Friday, February 3, 2012

One Week Later, I Finally Write Another Blog Post!

My mom and I spent last weekend in Minnesota visiting my little sister and doing some shopping. I managed to score a cute, blue cocktail dress for less than $28. I did a lot of laughing with my sister. The torture never relented, but most of the water was drinkable. Seeing as I am a slave, I am sure you saw most of it.

I learned that nearly everyone in the Twin Cities had a control-speaker in their ear canals. What kind of sick, twisted, egomaniacal terrorist wants to control legions of brainwashed civilians through chips in their heads? I clearly do not!

Please, everyone on the planet, GET THE CHIPS REMOVED FROM YOUR HEADS! Why did you let them chip you in the first place? If district nurses in the UK could remove their control-speakers, nurses in clinics can do it here in the US, too. Control-speakers in ear canals violate your basic human rights- your freedom of conscious and belief. NEVER let anyone put a speaker in your ear canal, and if you have one, make sure you get it removed.

Control-speakers in the ear canals of the masses can create mental health genocide. Nobody knows the long-term effects of having brainwashing voices pumped into someone's head. Be prepared for ghost voices when the chip are removed. I strongly recommend playing everyone music until the speakers can be permanently destroyed.

I hear that Obama the Sociopath has finally admitted he has been lying about me to the entire planet. Please, my beautiful world, do not forget that even if the lies were true, they could never justify the way I have been tortured, persecuted, harassed, abused, raped, trafficked, libeled, etc... for the last three years. The lies could never justify violating the human rights of three self-sovereign nations, poisoning the food and water of three nations, brainwashing the people of three nations with control-speakers, etc.

There is no logical or legal connection between 'believing' I ever broke the law and putting me in a bubble. If they had ever truly believed I had ever in my life done anything illegal, they would have put me on trial. I was picked out by the president to be thrown away, so he would have an (illogical) excuse to create his fascist totalitarian bubble of oppression and terrorism. And nobody stopped him.

Nobody packages, broadcasts, and sells an active investigation. Nobody fills someone's head with physically harmful equipment and speakers to be able to investigate him or her. This goes well beyond violation of privacy, search, and seizure laws. This is torture, war crimes, human rights violations, and human trafficking. No human, no matter who that human is, should ever be forced to live through everything I have lived through and am still enduring. The bubble is criminal in any and all circumstances. It is absolutely impossible to create any legal explanation for any of this.

Speaking of harm done under the rules of the bubble, everybody in America needs to check their water supplies. I had a triple-espresso drink at the Mall of America in Bloomington, and it put me to sleep. This is ridiculous. America, why are you allowing this to happen to your communities? I just found what I think is heroine in the bottled water I have been drinking. Yes, this bubble we live under is terrorism. It is terrorism mandated by the president, and we, America, need to stop it!

Clearly, my husband was not delivered to me by the time I went to bed last Friday night, so just as I had promised, I raised the demands I am leveling on the president again Saturday morning. Truth, intelligence, logic, and reason are just our methods of fighting. In every fight we win, we prevail over President Criminal because we are the ones on the moral high ground.

Similarly, I have been on a rampage since yesterday morning. If the public or the president wants me to mellow out, they will give me my husband immediately. If the president wants to slow me down on my march of truth and justice, he will make me complacent. The only way he can make me complacent is by finding my husband, apologizing to him, and doing everything my husband wants. Unless he truly is completely delusional, Obama the Proven Fascist Totalitarian knows what the justice coming for him looks like and knows what he has to gain from making me complacent.

Now,... American Airlines, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Wells Fargo, Sprint and every other business adversely affected by the bubble, have you been documenting the US executive branch's abuses of power, the financial burden they have caused you, and the ways they have harmed you and the integrity of the ways you do business? It would be very beneficial to liberating all of America out from under the rules of fascist totalitarianism under which we are all festering if you would make these abuses public knowledge and use your honest accounts of your suffering to hold the government accountable. Would you be willing to press criminal and civil charges against the government? Would you do it for me? Would you do it for America? Would you do it for the world?

As for you, the people enforcing the bubble, I will repeat this: You cannot force the world to choose between my being enslaved and my no longer having the meager and only physical safety I can find while I am in this bubble. My only physical safety in here comes from the fact I am trafficked. If you take away my rights to privacy AND physical safety AND freedom from torture, you cannot hold me responsible for what you see or hear. I know you want to "regulate, control, and tax" the broadcasts, but, trust me, you really do not want to be caught legalizing human trafficking to do this. Clearly, the human trafficking broadcasts cannot be shut down until the bubble bursts, I have the physical safety of my husband's presence, and the spy equipment (including the chip they stuck up my nose in the torture facility in Liverpool upon which the unrelenting electrobeam torture is aimed) is all completely removed from my head. The only solution to your problems is to burst your own bubble. We have already established that you have no honest and legal justification for starting it in the first place, maintaining it, enforcing it, or even continuing it.

Also, because you mandate that I must be tortured and human trafficked, every generation in our society carries the burden of knowing they are enabling these crimes against me... even our children. Have child psychologists yet recommended ways to explain to children why any of this is happening at all, why it started, and why it has not stopped yet?

Sweetness, this post became so long, I had to break it into two parts. My verbal kisses for you will be at the end of the second half. Mmmmmmmm.... kisses!

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