Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Why Fight Now?

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark frisco-squid.blogspot.com, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. I start with advice to Congress, and I end, as always, with sweet words for Sweetness.

Washington, DC. This sequester that Obama created is a mess. And never forget that Obama created it. I would love to dig in; I am very good at math, after all, but I do not have access to any budget numbers. So, my advice will have to stay general.

It is universally accepted that the government must reduce its spending, and it is universally accepted that the sequester is too arbitrary to be a real solution. We need to take in more money that we spend. And we need to be smarter about where we spend our money.

As a starting point, (and ONLY as a starting point) please consider a proportional but smaller budget. That is, if the government is currently taking in 4 trillion dollars in revenue but spending 5.6 trillion dollars (And please remember that my numbers are just examples. I do no have access to actual budget numbers.), create a 4 trillion dollar budget for the government that keeps everything proportionally the same.

That is, if the defense budget is 45% of the 5.6 trillion dollar budget (Please remember all of my numbers are random and not actual. I do not have access to any actual numbers.), then make it 45% of the 4 trillion dollar budget. And again, after creating a proportional budget that takes in more money than it spends, consider it a starting point. You will still need to "rob Peter to pay Paul" to create a working budget.

Unless Congress actually asks me for my help and provides me with hard numbers, this is all of the advice I am equipped to give. We simply must take in more money than we spend. Cuts to spending are going to happen to everything. We need a budget we can stand behind. The solution starts with a budget that reduces the debt and has no annual deficit.

Again, Washington, DC. Congress, if Obama's immigration bill is put before you before you can draft your own bipartisan bill, you could just amend the entire thing into something both parties can agree on. Bipartisan agreement is the whole point of immigration reform being a bipartisan topic. Prove both sides work together; do not let Obama take that away from you.

As for my life, I have really been perking up ever since the torture was reduced almost two months ago. Yes, Mr. David Letterman, I always found you funny. I am just finally able to laugh again. The chemicals take so much away from me.

I am also sorting out putting more protein in my diet. When I eat a giant slab of meat at night, I am always more awake the following morning. It only makes sense. Have you seen my estimated muscle mass? Is the next logical step protein shakes? Is that possible if I still cannot drink the city water?

This would all be much easier for me to sort out if I knew when in March the unconstitutional bubble is scheduled to go away forever. I am scheduled for torture again on 07March. I would really like to be saved from having those horrible chemicals put in my body. Congress, I know most of this lies in your lap. How long before you can vote on something that will be signed by 07March. Is it really impossible? The torture is so close to destroying me permanently.

As for things happening in a hurry, I heard Polk County asked, "Why now?" Why so much legal action now? We need to make sure the persecution ends as soon as humanly possible, and they keep breaking the law.

This bubble will end because we make it end. If we sit back and wait, nothing will happen. We cannot trust the people who persecute me. They are well established to be horrible people who lie all the time.

Iowa, why are you trying to pass a state law to prevent me having an accurate and reliable security system? I do not care what you think you might gain by shutting down my security system, it is not worth risking my life on. If you pass a law forbidding me from having my security system intact and running at all times, you need to provide me with bare minimum my husband and bodyguards. Do you remember this?

I hear Iowa is complaining I have a camera I do not control in my head. All they have ever had to do to make the camera go away is let me leave. Personally, I would rather have my privacy. I would rather have enough human rights to be able to remove the camera and replace it with bodyguards. Because of Iowa's human rights violations against me, though, I do not have this option. So, the security system runs.

Have you heard all of the death threats on my head? Have you heard how much Iowa hates me? Do you remember Sid, the bartender who made sure he roofied me at Wellman's Pub on Ingersoll? The only people who want the camera disabled before I can have my husband and bodyguards are people who want to be able to get away with hurting me. And as for you people who pretend the camera does not keep me safe, are you willing to risk my life on it?

I would really like to have privacy when I go to the bathroom. I would really like to be able to sit down and talk to an MI6 agent in town to check on me. But because my life is in too great of danger and because Iowa refuses to give me enough human rights to have my husband and bodyguards, I do not have basics needs like privacy in my life. The camera is a security system now. Why did nobody complain that it used to be slavery?

Iowa, you have a forum. You have my security system to prove to the world you are more than just haters. Why not get in front of my camera and do something you can be proud of instead of always hurting me? I need the security system. That is proven. Why not make a display of intelligence and love like I do? That would at least keep me safer.
Click here to read the entire previous blog post.

My brave rescuers, I always hear such promising news, and still you never make it here. What do you need to make this easier for you? I am doing everything I can from in here. If you can think of anything that will help you, please ask my beautiful world to provide it. There are people out there forbidden from being near enough to me to help me directly who love me. Iowa may hate me, but plenty of the world loves me. They will provide.

My beautiful world, yes, I am relieved, too, now, to hear myself laugh again. I agree that it is still far too rare, but they only recently began reducing the horrible chemicals. I tried dancing for you all on Monday night. The result was still disastrous. Someday soon, if the chemicals stop completely, I am sure I will be able to dance again. Please do not give up on me. I plan on healing.

SynSyn, move full speed ahead with all criminal and civil charges against everybody. Obama in particular really needs to be taken down a peg or two. Just because he is president, he is not above the law like he thinks he is. I understand how busy you and my small village of lawyers are. Thank you for everything you do for me.

Sweetness, did you get my Valentine's Day gift yet? I mailed it priority mail last Thursday. I cannot imagine my mail for you and my separate envelope that went to Syniva taking much longer than today. Let me know! My dreams have been full of you lately. To paraphrase Edgar Allan Poe,... The moon never beams without brining me dreams of my Sweetness.

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