged water supplies, the poisoned and drugged food products, his iron mandate of rules of totalitarianism, his enforcement of his fascism by spreading irrational fears to control the public, etc. These are all acts of domestic terrorism.

I know it has already been proven that 'Ole Gee-Dub' made an agreement with Tony Blair to start the war in Iraq even before taking office in 2000. I know it has also already been proven that when the FBI collected arrest warrants for the criminals on Wall Street who engineered the economic collapse in 2008, he ordered that none of them be arrested. Can you believe we went from that horror to an even worse president? We only allowed the progression from evil to greater evil because we allowed ourselves to fall for Obama the Sociopath's lies and campaign promises in 2008. Please, my beautiful world, never believe another one of his lies again.

Have you seen the evidence of one of Obama the Corrupt's more hidden crimes against all of us? I am referring to the cover article in the February 13th, 2012, issue of Time magazine. Apparently, there is a federal prosecutor named Preet Bharara who is 'investigating' the aforementioned wrongs committed by Wall Street that came to fruition in 2008. It has already been proven that the Department of Justice had enough evidence to issue actual arrest warrants in 2008. Those arrest warrants were simply not acted upon. They do not need an investigation to issue them a second time. This Preet Bharara is simply making a public display of supposed executive branch concern for crimes committed in America that Obama the Corrupt simply has no intentions of ever holding people accountable for. (If Bharara's policies change after this is posted, we all know this statement of the obvious is why.)

Similarly, Obama the Corrupt is pretending to do something about the mortgage crisis without ever wanting to hold anyone actually accountable for it either. Click here for more details. Obama the Sociopath just wants to fool the public into thinking he is doing something to help us without ever creating any real solution for anything.

European Union, are you learning from the evidence of the corruption and conspiracy that created the financial and mortgage crises in America? Have you decided to investigate the sources of the policies in your own member nations that led to the debt crisis you are all facing yourselves right now? I am not claiming you are all victims of yet more financial corruption and conspiracy, but I do believe it is worth investigating just to make sure.

On the topic of the economy, has anyone ever calculated the Gross Squid Domestic Product for 2009, 2010, and 2011?... you know, the total economic impact I have had on this or any nation's domestic production. I am everyone's slave as long as everyone is obedient to this criminal bubble. I know I should stop fighting so hard to be good to all of you if none of you are willing to violate the rules and burst the bubble to be good to me, but I cannot help but be benevolent.

It has become very clear from the level of the unrelenting electrobeam torture that I have been very effective at doing good in the world lately. Does the reality of the rules of the bubble have anyone else concerned for my physical safety and well-being?

I have less rights than an animal in here. I bet PETA would love to corroborate that. I am also still carrying the involuntary international reputation as the sexiest woman on the planet. Stalkers are not normally celebrities. They are able to get in here to get to me. Furthermore, we all know that I have very rich and very powerful enemies who are becoming increasing desperate and angry with me. We also all know that I will not relent on my march for truth and justice under any circumstances but complacency (as described above), and neither should you.

What little physical safety I have is a side effect of being Obama the Terrorist's slave. It has been very well established that Obama the Sociopath and his conspirators send the rapists, send the torturers, send the snipers, etc. I need bodyguards, and I need my husband in here as soon as possible. Yes, I need a lot of things from freedom from persecution to freedom from torture to freedom from slavery, but what I need most right now is bodyguards and my husband. Please, my beautiful world, hold everyone accountable who prevents this. I am supposed to have a right to physical safety, and my internet connection that facilitates your ability to watch over me during my most vulnerable part of the day went down twice this morning while I tried to sleep.

Sprint, Twitter, Google, Facebook, USPS, and everyone else mandated to intercept strangers' and my own loved ones' communications with me, please report any threats you find to whatever non-corrupt authority you can find who cares enough about me or the world to do something about them. I know I am very unpopular with assholes.

Speaking of which, I hear Obama the Dictator has decreed that my still-beating heart be cut from my body and served to him on a silver platter. Which part of "I-gave-my-husband-my-heart-years-ago-just-so-Obama-would-not-be-able-to-kill-me is just a metaphor for my-love-for-him-is-the-only-thing-carrying-me-through-this" do you not understand? I did not mean it literally.

Among the long list of things mandated by the rules of the bubble, I am forbidden from being allowed any honest and compassionate contact with my own loved ones and decades-long friends. I am forbidden even to know I am a slave. And I am forbidden from having even as many rights as an animal. But look at everything I have accomplished in three plus years.

I could really use some help doing good in the world. I could really use getting a competent, morally-upstanding human into the White House, so I could finally delegate leading this nation and supporting all of America's legal, human, civil, and Constitutional rights to someone I can trust. There really is a whole hell of a lot I need to accomplish, and setting and keeping America free takes up so much of my time. It really would not be that hard if we just had a president who would follow the laws of this nation him or herself, and I would love to hand this responsibility to someone we all could trust with this job.

I saw all you good people at the Grammys last night. Thank you for everything you do for me. I completely understand that you only obeyed the bubble last night because the FBI would have shutdown the broadcast into my home altogether if you had not. I hope you understand how much you and all of your work means to me.

Nerds of the world, thank you for keeping the integrity and accuracy of my actual online content safe and for guaranteeing it can speak throughout the planet. You mean so much to me. Thank you for everything.

Iowa, you cannot claim you love me if you obey the criminal rules of the president's oppressive totalitarianism. You have less than 9 hours left until the deadline I gave you. So many of you have made it more than clear to me that you do not want me here, yet you have also spent the last thirteen months committing your crimes against me to guarantee I have had no way to leave.

Also, I hate when you make me repeat myself... Iowa, I have said it so many times, but I will say it again:
1.) If you cannot handle the responsibility of behaving morally while I am in your state, you need to put me in the arms of my loving husband immediately.
2.) If you want me to go easy on you after everything you have done to me, you need to reverse the adult guardianship, put my father in prison ASAP, and put me in the arms of my loving husband.
3.) If you want to fully do the right thing for once, you will ALSO need to convict your dirty judges, convict your dirty quacks, root out the deep corruption in your state, and completely defy the president's bubble of evil.

Yes, your only moral and legal solutions involve putting me safely in the loving arms of my husband.

Remember: If you get caught between me and the president, Obama the Tyrant is actively and illegally oppressing you; I am fighting to save you. It feels like tough love sometimes, but that is all I am up to. If you follow my recommendations, you will save yourselves. If you obey the president, you will be punished.

San Francisco and the Bay Area as a whole, I know how much love you have always had for me. I know how hard and how long you have fought for me. When I looked into your eyes in 2009 and 2010 I saw terror. I know how deeply you have been terrorized for loving me. You will always be my home.

My beautiful world, prepare to deluge Iowa on Feb. 15th if they do not meet all three of my internationally acknowledged far to kind and forgiving requests by midnight tonight. Be ready to bring your maelstrom. I will step out of your way.

Obama the Totalitarian, the State of Iowa, the select people in the UK with which I am furious, the US Embassy to Mexico, all of your other conspirators, have you come to terms with the reality yet that you have more to gain from stopping now than by continuing your crimes? These people will be made free again. And they will not like you for harming them. I will never negotiate with you; I will only make demands. And my beautiful world knows to end all human rights violations first (since there is no legal way to justify any of them) and to do all of the talking afterward.

Sweetness, I strongly recommend that you do not make any more attempts to come here and pick me up. It has been Iowa's responsibility ever since I arrived here in December 2010 to give me my full human rights including no longer committing so many of their own crimes against me that I have no way to leave for a place where I could have actual safety and freedom. It has been Iowa's responsibility for over a year to deliver me themselves safely into your loving arms or at least give me enough of my own inherent freedoms to do so myself. Stop fretting over whether or not you do enough for me; you know you do. Just hold Iowa accountable for the crimes they chose to commit themselves. I love and adore you. I know you love and adore me. That is why you can do no wrong.

P.S. My beautiful world, I know you like dressing up like me and my husband. I will not speak for him on this topic, but I would be much more flattered if you chose to behave like me instead. Be your natural beautiful selves. That is what works for me.

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