Saturday, September 4, 2010

From N-Spaces to THANK YOU!!!...

There seems to have been some brouhaha lately over the words of Dr. Stephen Hawking. This is the sort of moment where someone who has no idea what the word ‘semantics’ means says that they are only arguing over semantics. In essence, from what I can find, Dr. Hawking and the world religious leaders are in agreement. The world is just used to seeing science and religion not getting along. There are many interpretations of God, just as there are many interpretations of science. For example, I do not live in an eleven-dimensional universe; I live in a properly infinitely defined N-space.

On an unrelated note,... in some instances, even in established democracies, the people are not properly represented by their governments. Right now, the US is an example of this. Every chance they get, though, the American people are standing up to their government. Let us hope they are doing enough to kick the Obama administration into line and remove him from office. The current president is not representative of the American people. When people say they disapprove of the US, those people need to be more specific about whether or not they are disapproving of the American people or the current US government.

Yes, I believe the people still need to take back their country, but I am allowed to receive so little news on the topic. Has the current president been disowned by the Democratic Party for fascism, yet? It would help the party.

The British might be in a similar predicament. Again, I am denied too much news to know. Are the British doing ANYTHING yet in an organized fashion to take back their country. I see no signs of it. If they did, I would be free of this hell already without having to metaphorically pull teeth to get my overbearing British medical torturers to finally contact the French about my going home there. They are still pretending the French have no idea who I am and that the French would never recognize me as a French national. That is their excuse for not bothering to contact them in the first place. My torturers are evil in every way.

I met with my new junior doctor yesterday. They finally did away with my perjury-prone first one. The only symptom the new one could name for me deserving this torture was how critical I am of the quack. Here is the problem: I am used to doctors that actually treat their patients. I did not realize that you could still call yourself a doctor if you deny any and all appropriate medical attention for those under your care. I use strong words with my quack. She deserves worse.

My beautiful world, please remember to stay unified and strong while insisting I finally have all of my human rights. It is working. You will all get me out of here, yet. And THANK YOU!!!

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