Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Do you Remember Hegel's Philosophy of Labor, the Master, and the Servant?

Obama the Sociopath has put his war-crime-level libel machine into action again. Please, my beautiful world, be very proactive at identifying the libel, calling it out publicly as libel, replacing it with the truth, tracing the lies to their source, and castrating every propagator and repeater of the libel from ever being able to libel any person ever again. Expect much libel to come at you very soon. Please also remember that libel is not only the negative things people say about me, my husband, the sanctity of our marriage, my BFF, or any other beautiful part of my life; it also includes the 'positive' lies they tell about us all that are engineered to get us hurt, attacked, or distrusted.

I hear Obama the fascist recently made an emergency trip to the West Coast to profane the states of California and Washington with his presence. The news said he raised $8.5 million in 61 hours by taking that trip. I predict he needed that money in order to be able to create and spread more libel about me and propaganda about himself. Just wait and see. Did you all go back through the cities he visited to purge them of his libelers? Please do so if you have not. Also, his list of donors is a great place to start with identifying the people who still support him. Please take his reported donors aside and gently explain reality to them. If they still support him after coming to terms with the heinousness of that man's still continuing crimes, investigate them. They are probably the people making money off of him enslaving, raping, and torturing me.

Monday night, Iowa and their insistent choice of obedience to this bubble finally succeeded at making me give up on humanity. Somehow, yesterday, after giving up completely, one last ounce of compassion for others squeezed out of my typing fingertips. I am still surprised I still had it in me after everything I have lived through for over three years with no escape, but I suppose it is evidence that my faith in humanity will probably come back if I ever get a chance to heal. To heal, I need all of my stolen rights and freedoms back again including and particularly my husband.

Without my rights, without my freedoms, without any compassion from the people around me, without my husband, and now without my care for humanity, I can concentrate on taking this bubble apart finally. After all, according to Bon Jovi, "You live for the fight when it's all that you've got."

Absolutely nobody who obeys this bubble can claim they care about me at all. In particular, stop believing Iowa's lies that they support me. Those lies make their crimes twice as evil. But I hear they switched from pretending they care about me to calling me an animal anyway now. I have heard cockroach. I have heard dog. I have heard gorilla. They adamantly refuse to refer to me as a human being and plan to continue treating me as sub-human until the bitter end.

So much suffering... I bear so much unrelenting suffering, and I have born so much pain, heartache, damage, and trauma for so long. Yet, Iowa is still enforcing that this never ends.

At least we are getting legal precedents out of it. When I still cared about humanity, these precedents were important because they will guarantee the full rights and freedoms of all people under America's jurisdiction for the entire remaining existence of this nation. Now, these precedents just help me fight my battle for my own personal freedom and safety.

I still refuse to believe this bubble of persecution and oppression is a law. That is not possible in America. But for the sake of exposition, let us pretend it is a law. Then, there are conflicting laws under which Americans must live right now. If a people must choose between which laws to follow, they are supposed to choose that laws that do not rape an innocent woman. They are supposed to choose the laws that do not commit human rights violations, that do not protect and enforce human trafficking, and that do not take away the freedom of speech and freedom of press of this and other nations. But only if this bubble of hell were a law would that matter.

It is possible I love America too much to believe this could have ever been voted on and approved of here. That is probably where my denial, if it even is denial, comes from. Do not forget, though, no matter what a law is, it is the president's choice how it is enforced. If this criminal bubble is a law, the rules, the enforcement, the mandated crimes are all Obama the Totalitarian's doing. For proof that a bubble need not be a capitol offense, click this link. I wrote it in Mexico City.

Do you remember life before this oppression? We were not the lawless and metaphorically godless nation we are now. Why do you not want that America back again? I would prefer an America without the corruption that built this bubble and its mandated criminal crisis, but I will take a free nation anyway I can get it. I cannot have my rights unless you all have your rights, America. Just stop. Just stop obeying. The rules are crimes to begin with. Just choose to stop committing those crimes.

I hope Des Moines has finally learned how not to speak to me. No, Des Moines, I will not. I do not tolerate disrespect. I do not take commands. I do not dance on demand. I am not here to give a show to anyone, and I never have been. I do not shake any body part for any person for any reason. Try respecting who I really am, a human with a birth rite that demands full human rights and the dignity and respect that goes with having them.

I apologize that this blog rarely if ever addresses the libel out there about me. Obama the Dictator forbids me from ever hearing or seeing any of it. I know he blatantly allows any and all lies about me all the air, print, and internet permission they want while forbidding any truth about me and the hell I live through because of him from ever reaching public attention. The best way to fight this is for the presses, news agencies, and broadcasters to all pick a date and time and then just smother all of America in the rich, smooth syrup of the truth all together and all at once. But I have been saying that for so long without ever seeing any progress towards it happening that I now say the following as well.

Please be proactive about identifying and stopping all libel when you hear it. Lies about me have hurt so many innocent people, not just me. I particularly worry about my husband. Please also be proactive about taking people aside and explaining reality to them when you hear support for this evil bubble or for the President Evil who built it. We all need this to end as immediately as possible.

Sweetness, you have no idea how much I wish the magnitude of my love for you were enough to keep you safe. All I have in this bubble I give you. My love, my devotion, my heart, my soul, everything is yours. If only I had more to give...

P.S. Do you remember Hegel's philosophy of labor, the master, and the servant? It had nothing to do with slavery, torture, or rape used as torture, but it is close enough.

P.P.S. Stop testing me. Treat me with compassion for once, and put the burden of proof on the libelers instead.

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