Monday, April 29, 2013

Evidence Treasure Trove

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post.

Syria. I understand Obama does not want to arm the rebels because they are helped by jihadists. Let me say this as someone whom jihadists treat very well. Al Qaeda will have greater influence over the rising Syria if they are the only people to help the revolution. Al Qaeda shows up. Al Qaeda puts their lives on the line for the cause. What have we done to help the fighting in Syria?

If we want greater influence over the new Syria than al Qaeda has, we are going to have to show up. I am not saying boots on the ground are necessary, but we are going to have show up and be the heroes.

Obama has definitive evidence that chemical weapons were used. We all know what his face looks like when he blows smoke to buy time; he does it to me constantly. That look is all over Obama right now. Al Assad crossed the red line. Now we need to do something.

As for my life, I had an absolutely delightful time last night with Steven and Donny. They never asked me my name. They were completely respectful of me. They did not pretend I am not famous. They were wonderful. Please make a note that that is the appropriate way to behave around me. Beat Iowa over the head with reality, and show them respecting me is possible.

My brave rescuers, it is not working. Obama would rather kill you all than let me have human rights. We need a political solution. Please ask the leaders who sent you all to force a political solution on Obama. Please tell your respective leaders that is what you need most. You need Obama to back down and let you through.

My beautiful world, Obama does not care how many good people he has to kill to keep me persecuted. Forcing a rescue is not working. We have to take the head off the snake. Obama will never choose to give me my human rights, so we have to 1.) break him down, 2.) work around him, or 3.) replace him. The UN is right; we need a political solution.

My beautiful world, force a political solution on Obama. Take whatever means necessary to accomplish this. Try sanctions. Talk to Obama. Use no lack of words to explain to him what he is committing is heinous human rights violations. We need to break Obama down, and for that we need pressure from the entire world. Open up dialogue with Obama to explain to him the consequences of destroying me.

Convince Congress to move faster with a legislative solution. My beautiful America, call and write to your Congresspeople. Senators and Representatives need to make their constituencies happy. Tell them to save me from Obama. Obama is killing me. Please ask them to save me before I am completely destroyed.

Help by providing evidence we can use against Obama in court; Prime Minister Cameron, you know I need you for this one. Look at all the crimes committed against me in the UK and provide the evidence you did it all to make Obama happy; Syniva would love to have that evidence. The speakers in everyone's heads. The libel. The imprisonment in the torture facility. The rules. The broadcasts of me in the privacy of my own bedroom. Make sure, David, the blame falls where it is actually due. Do not swallow this. Prove Obama did it.

Clearly, SynSyn, Obama wants to be impeached. He knows we have him, too.

Did you see Aaron Saturday night? Keep our conversation from that night as evidence. Obama sent the Feds to intimidate him. Aaron clearly did it. He knew it was the taco meat, and I never once mentioned that of all the parts of the taco it was the taco meat that drugged me with a PCP like substance before. You have my hair.

Either, Aaron will be a good person and our witness against Obama, or he will fold under pressure from the Feds and pretend he did not take their instructions to drug me. It is time to press charges against Aaron and against Zimm's. Jason was the bartender that night. Aaron knew the taco order was for me particularly. And no one was affected but me.

Only allow Aaron and Zimm's off the hook for drugging me if Aaron is willing to be a witness against Obama for giving him the drugs and the instructions. Make sure Zimm's knows that.

Thank you, Synny! I hate liars! Nail Obama's balls to the wall! Obama plays dirty. We should never sink to his level, so we need to be more ruthless.

Also, Synny, this arrived in the mail this weekend.

We need to find out who this new judge is, so we can investigate him or her for conspiracy and corruption, too. I need Lynn Boeset broken and begging for mercy immediately. I need Mark R. Gray imprisoned and disbarred. I need no buildings left standing in Polk County due to this decision. Please get your hands on the full transcript from the hearing, so we can make sure ALL guilty parties are held accountable.

Also, my BFF, if Cuddlebunny surfaces, work with Sweetness to keep him safe if he chooses to be a witness for me. Ask Cuddlebunny nicely. Offer him protection of the ninjas and mice. Please express to Cuddlebunny how much I would personally appreciate his help. He used to be my rapist, but he turned it around and became the first person to keep me safe in my sleep. He is a hero.

Sweetness, please help Syniva. Get the courts to give us an injunction that takes the bubble down. My life is on the line in here. The torture will not end until the bubble comes down. There is no way to keep my food safe. And I need bodyguards. The death threats keep coming. And I die a little more every day this continues. I need to heal. I have a world to serve.

Also, darling, please talk to Speaker of the House John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid about creating laws that make the bubble illegal and introduce harsh punishments for Obama if he does not end his acute human rights violations. I understand you do not want to stop riding to my rescue, so if you cannot speak with them, please send someone with similar gravitas to do it. Denzel Washington? Meryl Streep? Harrison Ford? We need to get more hands on. Please get in contact with James Carville and send a lobbyist.

I love and adore you, Sweetness. You never let me down. You console me every way you can. And when you speak to me, my whole world lights up. I would be dead by now if it were not for you. You cannot get hurt! I need you to heal me!

Sweetness, this is my face.

This is my face when I think of you.

This is my face when I hear from you. You make me smile. In some ways we talk 24/7, but when I hear an 'I love you' I just light up.

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