Saturday, September 25, 2010

Oh, My Beautiful World!

Oh, my beautiful world, I have faith you will break me free of this place. I need faith in something, and my faith is in you. It is in all of you.

I remember what it was once like to have freedom. Never let anyone do to you what has been done to me. I have been ruined in here.

I never used to become angry. I have never had this bad a temper. I never used to hate. Now, because of my time in this hell they pretend is a hospital, I am guilty of all three. I need to freed of this place, so I can heal. I know I can heal. I just need the chance. Please, my beautiful world, stand strong, and break me out of this quack ward.

I remember how beautiful the world is. I am crying as I type this. I remember what it is like to see a horizon. I remember what it is like to have freedom. I remember my human rights. Please, my beautiful world, help me.

There is so much more I have left to do in this world. Please don’t let them kill me in here. My quack is a monster. I have been her chemistry experiment for four months, now. Please stop her, and please insist I be set free.

Thank you, my beautiful world, for everything you have already done for me. Please stay strong, passionate, and united. You are the only thing that can set me free from here and send me to my full human rights. Please, my beautiful world. Please.

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