Saturday, March 9, 2013

Break the Rules.

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. Please, my beautiful world, start breaking the rules. It is no longer illegal to break the rules thanks to the Violence Against Women Act now being signed into law. It is only illegal to enforce the rules. Please read the fine print of the Violence Against Women Act to confirm this for yourselves, and then start breaking rules all over the place.

North Korea. There has been a lot of worrying saber rattling in Pyongyang lately. They showed Dennis Rodman some love, but then they vowed a preemptive nuclear attack against America. I would love to sit down with the leadership of North Korea in Hiroshima and discuss the realities of nuclear weapons and retaliation.

I believe the sanctions that limit luxuries instead of limiting food for the masses were a wise move. It is the government in North Korea that is the adversary. It is not the people of North Korea we are up against; they suffer enough. There is so much suffering in North Korea. There must be more we can do to put pressure on North Korean leadership without starving more North Koreans.

Middle East. The Syrian refugee crisis has reached one million refugees. Please keep those donations to the Red Cross and the UNHCR pouring in, my beautiful world. There is a war in Syria, and people are fleeing that torn nation in record numbers now. The refugees need food, heat, and shelter. Thank you, my beautiful world.

Caracas, Venezuela. Hugo Chavez has passed away. He was a thorn in the side of at least three different administrations in the US, but he did so much for his people. He did so much to fight poverty in Venezuela. We have more to gain from establishing better relations with Venezuela now that by trying to fight them. Think of the big picture, DC, not just your immediate reactions.

As for my life, would it not be nice if I could finally spend my days concentrating on solving major world and national problems? That is my job. It is my job to offer love and problem solving to the world. Think of all the problems you wish you could give me to work on. Would it not be nice if I could finally live in the world among you, respected, safe, loved, and free to be productive? This is change we need for me. This is change we need for the benefit of the entire world.

I keep hearing people say they want both me and Obama in the world. Sadly, I am not in the world at all because of Obama. And I am not shy of saying, if it takes impeaching Obama to save me, we should not back down from any fight that will set me free in the world to do good at last.

Do you remember this?... Never forget, my beautiful world, Obama's role in all of this. Bare minimum, it is his job to make sure I am safe and have human rights, but not only does he refuse to do this, he sends orders to prevent it.

Obama has an obligation to end human trafficking everywhere under his jurisdiction. He has an obligation to prevent torture on all Americans. Obama has an obligation to protect against systemic rape. He has an obligation to fight persecution within this nation. But he refuses to do all these things with relation to me. He, in fact, orders it instead.

I live every day under the threat that I could be killed at any moment, and Obama enforces that I cannot have bodyguards nor even friends near me and prevents rescuers from coming to take me to some place safe.

Obama sends, orders, and controls the armed forces that are keeping my rescuers away from me. He does this to enforce that I continue to live with little to no human rights at all whatsoever. Obama does this to be able to enforce the rules he writes over all Americans.

Obama has made it clear by his actions that he would rather tear America apart and ruin this once-great nation forever than give back all US citizens the Constitutional rights we are due.

When he has totalitarian control of the media, he cannot claim he has a mandate from the people to do anything. He denied all of America the truth about the crimes he commits against all of us to get reelected. He refused to allow America to make an informed choice for president.
To read the entire previous post, please click here.

The way I live is miserable. Do you remember this?...People can argue about what Obama's motive is for persecuting me. But no one can argue that this crime is happening. I am forbidden from even speaking to my friends. I am forbidden from being with my loved ones. Obama is ordering I be tortured. Obama is ordering I be persecuted. This is a human rights violation against me and against all of America; no one in America has freedom of expression, freedom of the press, nor freedom to assemble and associate with me.

I have to sleep every night with a hacked webcam watching me to deter rapists; this is a proven deterrent but not something guaranteed to keep me safe. I live on constant guard because of constant threats on my life from people Obama protects with his rules and his bubble. I am forbidden from being with my husband. I am forbidden from having bodyguards. This bubble is designed to psychologically destroy me.

This bubble must end immediately, and Obama promised it would end this month. The Violence Against Women Act was even signed into law to forbid the bubble from continuing. However, Obama is still criminally enforcing his human rights violating bubble. At this rate, I will not have basic human rights until 2017 when Obama has to leave office. I will be psychologically destroyed by Obama if he is not stopped before then. Will you miss me, my beautiful world. Will you miss me if Obama destroys me?
Click here to read the entire previous blog post.

I would rather be free, my beautiful world, to do good in the world. Would it not be better if I were free to solve world and national problems?

As for good news, it is official. Obama finally signed the Violence Against Women Act into law on this last Thursday, 07March2013. The bubble is now forbidden. Obama is still enforcing his rules, but according to the law in America now, enforcing the rules is forbidden. This finally applies...

SynSyn, I want to bankroll lawyers for pressing charges against the federal government every time a rule gets enforced. Bear with me and hear me out.

Thanks to the Violence Against Women Act, it is now illegal to enforce the rules not to break them. So, if a rule ever gets enforced, we need to press charges against the federal government for violating my rights and the rights of the person they stopped. I want to make sure people who get stopped from breaking rules have access to my genius lawyers.

Because of the US Constitution's guarantee of basic human rights and because of the VAWA which forbids this bubble, no criminal charges nor fines are possible if someone breaks the rules. Just in case, I want it clear that I am offering lawyers to help fight criminal charges and fines in case the federal government tries enforcing its rules on the general public. I also want to press charges against the federal government for human rights violations against me and the person they stopped every time a rule gets enforced.

Please, SynSyn, set up some sort of hotline people can call or website they can access to be able to get this legal help. I want to bankroll the enforcement of basic human rights in America. The right to freedom of expression, the right the assemble and associate, the right to freedom of the press... Syniva, you should have the right to call my phone any time you want. Sweetness should have the right to kiss me (since it is mutually desired).

Please set up this legal help for all people Obama tries to stop from breaking his rules. It is illegal to enforce the rules not to break them. We need Americans rights enforced. Please. This way, SynSyn, we will know every time a rule gets enforced and can press charges. Syn, you are awesome for doing this for me.

My brave rescuers, extracting me has been delegated to people who can operate in secrecy. Please stay safe. I need you there to carry me to safety once I reach you. I must admit that I am greatly relieved you are spared from dying. How many of you have we lost? How many of you has Obama killed? You are good people. You are largely good, hardworking Americans who just want a better world. Please stay safe. Your love of me means so much.

My beautiful world, now that Sweetness has delegated rescuing me to metaphorical mice and ninjas who can operate in complete secrecy, do not expect updates like you used to get from him. They are operating in secrecy. MI6 told me they want to break the cycle of suffering and persecution Obama subjects me to not just carry me out of here. We need to have faith in them and trust them. I pray they have some communication with Sweetness of some form, though.

Also, my beautiful world, I understand you have a huge call to protest out there right now. Thank you. Make some noise! Raise some nonviolent hell! Let us see this through. You are the people. You are the real power in America. Break the rules, my beautiful world, break the rules. It is impossible for you to be punished for it. America can only be free once you act free.

Dearest Senator Rand Paul and all of my other beloved "Wacko Birds" out there, please read the NDAA. This was an act drafted by Senator John McCain that was already signed into law by Obama that says American citizens can be detained by the military without even charges against them nor any promise of ever having a trial. Please look into it. It is so refreshing to see fighters for Constitutional rights in Washington, DC, and I look forward to doing good work for America with you in the future.

SynSyn, I spoke to my mom. My assets inside the bubble are frozen since I no longer have a living adult guardian, but my mom has promised to pay out of her own pocket for my rent, food, etc. She will do what she can to make the adult guardianship go away forever, too.

Syn, We are going to have to present her with the paperwork to sign (declarations of my competency to care for myself, legal action to rid the world of the adult guardianship, etc.), so please send one of my lawyers here in Iowa to sit down and talk to her. If she does everything in her power (regardless of whether or not it works... There is so much corruption in Polk County.) by 01April (and this is only possible if you send a lawyer to her with the papers) we should absolve any financial debt she has to me that she inherited from Tom.

My BFF, we should also look into providing my mother with enough money to get by on. Please look into giving my mom some of my money to make ends meet. She is paying out of her own pocket to support me now and only has one small income, now. There was no life insurance. I worry about her.

She has no idea how much money I have that you care for for me, Syniva. Please use all of this to make the adult guardianship situation go away forever. Thank you, SynSyn. You are awesome.

Sweetness, I hate when your heroics get stopped by the Feds, and I am serious about pressing charges every single time the rules get enforced. I love America, too, you know. I love and adore you, but I also love America and the world. We can save America. It is just going to take some tough love and a little strong arming to get human rights enforced here.

Sweetness, thank you for delegating rescuing me to people who can operate in secrecy. It means so much to me that you have people you can trust out there. I love and adore you.

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