Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What the Lack of Opportunity for Exercise has Done to my Body…

After four months stuck in this building with no chance for exercise and with my body as the quack’s chemistry experiment, I am now squooshy and round. I might be hard to recognize when I get out finally. I am not used to being this squooshy at all.

The lack of exercise--mixed with the quack’s (Dr. Helen Reynold’s) refusal to allow me out of the building and mixed with the nurses holding me down and battering and bruising me to stick my full of chemicals with long pointed needles--has been giving me symptoms of depression. I sleep so much more than I used to.  I am losing my appetite.  I am losing an interest in life as a whole.  So much could be fixed if I could just get some exercise.

Well, okay, so much more could be fixed if the quack, Dr, Helen Reynolds, were finally stopped. I can only imagine what lies she tells to pretend I could be made well by being locked into this building with no chance to go outside with people who abuse me and stick me full of needles. The quack must be stopped. If you know what she looks like, do all you can to stop her. This has reached crisis level.

The quack is also the person who stands in the way of my being released from this hell. Should that all of you do what you can to stop her, finally (and I know by the fact I am still stuck in this hellhole that the British have yet to get off their asses and redeem themselves), I might choose to go to Iowa to keep my mother safe,… but I still prefer France.  I have been denied the arms of my loving (and long-forgiven) husband by the quack, Dr. Helen Reynolds, for far too long.

Please, world, keep all of the pressure you can on those that wrong me. Make the British break me out. Haul in the quack who is my torturer. Please, world, deliver me to someplace I get to have my full human rights, for once. My surroundings have been out of my control for far too long. I need safety.

Also, please thank the President of Iran for the wonderful speech to the UN General Assembly. I always knew Iran listened to me. I never knew just how much they took me to heart until now. Please give the President a BIG thank you for me.

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