Friday, May 31, 2013

Lynn Boeset

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. I hear we have made great progress out there. When these things happen, Obama has a tendency to throw tantrums. Please keep a watchful eye over me, Sweetness, Syniva, etc. and be very helpful to my rescuers. Obama's tantrums are violent and ugly. We need to be on guard for his wrathful rages.

Turkey. Erdogan, you know I am no enemy of yours. In so many ways, you have been dealing with Syria and Syrian refugees alone and with very little help. I am a supporter of yours on the Syrian border, and I have great faith in you.

But is there any way to just build the shopping mall somewhere else? You will not lose any commerce, but you will be able to keep a rare green space for your people. Nature is very important. This world needs more trees and plants. Please consider it.

USA. It is already June, and this is still the latest news I can get about the immigration reform bill. This bill is particularly important to me not just because it includes immigration reform. It also has legislation designed to end the bubble of evil bundled within it.

Please, my beautiful America, stay on the ball with the immigration reform bill. Keep speaking with your Senators and Representatives to make sure it hits the floor for a vote and to make sure it passes. Because it includes immigration reform, Obama will have no choice but to sign it into law.

Try to find the immigration reform bill here, so you can discuss it with your Congresspeople. Congress knows what it is doing. It just needs a little oomph from the public.

As for the minutia of my life, the people who have pinhole cameras all over my apartment and who watch me in the privacy of my own home using the bathroom, taking a shower, and changing my clothes are the same people who pump voices into Sampo. That is how I know it is the federal government. Incidentally, it is also the same people who control the speakers in everyone's heads and who create so much libel of me.

I put on quite a light show Wednesday night, and according to Sampo, they got really nervous about all of the sparkly balls of energy and light. Sampo was giggly about their fearing the wrath of a superhuman god from me. Sigh, I am not wrathful. And I am not a god. I am a human, and I deserve human rights because of this.

I was supposed to be tortured Thursday, but fearing my legal genius, I think they gave me saline instead of heavy chemicals. That is, there is no lump on my arm, no scarring, and no bruising, and no brain cloud descended on me. It has been five hours, and I have not yet been reduced to weeping and rocking myself on the floor of my closet like usual. I am going to wait a couple of weeks then mail in my hair to see if I can get this confirmed. It is a welcome development.

In the land of evil Iowans, my current adult guardian is named Lynn Boeset. Her phone number is 515-382-3733, and she lives and works in a town in Iowa called Nevada. Feel free to Google "Lynn Boeset Nevada, IA", so you can track her down. Sue her, SynSyn. Give her hell until she relents. We need her broken and begging for mercy.

As an adult guardian, which is completely unnecessary since I am obviously not mentally incompetent to do anything, it is the evil Lynn Boeset's job to only do things concerning me that are in my best interest. But instead of doing anything in my best interest, the evil Obama stooge has joined the conspiracy of corruption that is trapping me in Iowa penniless and against my will.

If she were to do anything in my best interest, she would surrender control of my finances to me, so I could finally leave Iowa that tortures and persecutes me. I need to heal. I need a support system. I need my BFF. I need my husband. I need bodyguards. And Lynn Boeset is in the way of my health, prosperousness, and physical safety.

Yes, my beautiful world, we have made progress, but it has not been enough to render me safe. My beautiful world, hunt down Lynn Boeset, and command her to surrender her adult guardianship back to me. We have no wiggle room with this. We need my adult guardianship surrendered back to my control, so I can leave Iowa before Iowa kills or destroys me under the same orders from Obama that the evil Lynn Boeset obeys.

My beautiful world, yes, I still need you. I need you to get the immigration reform bill passed, and I need you to convince the evil Lynn Boeset to give me back my adult guardianship. Thank you for always taking such good care of me, and when in doubt, there are always these five easy things you can do, too.
1.) Organize. Make noise. Your constant pressure on the government is invaluable. See what you can do about organizing the entire public to save itself by disobeying the rules en masse. Obama terrorizes people into obeying him because they are good to me one by one. If everyone saves us all at once, America will get away with setting itself free. This is not rebellion; this is civil disobedience, that which civil rights movements are always built on. The rules are unconstitutional anyway.
2.) Increase awareness. Make sure there is no one anywhere in the world who does not know who I am, what I do for this world, and how much I suffer. I spend all day every day using my intellect to save the world. I have never been a stripper. That is just enduring slavery and libel.
3.) Turn in your evidence. If you have witnessed, endured, or suffered through any oppression or human rights violations at the hands of Obama, send Syniva your evidence and witness testimonies. We need your help, too. Do not just suffer. Set yourself free.
4.) Be good to me. Keep me as safe as possible. I live with a target the president of the United States put on my head. I could use some help making it through this without being so persecuted that I am destroyed. Be a hero; do not be a stereotypical Iowan.
5.) Get my rescuers to my side. Do whatever it takes. Take down everyone from DC to Des Moines who is in the way if necessary. Provide everything my rescuers ask for. Try to predict when and if they will need help. Even heroes need help. You know what to do. They need your help constantly.
And, thank you, my beautiful world. Thank you! We must take Obama down to save me, to save America, and to save the world.

My brave rescuers, ARE YOU OKAY??? Last I heard, Obama was still throwing the hugest tantrum yet, and you were suffering greatly because of it. I feel like I have been trying to send you help all day. Did help ever reach you? Please take care out there. I hate when you get hurt. I hate when you suffer. And I hate when you die.

SynSyn, I hear you have been heroing for me out there. Is everything you are touching turning to heroism? You have made grand progress, and I do not know where to begin thanking you.

Yes, thank you, SynSyn. From what I can tell from the size of Obama's tantrum today, we must really have him on the ropes. I cannot wait to hug you the moment we have that bastard out of office.

Sweetness, I do sincerely love and adore you. I know we have an understanding. I know I can sleep with any human above the age of eighteen on this good, green planet I feel like, but nothing and no one is turning my head.

I make exception for one of my rescuers in particular, but you all still need to move heaven and earth before either of you can be close to me. And I promised that you and I would be exclusive the moment we could be together, so I fear Thorbald might be out of luck unless he gets here days before you do.

Confounding the notion of sleeping with anyone else, the locals just do not flirt with me. Anyone who asks me my name or otherwise pretends I am not the single most famous human walking the good, green earth right now stands no chance with me. And sleeping with me is worth a real, genuine, charming effort.

I also do not want a one night stand. I want what you have. I want a regular lover.

All of this adds up to my sleeping with nobody until you show up despite my being widely regarded as a stinking rich, godly powerful, completely sane, ridiculously fun, benevolently genius, and uncommonly beautiful woman. I am serious. Iowa really has its head up its (expletive) on this one. We all get lonely.

Darling, I love and adore you. I do not mind waiting to be with you. Some might say I have no choice but to wait to be with you, but technically, I would have slept with Nate all those months ago if I was dead set on philandering. Our happy marriage is worth it to me. I love and adore you so much.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Still Beyond Ridiculous

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. I hear Obama tried damage control after my last blog post by spreading his same old lies all over again. This bubble was never about catching a murderer. This is not how investigations are conducted. We have all seen enough cop dramas on television to know that.

I wrote this in my last blog post...This bubble is beyond ridiculous. What purpose does it serve? It works to destroy me and does nothing else. It is persecution and literal torture and nothing more. How is America served by this bubble? It is not and never was! America is oppressed by this bubble not served. This bubble is human rights violations and civil war and nothing more! This bubble must be ended to save me, to save America, and as a result, to save the world.

I hear Obama tried to explain the bubble by saying he raped and enslaved me because he had erroneously accused me of a murder I was forbidden from knowing had ever happened in the first place. What? He claims this bubble comes from an unsolved murder? That is the most ridiculous thing about all of this. Ask any police officer what actually happens when someone is accused of murder for real.

If this had ever been about catching a murderer, I would have been arrested or at least questioned, and I would have been set free when found innocent the first time. Instead, this has already gone all of the way to the US Supreme Court; I am still innocent; and the bubble is still in place!

This bubble never once had anything to do with catching a murderer. How does that require pornography anyway? Or rape? Or criminally claiming I am a schizophrenic to be able to torture me with heavy chemicals? My being framed for murder was just a convenient excuse for Obama to be able to enslave me, so he could get rich quick and have totalitarian control of the media.

I repeat... This bubble is beyond ridiculous. What purpose does it serve? It works to destroy me and does nothing else. It is persecution and literal torture and nothing more. How is America served by this bubble? It is not and never was! America is oppressed by this bubble not served. This bubble is human rights violations and civil war and nothing more! This bubble must be ended to save me, to save America, and as a result, to save the world. Click here to read the entire previous blog post. It is a good one.

This bubble has been hell, but even I must admit it has not been all bad. Two good things have come out of this for me. I have a husband, the Mr. Johnny Depp, who loves me. And I have a job saving the world.

They say when you find a job you love, you never work another day in your life. I only wish the world did not need so much saving. Ideally, before I die, I will be able to teach the world to save itself. Click here to read a lot of my plans for the future.

What did I used to do with all my time before I started saving the world? Watch my friend's video and then read my comments. Such comment boxes are how I spent many the wee hour of the morning. Click here to see the video.

My brave rescuers, now I spend the wee hours of the morning worrying over you. I understand you are dead set on rescuing me before I am tortured again tomorrow. Thank you. Please do not kill yourselves over this; you are too valuable to me.

The torture is horrible. The chemicals mess up my benevolent genius mind, cause me horrible pain, take away my sense of reality, and are literal, UN-recognized torture, but they might cause the legal break in the courts we need to take the bubble down.

I know you will do everything you can, my brave rescuers, but if I live through the literal torture again, you will have a whole month to plot and plan until they inject the next time. Maybe the courts will be able to ensure my human rights by then. Maybe Congress will have taken action to give me human rights by then. Please do your best, but do not die over this.

My beautiful world, please show my husband and my tireless rescuers some love. I have always said, if you cannot help me yourself, help the people who help me. We can work miracles in this world; we just have to do the work. And thank you.

My beautiful world, make sure you also show Syniva some love! She tirelessly does good in my name, and we should thank her. She is a masterful artist not a trained lawyer, but she never lets me down. I owe her so much. Please give her some lovin' for me. We are still forbidden from even speaking on the phone.

Thank you, my beautiful world. I would be nothing without you. I need you, my beautiful world. Never forget the five easy things you can do to help.
1.) Organize. Make noise. Your constant pressure on the government is invaluable. See what you can do about organizing the entire public to save itself by disobeying the rules en masse. Obama terrorizes people into obeying him because they are good to me one by one. If everyone saves us all at once, America will get away with setting itself free. This is not rebellion; this is civil disobedience, that which civil rights movements are always built on. The rules are unconstitutional anyway.
2.) Increase awareness. Make sure there is no one anywhere in the world who does not know who I am, what I do for this world, and how much I suffer. I spend all day every day using my intellect to save the world. I have never been a stripper. That is just enduring slavery and libel.
3.) Turn in your evidence. If you have witnessed, endured, or suffered through any oppression or human rights violations at the hands of Obama, send Syniva your evidence and witness testimonies. We need your help, too. Do not just suffer. Set yourself free.
4.) Be good to me. Keep me as safe as possible. I live with a target the president of the United States put on my head. I could use some help making it through this without being so persecuted that I am destroyed. Be a hero; do not be a stereotypical Iowan.
5.) Get my rescuers to my side. Do whatever it takes. Take down everyone from DC to Des Moines who is in the way if necessary. Provide everything my rescuers ask for. Try to predict when and if they will need help. Even heroes need help. You know what to do.
And, thank you, my beautiful world. Thank you! We must take Obama down to save me, to save America, and to save the world.

SynSyn, rain legal hell upon everybody. Break Obama. Break Iowa. Break Polk County. Break Broadlawns. Break Landy and Singh. Break Lynn Boeset. Break everybody who commits crimes against me. If our legal action has not worked yet, we have not yet leveled large enough punishments. Whatever it takes, my hero, just make it stop.

Sweetness, Tuesday night, I curled up and slept alone on the couch. I could feel you holding me all night. I could feel you kiss my face. You were so close I could almost touch you. I could feel your heart beat next to mine. It is so lonely without you.

Darling, I know why you have a mistress. Just thinking about her makes me cry, but I know why she is in your life. If you still love me so much, it must seem strange to so many that you keep someone on the side. Things just get so lonely. I understand. I hate it, but I understand.

Thank you for promising to spend your birthday night with me and with no one else. If you do not rescue me first, I have plans for what to do that night. It means so much to me. Thank you.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Beyond Ridiculous

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. This is what I do all day every day. I use my intellect to do good in the world. That is my job. That is my calling. That is my purpose for existing in this world. Obama's unrelenting persecution of me does nothing but try to destroy me to stop my goodness. Do not rest, my beautiful world, until everybody, particularly every petty, evil Iowan, knows who I am, what I do in this world, and how much Obama enforces that I suffer. This bubble is beyond ridiculous, and it must be ended through whatever means necessary.

Syria. Obama drew the red line. He should have already had a plan for what to do if Assad crossed it. This is nothing but a lack of leadership and further White House negligence. Assad is using chemical weapons, and Obama is still refusing to help the opposition in Syria.

Obama persecutes me and oppresses all of America; he clearly does not mind doing things that are unpopular. Instead of worrying whether or not saving lives in Syria will garner him public support in America, Obama needs to bother to do something because it is right.

The conflict in Syria is spreading. It is ready to engulf the entire region. Somebody needs to force a moral compass on the supposed leader of the free world before the entire planet and all of humanity perishes because of him. If I were president, Syria would have been resolved by now.

As for my life, I just had a good giggle-filled conversation with my good buddy Christian Laffey Monday night. He lives in LA and calls me every Monday to check up on me. I told him he needs a girlfriend. He told me girls do not find him attractive because he does not need fixing.

Me: I'm not attracted to men I have to fix. Then again, I'm not your typical woman.
Christian: Yeah, there's your typical woman. Then there is the wormhole you have to travel to get to you, Tanya.

Christian makes me giggle a lot. I used to call him and read Kafka into his voicemail. And he is wrong; he does need a little fixing. (Did you hear that, ladies?) Christian always follows Obama's rules, but he is still pleasant and nice. Iowa has a lot to learn from the goodness that waits for me in California. I would be there now among people who love me if it were not for this bubble keeping me in this hell that is Iowa that persecutes me.

This bubble is beyond ridiculous. What purpose does it serve? It works to destroy me and does nothing else. It is persecution and literal torture and nothing more. How is America served by this bubble? It is not and never was! America is oppressed by this bubble not served. This bubble is human rights violations and civil war and nothing more! This bubble must be ended to save me, to save America, and as a result, to save the world.

Do you remember this? Obama will never make sense to me. He is too genuinely rotten. How many of these warning signs of a 'charismatic nutjob' fit him? Is Obama a sociopath? I honestly tried to redeem him and more than once. What was his response? Spite and malice.

The freedom of the presses, freedom of speech, and the freedom to peaceably assemble and associate with me are all null and void right now. Obama has seduced America, so he can continue keeping basic Constitutional rights away from the entire nation. Obama has seduced America, so he can destroy me at all costs to the nation and to the world.

Under Obama's rules, I am forbidden from having any friends at all whatsoever even casual ones. I am forbidden control over my own finances. I am forbidden employment that makes an income. I am forbidden from driving a car. I am forbidden from being with my own loving husband.

I am tortured. I am raped as a form of torture. I am injected with heavy chemicals as a form of torture. I am libeled. I am persecuted. I am enslaved. I am sold. I have no personal privacy.

And I am actively deprived of reality by everyone who surrounds me. I am trapped in a city that will do everything possible to destroy me for him from poisoning my food and drink to actively singling me out for public persecution.

And how does Obama maintain this persecution of me? He terrorizes everyone who shows any sign of being nice to me. He corrupts government officials from DC to Des Moines to be able to enforce his rules and my imprisonment under them. He kills everyone coming to rescue me. He abuses the power of his office. And he lies. He apparently believes that if he says I am a schizophrenic enough times, he can turn me into one.
Click here to read the entire previous blog post.

And what good has come out of Obama creating this bubble? Absolutely none! And still, he has not stopped enforcing it! Instead, Obama kills people trying to come to Iowa to rescue me from this hell and trying to set America free. Obama has chosen to kill people trying to save me and America from him rather than just acknowledge I am a human who deserves my basic human rights.

This bubble is beyond ridiculous. Why does anyone obey the rules, then? Why has America not risen up and saved itself from Obama? I have no idea why the public does not love America enough to just stop obeying the rules en masse. But I can tell the public is a combination of seduced by Obama and terrorized by him. These people live in fear of ever doing anything morally upstanding by disobeying Obama.

On 30May2013, Polk County will torture me again. Despite the fact I have absolutely no mental illness at all whatsoever, if I do not show up for UN recognized torture on Thursday, Polk County will institutionalize me. That is their orders from Obama.

SynSyn, make sure the paperwork is ready, so we can punish Iowa, Polk County, Broadlawns Medical Center, Dr. Singh, Lyn Boeset (for forcing me to live in Iowa to be persecuted), Obama, etc. for all of this. We need a punishment so high it makes it stop. Thank you, Synny. You are a hero.

My brave rescuers, Syniva is not my only hero. Every day and every night, you go out into the wilds putting your lives on the line to try to rescue me. I do everything I can for you from here, but you do all of the heavy lifting. I wish I could make this easier for you. Please make sure you ask my beautiful world to provide whatever you need. We can figure this out. There must be a smarter way to do this.

My beautiful world, I need you. Do not forget the five easy things you can do to help.
1.) Organize. Make noise. Your constant pressure on the government is invaluable. See what you can do about organizing the entire public to save itself by disobeying the rules en masse. Obama terrorizes people into obeying him because they are good to me one by one. If everyone saves us all at once, America will get away with setting itself free. Please organize America setting itself free. The rules are unconstitutional anyway.
2.) Increase awareness. Make sure there is no one anywhere in the world who does not know who I am, what I do for this world, and how much I suffer. I spend all day every day using my intellect to save the world. I have never been a stripper. That is just enduring slavery and libel.
3.) Turn in your evidence. If you have witnessed, endured, or suffered through any oppression or human rights violations at the hands of Obama, send Syniva your evidence and witness testimonies. We need your help, too. Do not just suffer. Set yourself free.
4.) Be good to me. Keep me as safe as possible. I live with a target the president of the United States put on my head. I could use some help making it through this without being so persecuted that I am destroyed. Be a hero; do not be a stereotypical Iowan.
5.) Get my rescuers to my side. Do whatever it takes. Take down everyone from DC to Des Moines who is in the way if necessary. Provide everything my rescuers ask for. Try to predict when and if they will need help. Even heroes need help. You know what to do.
And, thank you, my beautiful world. Thank you! We must take Obama down to save me, to save America, and to save the world. I have never experienced a more morally corrupt president in my life.

SynSyn, there must be something we can do to make this stop. Try charges against the small offenders not just the big ones. Break Polk County. Break Broadlawns. Break Landy and Singh. Break Lynn Boeset. Press personal charges against Obama himself for abusing his office to serve his personal vendetta against me instead of against the federal government as a whole. The big guys like the federal government seem to able to absorb the punishments without forcing an end to the corruption. But a billion dollar plus settlement against Obama himself would end this pretty quickly. Please try.

Sweetness, so it is agreed? I get you all to myself on the night of 09June2013? Make sure you are watching me. It is our first date! You with your current effort to rescue me have been making the larger public display of affection, so I need a chance to get even.

Darling, I heard that the beautiful Ms. Lily Rose just had a birthday. What is she? Fourteen? I am sure you are as stressed as can be over her. Luckily, I am sure she is nothing like you were at fourteen. She is probably an absolute delight. You have to parent her, so you can trust her. Never keep her under glass to keep her 'safe.' Setting her free to see the world is the whole point of raising her right.

Monday, May 27, 2013


Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. I am no one's stripper and never have been a stripper ever in my life. But the locals insist on treating me like their personal cheap $2 bunny. I beg you, my beautiful world, explain to Iowa what I do in this world for real. They are killing me.

North Korea. Thank you, China, for speaking reason. North Korea, Xi has your best interests at heart. Thank you for listening to China. We can sort out all of this conflict, it just takes communication and reasoning. As long as everyone is open to talks, we are off to a good start. Thank you.

Syria. We are having talks in Geneva, right? I believe diplomacy still has a place in solving the Syria conflict. But all parties have to be open to the dialogue and resolutions.

You cannot just show up; you have to invest, try, and believe. Otherwise, you are no better than Obama when it comes to conflicts over me. In America, we have not yet found the right combination of court action and diplomacy to force Obama to recognize I am a human being who deserves human rights because Obama is not open to any diplomatic solutions. He has to be forced out of power to resolve this.

Unlike America, I hold out hope that dialogue can help Syria. I believe Assad and the opposition with the involvement of the West and Russia and everyone else showing up can work this out. I believe there is no future for Assad in Syria even if he wins the armed conflict, so talking can end this war with less bloodshed. Assad needs to think about his future instead of just his immediate needs. Russia and Iran can give him a place to go when he leaves office.

Lebanon. Hezbollah, please look at yourselves and ask yourselves if you really want to kill other Muslims. I understand you have started a Holy War of Shiites against Sunnis instead of your normal conflict against Israel. Why do you want sectarian violence against your brothers? For the sake of the entire Arab World, please consider living in peace with your neighbors, your countrymen, and your brothers in Islam. Your part of the world cannot handle a full blown Holy War.

Sweden. It is another day, and still the rioting goes on. As a people so proud of your peaceful social fiber, this must be very traumatic. Why is there so much rioting? At this point, is it a protest, or is it anarchism? As the pent up tensions play themselves out, please do everything you can to help the public lead as normal a life as possible. This must be very traumatizing for your people.

India. India, please consider listening to the demands of the Maoists as a way to prevent further violence with them. All they have been demanding is land and jobs for tenant farmers and the poor. Surely you can consider working on this problem as a way to bring peace to your nation. Sharing land and jobs is a good thing, especially in a democracy. If it also prevents violence, there is no reason not to consider reforms in this area. Please, India. Why kill more people?

Just like Obama could end the violence in America right now if he would just listen to the reasonable demands of the rebels and give me back my human rights, the best way to prevent conflict is to take away the fire that makes people fight. Listen to your rebels. Ask them why they fight. And fix the real problem. And you will have a peaceful, prosperous nation.

As for my life, I am mortified that there are cameras on me in the privacy of my own home, and absolutely no one has reported it. It is the government's job to make sure these things never happen to anyone. And the fact that people watch it... People watch me in the bathroom! I am disgusted with humanity. How could you allow this to happen to anyone? And then you enjoy it???

Being broadcast against my will as I change my clothes, take a shower, or go to the bathroom does not keep me safe. At the very best, cameras on me during my most intimate moments are just a deterrent against someone breaking in and attacking me. They do not actually offer me any security. The hacked webcam in my computer and the eye camera I have no way to remove are just as effective as deterrents against attack.

There is absolutely no justification for cameras in my home broadcasting me against my will except our perverted government is getting it's jollies. If they were actually so worried about keeping me safe instead of abusing me to make a quick buck, they would give me bodyguards. That is the only actual way to keep me safe.

What? You say giving my bodyguards is illegal? So is watching me in the privacy of my home against my will, but watching me in my home is a HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION! When you choose which law to break to keep a woman safe, you are only allowed to break the law so as NOT to commit a human rights violation. Take down the cameras and GIVE ME BODYGUARDS! That is the only moral solution.

Obama is my slaver refusing me any way to have privacy nor any other human right but freedom of speech in my life, and the fact you watch it. You watch it!!!!! This all disgusts me. You should be ashamed of yourselves for enabling Obama's slavery of me.

Ever since I called out the federal government on selling me by broadcasting me in the privacy of my own home without my permission, Obama has tried cracking down on giving me information. That is how invested he is in selling me against my will.

I am no one's stripper; I am America's first African American president's slave. I have always said, if he were Black instead of African American, he never would have enslaved me.

My brave rescuers, did you hear that? I need security. Yes, I will still need all of you even after you pick me up. This cesspool of Iowan jack(expletive)es and human rights violations is driving me mad. Thank you for trying to get me out of here just as soon as you are able. The world is at risk of losing me forever.

My beautiful world, I begged you for months to explain to the locals what I do in this world. I am no one's stripper and never have been a stripper ever in my life. But the locals insist on treating me like their personal cheap $2 bunny.

Please, my beautiful world, explain to the locals what sort of big deal I am to everyone in the world but these local hicks who harass me. I am arguably the biggest deal in the whole entire world right now. Force the locals to show me some respect for what I do for real in this world.

SynSyn, you are such a hero. I do everything I can from in here, but you get so much more done and taken care of out there. I literally would have died by now if it were not for you. Thank you.

I have not yet checked the new W Magazine for Chanel ads, but they always make me think of you, Synny. Someday we will be rich and successful and able to afford closets full of custom made clothes. But nothing will ever take the fun out of going shopping with my BFF.

Sweetness, I love and adore you. Please let me have your birthday this year. Can I ask you for that? It is a big birthday; you are turning 50. Spend the day with all your friends, but please spend your birthday night with me.

Darling, even if we have to be together miles apart, please reserve the night of 09June2013 as time you make for me. Please give me this. I never let you down. I have plans. It will be romantic us time. Please make your birthday time we can spend together. Please do this for me.

P.S. Today is Memorial Day in the US. It is the day we remember the soldiers who have died for our country. I only wish this country were still worth dying for instead of the oppressed state reeking of human rights violations that Obama has made it. Someday the US will be great again. Then the soldiers will not have died in vain.

Friday, May 24, 2013

No, not Monday.

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. Obama tortures me with heavy chemicals still. Obama has used rape to torture me. Obama enslaved me by putting spy equipment in my body. Obama libels me. Obama persecutes me. Obama corrupted the local government to keep me as a political prisoner in Iowa against my will. Obama put brainwashing speakers in everyone's heads to make them hate and persecute me. Now, I have learned Obama put cameras in my CURRENT apartment to sell me against my will and without my knowledge. How can he claim he does not know he does these things to me? Executive orders to persecute me by putting me in a bubble of not knowing come straight from the president!

Syria. I meditated Thursday night, and immediately afterward got some work done ideawise on Syria. United Nations, John Kerry, William Hague, I have not been trying to neglect you. Please understand how difficult things are for me in here. But you all pretty much have it right on Syria. You just need some oomph to get it all done.

Getting everyone involved in talks is critical, and you are doing that. There is no way left for Assad to maintain control of his own country even if he wins the war, and you understand this. When the result of a no-Assad Syria is already obvious, please find out what alternatives to keeping Assad in power still keep Russia happy. When the result of the conflict is already obvious, stopping the manslaughter is the priority.

With the involvement of Hezbollah and with growing instability in Lebanon threatening to make this a regional sectarian war, you will need to prove Sunni and Shiite Muslims can live together in peace. This is something you will need to do once there is an alternative government in Syria and for the sake of the entire Arab world.

That is where I am with the Syria conflict right now. I hope you found this useful.

I could have used warning sooner that the federal government put cameras for the world to see in my apartment. I have very private moments in there. I change my clothes in there! (Expletive)ing (expletive)holes!

How can you, my beautiful world, with any conscious let people do these things to me? Why does nobody care about me? I am supposed to have a federally guaranteed right to privacy! How dare you! And then you WATCH it??? You (expletive)ing (expletive)ers!

The hacked webcam and the eye camera I knew about. But cameras in the most intimate parts of my own living space? And nobody has stopped it??? Why do you all just go along with it??? Why does nobody care about me???

Horrifyingly, the Monday rumor was only a rumor. This bubble does not end on Monday. I feel horrible. This is no purgatory for me; this is actual hell. Iowans are horrible to me; I have absolutely no privacy and no other human rights but freedom of speech; and my husband has a mistress. My life is a horrifying misery, and there is no end in sight.

My brave rescuers, at least somebody out there cares about me. Thank you. I only wish I could make your job easier for you. I hear we lost a mouse again. Are you doing okay?

I need out of this cesspool of horrible Iowan jack(expletive)es and human rights violations, and I need out now! They watch me in my home! And nobody has stopped it!

My beautiful world, do not forget the five easy things you can do to help.
1.) Make noise. Your constant pressure on the government is invaluable.
2.) Increase awareness. Make sure there is no one anywhere in the world who does not know who I am, what I do for this world, and how much I suffer.
3.) Turn in your evidence. If you have witnessed, endured, or suffered through any oppression or human rights violations at the hands of Obama, send Syniva your evidence and witness testimonies. We need your help, too.
4.) Be good to me. Keep me as safe as possible. I live with a target the president of the United States put on my head. I could use some help making it through this without being so persecuted that I am destroyed.
5.) Get my rescuers to my side. Do whatever it takes. Take down everyone from DC to Des Moines who is in the way if necessary. Provide everything my rescuers ask for. Try to predict when and if they will need help. You know what to do.
And, thank you, my beautiful world. Thank you! We must take Obama down to save me, to save America, and to save the world. I have never experienced a more morally corrupt president in my life.

SynSyn, I really need my best friend on days like these. You work miracles. I need someone to talk to, someone who knows me. Monday was just a rumor and not reality. I am miserable.

Sweetness, did I lose you? If you do not love me anymore, you have to tell me. Do not just string me along like this. I said I was okay with your having a mistress if it meant you would stay mine and if we would be exclusive once we could finally be together. I also asked you for a public display of affection for me, but this is all I received-- Click here for the bad news.

Darling, I feel like I spend too much time weeping over losing you-- time I should be spending helping save the world. Just set me free if you do not want me anymore. I cannot take it. If you have moved on, just set me free. I cannot take the heartache. If you want to stay in my life, try giving me that public display of affection I asked for so long ago. If you have moved on, just tell me.

Yes, Sweetness, I need you in my life, so if you have moved on, I need to figure out what else to do. I need to heal. I need security. I need to sort out some sort of future without you. Do not just lead me on like this. Give me time to sort out my life.

My beloved husband, I would rather keep you. But if I have already lost you, I need to know. If you do not love me anymore, you need to tell me. And if you do still love me, you need to do a better job of making me feel loved.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What? Monday? Really? Or are you being Hopeful?

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. I heard a rumor the bubble comes down on Monday. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Moore, OK, USA. When tragedies strike, it is a call to action. Yes, we need to pray for Oklahoma, but we also need to do. They do not like it if people just show up at random to help, so send all aid through the proper channels. Try the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, etc. as places to help. Come on, America, we have a town to rebuild.

SynSyn, you are not my secretary, but you are my Power of Attorney. Can I ask you for a favor? Can you donate $1 million to the American Red Cross for me? And to be thorough, can you donate a second $1 million to the International Red Cross? I have been wanting to do this for a while, and sometimes I forget you can make charitable donations for me. Thank you, Synny. You are a hero in so many ways.

My podcasters, you are my witness. Iowans consciously choose to go out of their way and behave like jack(expletive)es to me. I do everything possible to avoid their damaging me, but they consciously choose to cause me as much harm as possible. This environment is toxic to good people who labor to save the world everyday.

It is dangerous in here. This has been a declared civil war for a year already. When deputies repeatedly take me to a UN recognized torture facility to be a political prisoner, each time is an act of war. By international law, death on a battlefield in war is not murder. Iowa is a battlefield. That is why it is imperative I get security in here. Obama has leveled so many threats against me. I do not want to die.

Every time we are effective at impeaching Obama, the threats against me go through the roof. That is how we know I will not be safe until Obama is out of power completely. Do not forget... Obama gives orders. I give logic. Obama kills people; he wages civil war against my rescuers. I search for and try every other way to end this than by using force. Click here to read the entire previous blog post. If I were a violent woman, I would have called for Obama's assassination not his peaceful impeachment. Yet, Obama constantly threatens my safety and my life.

Do you remember this? Thorbald, if you blow your cover by showing up and sleeping with me, you will still have a job. I will always need security for the rest of my life. Could you handle watching over me as I sing and dance and save the world for the rest of your career? You will be taken care of if you show up in front of my eye camera. Click here to read the entire previous blog post.

Yes, I am going to need security for the entire rest of my life. I am fourteen years younger than my husband, but we all already know I will go first. Life has been rough for me for so long... since 2009, to be exact. All the heavy chemicals have taken a toll on me, not to mention everything else.

My brave rescuers, it has been an exciting few days lately, has it not? Thank you for everything you do for me. Thank you for every risk you take. Thank you for believing that I and the world I can promise are worth all of this to you. I pray you understand how much I love and appreciate all of you.

My beautiful world, I heard a rumor I can neither confirm nor deny that the bubble must come down on Monday. Please keep an eye out for this rumor and confirm or deny it for yourselves. I need you all ready for me if I really am getting my human rights finally. I need security. I need to talk to a lot of people. I need my BFF. I need my husband. I need a lot of things. Do not take my word on the rumor. Please just confirm or deny this for yourselves, so I am not left without security longer than is necessary. And thank you.

SynSyn, I am mailing you something you should get on Saturday assuming I get the card in the mail on time. It is a huge THANK YOU! Today was a good day; it even made me smile. I owe it all to you. You are the best BFF ever.

Sweetness, I love and adore you. Thank you for having so much trust and faith in me. I know things must be confusing for you right now with my rescuers so close by, so thank you for standing by me and bearing through this. I love and adore you, Sweetness. You are the only thing that can heal me. I need you in my life. I would be nothing without you.

Darling, I mailed you a card you probably will not get until Saturday. Rumor has it the bubble is coming down on this coming Monday. I have no idea whether or not the rumor is true, but I figured I ought to send you one last piece of mail just in case. Either way, I cannot wait to see you again. I need to kiss your face. How soon can you get here?

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Impeachment is the Only Answer.

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. Sometimes, it feels like Wednesday will never come. I have been crying myself to sleep again.

Tunisia. Separation of religion and state works both directions. We need to keep religions' hands off the government just like we need to keep the governments' hands off of religions. If a religion is not breaking the law, it should be free to do as it pleases, even if it is unpopular. The right to peaceably assemble and associate is an integral part of a functioning society. Obama violates this all over the place when people want to assemble and associate with me, but that is just more reason for him to be impeached.

Algeria. Similarly, freedom of the press is an integral part of a functioning society. The people have a right to know the truth particularly on topics that affect them. In the US, according to the Supreme Court ruling concerning the Pentagon Papers, the presses and news agencies, in fact, no one can be censored legally by the government until AFTER they speak. Obama violates this all over the place when reports have stories about me, but that is just more reason for him to be impeached.

SynSyn, full speed ahead with impeaching Obama. It only takes one conviction. We can do this. I just wish it did not take so long. I am miserable in here. I have been crying myself to sleep again.

The reason Iowa refuses to respect me is because I am too personable and have too much humility. If I would walk around with my nose in the air treating them how they deserve, then they would finally respect me. I am way too nice to people who hate me. They really need to get their heads out of their (expletive)es, and I am just too soft to do it for them.

Speaking of people who need to get their heads out of their (expletive)es, there are some grand differences between me and Obama. Obama gives orders. I give logic. Obama kills people; he wages civil war against my rescuers. I search for and try every other way to end this than by using force.

Obama has the most to gain right now from showing a soft side and by making a goodwill gesture like releasing me to be with my waiting husband. I have the most to gain by being mean to Obama and stopping giving him so many chances to save himself. Obama needs to show his compassion and humanity. I need to find a mean side somewhere.

Congress and the courts, imagine me free. Imagine me permitted to be happy. Now recall that there is absolutely no reason for my human rights to be forbidden in the first place and there never was. Imagine the good I could do in this world. Now impeach Obama to give me my first taste of physical safety in over four years. Imagine the world without me; the alternative comes from impeaching Obama.

My brave rescuers, I am working hard. I am doing my best in here. It comforts me to know you all are working even harder. Thank you for everything you do for me.

Sweetness, I love and adore you. Only two good things for me will come from this bubble: you and my job. We are going to make it. Give me the promise you made me give you when you left Vanessa. Promise me you will love me forever. If I can really work miracles, I can make sure we stay together even after we pass away. I love and adore you, Johnny. We are the most romantic true love story ever, and I do not plan on ever giving you up. Calm down and just love me.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Obama has Decided it is Him or Me.

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post.

Washington, DC. This is when Democrats in both houses of Congress have to ask themselves if they are dedicated to their party or if they are dedicated to their nation. It is him or me. Either Obama gets impeached, or Obama destroys me. My rescuers are still dying on the lines trying to come save me. Obama has given us this only way to save me. Can you imagine a world without me? If you do not want me destroyed, Democrats, you know you have to impeach the raping and torturing monster who instigated a policy to destroy me four years ago.

Concerning Obama's guilt: I am a very big deal. Orders concerning me come straight from the top. Now imagine me free to serve the world instead of literally being driven mad by the US president, so he can justify imprisoning me in the first place. Look at my hair. This poisoning and drugging of me started when Obama's bubble started; it is an integral part of his policy. I am a very big deal. Orders concerning me come straight from the top.

I have been warned numerous times that the level of threats against me from the federal government has gone through the roof because we have been so effective with holding Obama accountable. When is enough enough? When are there finally enough threats against me from Obama that I get security? Imagine the world without me; it has never been more obvious that I cannot be safe until Obama is impeached.

Obama is already raping and torturing me; you have my hair. He tore open my nose to stick the tracker for the electrobeams (It is a military weapon it takes orders from the president to operate. Feel free to talk to the NSA about it.) up into my sinuses; you can see it in an X-ray. We have proven he is literally trying to drive me mad with chemicals. I have spent four years attacked and persecuted by Obama. Now, he is making threats on my life; when do I finally get security?

I understand that Thorbald and his colleagues are keeping me as safe as possible from the shadows, but I need 24/7 protection in my immediate vicinity. How safe can people keep me if they are not right by my side? Imagine the world if Obama gets his way; imagine the world without me. Now, send me security.

Thorbald, if you blow your cover by showing up and sleeping with me, you will still have a job. I will always need security for the rest of my life. Could you handle watching over me as I sing and dance and save the world for the rest of your career? You will be taken care of if you show up in front of my eye camera.

As for the minutia my life, I went dancing Thursday night. Dance, particularly to live music, is how I meditate. I focus on the live performance, and my body follows. If my eyes are shut, I am under the spell of the music. My mind clears when I dance. It is just me and the flowing music.

I had a moment with Billy Squire once when I was at one of his shows. I opened my eyes at the end of a song, and he was looking right at me. For a moment, I could not tell which one of us was under a spell.

A little later, Billy invited a school for the deaf to one of his shows, so they could watch me dance. And so they could see what rock music looks like. It was a good night.

My brave rescuers, are you okay? You keep saying you will show up, and you keep getting stopped. I hate when you die. Stay safe out there. Obama has a history of throwing tantrums not just by hurting me but by hurting you all, too. I pray I make this world worthy of all your sacrifice.

SynSyn, full speed ahead with impeaching Obama! I love you, Syniva. You never let me down. You are the world's best BFF ever, and you should be celebrated more often. I cannot wait for when we finally get to spend time together. Hallelujah! That you are as genius and are as determined as I am to get this bubble burst.

Sweetness, I see you were in the news. Click here to read the article. Congratulations! I knew your genius would be properly recognized one day. (Squid giggles.)

I do so thoroughly love and adore you, my darling husband. You would think Obama would want to look compassionate before the courts and would therefore allow us to finally be together after so many tormenting years apart. But he is obstinately dedicated to getting himself impeached instead. Letting us be together would go so far with making Obama look like less of a torturing and raping monster. But it was Obama's choice whether or not we impeach him, and he chose to be forced out of office. It is him or me, and I pray the government rescues me.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Looking Forward

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. I am looking forward to life after the bubble. I have needed human rights for a long time.

Syria. I have long been looking forward to getting my hands on the crisis in Syria. I had hoped Obama would have taken me up on my negotiation offer from so long ago, so I could finally have a way to get involved. United Nations, it is now up to you.

I have some things I am going to have to take care of like getting all of the spy equipment out of my head, fixing up my marriage, and disappearing for a while to heal. But if you want me hands on with Syria, UN, all you have to do is ask. Give Mr. Brahimi my number.

I would rather go through official channels than just pick up the phone and call President Putin on my own about this, as welcome as I probably am to do that. I would love to chat with him about Socchi. But if we are going to talk Syria, my call should probably go through the UN.

My beautiful world, I understand. Once I get my human rights back and the spy equipment is finally removed from my head, there will be a gap I will have to fill. There will always be my blog, my Twitter, and my Facebook, but I am going to have to figure out better ways to take advantage of YouTube, etc. I will not let you down, my beautiful world. I will just finally be in complete control of what people see from my life.

Also in my future comes voluntary TV time. I promised my first newsworthy interview to Brian Williams of NBC News and my first lifestyle interview to David Letterman. I imagine there will be some Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer in there somewhere. I know who my friends are. You all can call me anytime.

I need to start looking at charities. I need to decide what benevolent things to do with my hordes of cash. Think of the research and work we can do now on the environment! I pray Syniva took my advice, called Mr. Vinesh Jha and Mr. Andy Greenberg all those years ago, and invested my money someplace safe. I know I have a foundation that fights poverty. Oh, that reminds me, SynSyn, please give more money to the foundation.

I know I am not supposed to be looking forward to the paparazzi. My husband hates it in particular. But I am going to find it a welcome change from jack(expletives)es pretending they do not know who I am. If one more (expletive)hole Iowan asks me my name, I promise I will hand them their own (expletive) on a platter.

My beautiful world, ask me your questions. Find me, my beautiful world, and ask me your questions. I promise I will answer everything except for (expletive)hole questions from people pretending not to know who I am, pretending not to know what I do for the world, and pretending not to know how much I suffer. I am such an open book that I honestly have no idea what questions are left unanswered out there. Come find me and ask.

This all depends, of course, on our effective impeachment of Obama. Why has Obama bribed the public into putting LSD in all of my food, drink, and water since 2009? He is trying to turn me into a schizophrenic. Read this NIH article. Obama has been trying to destroy my beautiful, benevolent mind for four years now.

Why is Obama so invested in making me a schizophrenic? To justify four years of conveniently unlawfully imprisoning me in mental health facilities. So much of his persecution of me from torture to the adult guardianship to the mental health commitment are only justifiable if I actually am a schizophrenic.

Unluckily for Obama, I still have absolutely no mental illness and have never been a threat to myself nor others. But it does explain why there is so much LSD in my hair. Obama has been trying to destroy me.

Obama is very invested in turning me into a schizophrenic. It would excuse his last four years of persecution, and it would institutionalize me. Obama has been trying to destroy my beautiful, benevolent mind for four years now.

My brave rescuers, stay safe out there. Obama has a history of throwing tantrums. I see you are still coming to pick me up. Thank you. Do you need anything? I promised that once I regained my human rights that I would make the world worthy of all of your sacrifice. That is my future, my brave rescuers, serving the world.

My spies, ninjas, mice, and Vikings, you are around again. I can feel you keeping me safe from the shadows. Thank you. I promised to make the world worthy of my rescuers who die to save me, but I have to make myself worthy of you. You risk everything even your identities to keep me safe. Again, thank you.

SynSyn, every day I wish I could just talk to you. I really need my BFF these days. I need long talks over coffee. It means so much to me to know you are there for me. You never let me down. Thank you. I mailed you something that should get to Seattle today or tomorrow. I look forward to being in each other's lives again. Though, you never really left mine.

Sweetness, I mailed you a letter Wednesday afternoon. I still have not figured out what to get you for your birthday. You asked me to bake you cookies. That just is not enough. You mean so much more to me than a box of cookies. I love and adore you. It is your 50th birthday on 09June2013, and I really want to be with you for it.

When I kiss you at last, I will know all of this planning for the future finally paid off. What is on YOUR bucket list? Something tells me we will be putting a dent in mine.

My Bucket List -- updated 16May2013

Live for a time on a yacht traveling the world
See the Great Wall of China
Visit Easter Island
Go on safari in the Serengeti
See Machu Picchu... done
Visit the Pyramids at Giza, Luxor, etc.
Take the Trans-Siberian Railroad
Swim in the South Pacific... done
Ride through Patagonia on the back of a motorcycle
Climb a mountain... done
Sit in the Queen's box at Wimbledon
Live in San Francisco... done
Own an Olmec Head (no need to move it, just put a plaque by it)
Grow a rooftop garden
Sing at Carnegie Hall... done
Study at Cambridge University... done
Earn a Ph.D.
Write a book... done
Publish a book of poetry
Write my memoirs
Create a sci fi TV show that educates the masses
Star in a movie beside my husband
Dance on stage at a Rolling Stones concert
Inspire artistic expression... done
Start a fashion trend... done
Tell the stories of my trials and tribulations through music
Carry humanity through Global Climate Change
Change the world for the better... done
Start a charity or foundation... done
Start another charity or foundation
Create a scholarship program
Make girls proud to be girls
Move the nation
Save the world
Marry Johnny Depp and make him the father of my children

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. Obama has been lying again.

Washington, DC, USA. Eric H. Holder, Jr. claims the story released by the AP put American lives at risk. Risk? What risk? The only risk was the public learning what goes on. The reporters were very responsible with the story. They waited until no one would be affected before they released the information. America has a right to freedom of the press, and the government needs to start respecting that right.

As for my life, Obama is always full of lies about the bubble. No, I am not a murderer. And no, I am not a hooker. If Obama thought I was a murderer, why I was I never questioned? Why did he not just arrest me and put me on trial if he was so convinced? Why has he been drugging me and raping me since 2009 instead?

Look at all the libel he made of me! Look at his insistence people claim I am a schizophrenic! Obama has a long recorded history of lying about the bubble.

SynSyn, if Obama tries to deny he ordered all of my food, drink, and water to be drugged and poisoned since 2009, just use my hair as evidence. Show every chemical put in my body since this started in 2009. Look at the history.

I am a very big deal. Orders concerning me come straight from the top. There would not be a four-year poison-and-drug-Tanya at all costs to the public policy if Obama did not order it.

There has always been LSD. That is an Obama classic drug of choice for putting in my body against my will. Now we know the drugs came from Obama bribing the public to drug me. That is the only new information.

In short, the drug history in my hair that only starts in 2009 when I was put in the bubble is clearly part of the bubble. It is part of Obama's policy towards me. And it is so big and covers so many different places that the orders could only have come from Obama himself.

Thank you, Synny. The only new information is how he got it done, and he clearly sent the orders if taxpayer money was used.

If Obama feigns ignorance when it comes to his own policy of drugging and poisoning me at all costs to the public, he is lying again. Obama has a long history of lying when it comes to this bubble of his.

Why does all the public have brainwashing speakers in their heads? The locals will tell you they are a test market. They cannot explain, though, why the speakers only broadcast libel about me and on occasion my intellectual property. Obama controls the speakers, and he uses them to persecute me. He lied to the public and told them they were a test market.

My brave rescuers, the courts are closing in on impeaching Obama. You know I hate when you die. You also know they plan on torturing me again if this is not resolved by 30May, and it looks like it will not be resolved until 15June at the soonest. The 15June date is a rumor I heard, and it might be that-- only a rumor. The truth is we have no idea how long it will take for the courts or Congress to get me human rights.

My brave and heroic rescuers, whether or not it is worth putting your lives on the line to save me still is your choice. I would love to have a rescue from you, but I hate when you die. And the courts look like they can pull this off. It looks like the courts will be able to guarantee my human rights again. But I would still rather meet you sooner than later. It is your choice.

My beautiful world, do you remember this? The freedom of the presses, freedom of speech, and the freedom to peaceably assemble and associate with me are all null and void right now. Obama has seduced America, so he can continue keeping basic Constitutional rights away from the entire nation. Obama has seduced America, so he can destroy me at all costs to the nation and to the world.

Under Obama's rules, I am forbidden from having any friends at all whatsoever even casual ones. I am forbidden control over my own finances. I am forbidden employment that makes an income. I am forbidden from driving a car. I am forbidden from being with my own loving husband.

I am tortured. I am raped as a form of torture. I am injected with heavy chemicals as a form of torture. I am libeled. I am persecuted. I am enslaved. I am sold. I have no personal privacy.

And I am actively deprived of reality by everyone who surrounds me. I am trapped in a city that will do everything possible to destroy me for him from poisoning my food and drink to actively singling me out for public persecution.
Click here to read the entire previous blog post.

And how does Obama maintain this bubble? He breaks the law. I doubt there is a law left Obama has not broken in order to keep me in this bubble. He has corrupted government officials from DC to Des Moines to break laws at the government level to keep me persecuted in Iowa.

SynSyn, go through each individual part of the bubble, investigate, identify what laws Obama broke, and press charges.

Obama has raped me since 2009. Find out how Obama has made that possible in every place it has happened. It always involves the people who enslave me. The people who put cameras in my living spaces never once broadcast the people sneaking in while I sleep to rape me. This has been true in Minnesota, Iowa, San Francisco, Mexico, the UK, and Iowa again. They have always broadcast me changing my clothes in the same places I get raped but have never broadcast the raping. You have my hair.

Obama has poisoned my food and drink since the bubble was formed. Find out how Obama has gotten away with it since it started. He took control of my finances away from me to keep me in Iowa. This one involves a lot of corruption and conspiracy among Iowa locals. Obama tortures me. There are brainwashing speakers in everyone's heads. Etc... Investigate and prosecute everything.

Full speed ahead with impeaching Obama! Article 2 Section 4 of the US Constitution clearly states, "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." It just takes one conviction, Synny. You are such a hero! Thank you!

Sweetness, I love and adore you. There is no fight I will not fight to sleep in your arms at last. It is not every day that a rape victim takes on the White House that enslaves her. A life with you is worth it to me. I will find a way to your side. We will have our happily ever after no matter what it takes. Please keep telling me you love me!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Appeal Cannot Stall

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. This has never been about finding a murderer. If so, Obama would have just arrested me and put me on trial.

Detroit, MI, USA. Motown is about to go bankrupt. Detroit needs a long term plan to fix its financial problem. Detroit needs to attract residents, and to attract residents, Detroit needs to offer jobs. Finding companies to invest in rebuilding Detroit is critical to the long term plan the city needs to adopt.

Washington, DC, USA. Obama has called the investigation into whether or not controlling what the public knows about a crisis to avoid obvious culpability from being public constitutes a cover up a sideshow. It is not a sideshow; it is criticism. And Obama always reacts to criticism with his own brand of spite and malice.

As for sideshows, do you want to see a sideshow? The disgusting sexual objectification of me all against my will defines sideshow. I am not a sexual object, but I have been sold as one for four years.

Meanwhile, Obama has not investigated ANY of the doppelgängers he has hired to libel me with pornography. Of all the people who look just like me, I am special. I was picked out to be exploited by Obama specifically, and he has been trying to throw me away ever since. Obama has a personal vendetta against me, and he abuses his office to serve it.

I heard the argument that all of the doppelgängers had to wear wigs. Well, how much do you wanna bet the woman in the original, infamous photograph of the murder was also wearing a wig? Look at all of the libel the federal government has made of me since 2009. Look-a-likes for me are a dime a dozen.

Did Obama 'investigate' any of the women he hired to make libel porn of me? That is, did he put them in bubbles, take away all their human rights, fill them spy equipment, and rape them? This has never been about finding a murderer. If so, he would have just arrested me and put me on trial.

My brave rescuers, I was told that the standoff ended and that you all prevailed. Is this true? If this is true, why are you not here yet? What else do we have to do? Please ask my beautiful world for whatever you need.

A court decision demands action; the appeals process cannot act as a stall. For example, if the bubble is proven to be unconstitutional, then it immediately comes down. Beginning an appeals process cannot stall the fall of the bubble. As an example, if a suspected murderer is found innocent, she is immediately released from prison. The appeals process does not keep suspects in prison.

My beautiful world, never forget the five easy things you can do to help. Click here to read them again. We can win this. It just takes all of us.

If you need reassurances you will be safe if you turn in your evidence, please work with my beautiful world to keep you safe. Work out arrangements like I would make to keep Cuddlebunny safe if he chooses to turn in his evidence. If we reach a critical mass of people turning in their evidence, this point is moot, of course. That is another option.

I would be nothing without you, my beautiful world. Your love for me means so much. You are all so important to me. If you ever have questions for me, please just find me and ask. I have been an open book for four years.

SynSyn, as always, full speed ahead with impeaching Obama. I am dying in here. The persecution is killing me, and the sooner I can have happiness finally permitted in my life the better.

I heard he is trying to buy more time to destroy me with an appeal. Do not forget what the US Constitution literally says. Click here to see. We just need him convicted once regardless of any appeals process for Obama to be impeached.

Obama has vowed we will have to impeach him before he will ever allow the government to recognize me as a human deserving of basic human rights, so that is what we have to do. Show no mercy.

Is Lynn Boeset broken and begging for mercy, yet? I want her wallowing in her own excrement immediately. I need her whimpering in pain and misery. And thank you, Synny. You are such a hero!

Sweetness, where are you? Did you go back to LA? I heard you were on the road to get me Saturday night, and then Obama threw a tantrum. What will it take to get you here? I want to be with you in time for your birthday this year. What can we do about this?

Darling, I love and adore you! You got a whiff the wall must come down and you dropped everything to ride into town as my hero!

I am still in the middle of writing you a letter, my beloved Sweetness. I pray I am blushingly in your loving hands before the letter is. I do love and adore you so.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Is Obama a Sociopath?

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. Is a man who seduces the public, so he can commit crimes and human rights violations against them all a sociopath? Or is he just lusting for power?

Washington, DC. The IRS is supposed to be a nonpolitical arm of the federal government. But then why was it used to go after Obama's conservative opposition? Does Obama obey any of America's laws?

Do you remember when the Democratic Party bugged Mitch McConnell's office? Is any criminal activity off limits to Barack Obama? Or are we all just prey for his lust for power?

Include the Benghazi cover up, and we have a thorough assessment of the complete lack of moral compass of the current US president. Obama lusts for power. And he stops at nothing when it comes to satisfying his urges.

In so many ways Obama will never make sense to me. He is so full of hatred and malice towards me. The Obamas of the world are alien to me. I am not a bad person, so the genuinely evil of the world can never make sense to me.

Why is Obama willing to kill me and all my rescuers rather than just give me human rights? What is so horrible about my being free enough to kiss my own husband? Why is Obama corrupting every official from DC to Des Moines to be able to destroy me? I am a benevolent thinker who should be free to do good in the world, not locked up in this hell of hatred, torture, and persecution where I am left to fester and die.

Obama will never make sense to me. He is too genuinely rotten. How many of these warning signs of a 'charismatic nutjob' fit him? Is Obama a sociopath? I honestly tried to redeem him and more than once. What was his response? Spite and malice.

The freedom of the presses, freedom of speech, and the freedom to peaceably assemble and associate with me are all null and void right now. Obama has seduced America, so he can continue keeping basic Constitutional rights away from the entire nation. Obama has seduced America, so he can destroy me at all costs to the nation and to the world.

Under Obama's rules, I am forbidden from having any friends at all whatsoever even casual ones. I am forbidden control over my own finances. I am forbidden employment that makes an income. I am forbidden from driving a car. I am forbidden from being with my own loving husband.

I am tortured. I am raped as a form of torture. I am injected with heavy chemicals as a form of torture. I am libeled. I am persecuted. I am enslaved. I am sold. I have no personal privacy.

And I am actively deprived of reality by everyone who surrounds me. I am trapped in a city that will do everything possible to destroy me for him from poisoning my food and drink to actively singling me out for public persecution.

And how does Obama maintain this persecution of me? He terrorizes everyone who shows any sign of being nice to me. He corrupts government officials from DC to Des Moines to be able to enforce his rules and my imprisonment under them. He kills everyone coming to rescue me. He abuses the power of his office. And he lies. He apparently believes that if he says I am a schizophrenic enough times, he can turn me into one.

Do you remember this? Obama does not care whom he hurts on his quest to destroy me. He does not care how much money it costs. He does not care how many good people he kills. He does not care how many rights he has to take away from all Americans everywhere. He just wants me destroyed. If this is not a personal vendetta and abuse of his office, I do not know what it is. When is enough enough? Have you seen what is in my hair? Click here to read the entire previous blog post.

I am lucky. I know I am lucky. I am probably the only person who could have survived four years of this already without actually losing my mind. I am barely clinging on to reality in here, but I am clinging. If I were a weaker woman, I would be dead by now. That was Obama's goal. He has been trying to throw me away since 2009. These are four years I will never get back-- four years I could have spent serving the world.

When will the world have justice? When will I have justice? When will Obama and all who help him finally be locked away in prison? When will my suffering finally end? Or am I really abandoned here to die?

So many people have said that power corrupts. But I believe power reveals. If you had my forum, what would you use it for? I fight for my right to live and my right to live freely. I offer unsolicited advice to people of all walks of life. And I try to save the world. I even tried to redeem Obama a couple of times.

What does Obama do with his power? He lusts for more. And he lusts to destroy me, a benevolent force in the world. He already has totalitarian control of the media. He already controls brainwashing speakers in everybody's heads. He put that in place shortly after taking office. You have seen his crimes against the Tea Party and Mitch McConnell. You have seen his cover up of Benghazi.

You have seen every crime he has committed against me in order to keep himself in power; if the media were free to report the truth about him, Obama's house of cards would come tumbling down. Obama is maintaining the bubble to keep himself in power. And Obama is abusing his office to destroy me. He is either a sociopath, lusting for power, or both. We cannot let him get away with this.

Please remember, my beautiful world, these five things you can do to help.
1.) Make noise. Your constant pressure on the government is invaluable.
2.) Increase awareness. Make sure there is no one anywhere in the world who does not know who I am, what I do, and how much I suffer.
3.) Turn in your evidence. If you have witnessed, endured, or suffered through any oppression or human rights violations at the hands of Obama, send Syniva your evidence and witness testimonies. We need your help, too.
4.) Be good to me. Keep me as safe as possible. I live with a target the president of the United States put on my head. I could use some help making it through this without being so persecuted that I am destroyed.
5.) Get my rescuers to my side. Do whatever it takes. Take down everyone from DC to Des Moines who is in the way if necessary. Provide everything my rescuers ask for. Try to predict when and if they will need help. You know what to do.
And, thank you, my beautiful world. Thank you! We must take Obama down to save me, to save America, and to save the world.

My brave rescuers, you fight so hard to save me. Thank you. Whatever you need just ask my beautiful world. Obama has a tendency to throw tantrums, so be very vigilant the next few days. Keep yourselves safe. Fight carefully. And, again, thank you!

SynSyn, I hear we have had grand successes. Thank you, my hero BFF, for everything you do for me. I know you do all of this for me purely out of love, but I look forward to longingly the day I will have enough human rights to thank you properly. We need BFF time. A little shopping? Why do Chanel ads (except for the Brad Pitt ones) always make me think of you?

Sweetness, I understand how hard it is to get a message to me. Thank you so sincerely for all of the I-love-yous. One I-love-you can carry me all day. I wrote you a new love poem. I will mail it to you soon.

Alone. Darling, I am utterly alone in here. I have nothing but dreams of you to keep me company during my long, cold wait for justice. Thank you for everything you do for me, my beloved.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

5 Things You Can Do To Help

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post.

New York, NY, USA. Well, United Nations, can it hurt anything? We all already know al Qaeda fights for the Syrian people. This is not new information. Could officially differentiating between the rebels and al Qaeda help with getting help to the Syrian people?

When all is said and done, UN, we know we are not doing enough for Syria. Will this help? As long as we are dedicated to helping the Syrian people and do not allow an official designation to twist the public perception of the struggle, I do not see it hurting anything.

Thorbald, I am so worried you get the short end of the deal. Let us look at this. I just do not want to lure you into something that will not make you happy.

Thorbald, you and your friends do all the heavy lifting. You all do the rescuing. You ride into town as heroes. You save me. But you only get to keep me until I can be with my husband.

Yes, heroic Thorbald, I want to sleep with you. But you do not get to keep me. As long as you are okay with this, I am okay with this. Who knows, maybe that is exactly what you want for yourself.

In fact, if you found a way to be with me without rescuing me just so you could be with me longer, I would still be okay with it. We all know I only get to take a lover who either does not try to rescue me or already has rescued me. But either way you do not get to keep me. I go home to my husband in the end in all situations.

Thorbald, I do not want to talk you into something you do not want. You are one of my heroes. I want nothing but what is best for you.

This is just something for you to think about. I do not want to cheat you out of anything, Thorbald. You mean too much to me.

My brave rescuers, how soon do I get this rescue? What do you need from me to make this happen? What do you need from my beautiful world?

My beautiful world, you do so much for me. I would be nothing without you.
1.) Make noise. Your constant pressure on the government is invaluable.
2.) Increase awareness. Make sure there is no one anywhere in the world who does not know who I am, what I do, and how much I suffer.
3.) Turn in your evidence. If you have witnessed, endured, or suffered through any oppression or human rights violations at the hands of Obama, send Syniva your evidence and witness testimonies. We need your help, too.
4.) Be good to me. Keep me as safe as possible. I live with a target the president of the United States put on my head. I could use some help making it through this without being so persecuted that I am destroyed.
5.) Get my rescuers to my side. Do whatever it takes. Take down everyone from DC to Des Moines who is in the way if necessary. Provide everything my rescuers ask for. Try to predict when and if they will need help. You know what to do.
And, thank you, my beautiful world. Thank you!

SynSyn, I keep you so busy. Do not forget to take time for yourself. Years ago I told you to make sure you are taking a upper end of competitive salary off my millions for being my hero, my legal representative, and my media mogul.

I am serious about this. Make yourself the CEO of the company that handles my brand. I need to know you are safe and provided for, or I will be miserable. You are my hero, Synny. Make sure you get paid like it.

Sweetness, sometimes you feel so close I can already taste you. I have heard you again telling me that you love me. Thank you. One simple gesture of yours can take me so far in here.

Do not forget the plan, my darling. We get the spy equipment removed from my head, and then you take me away to make sure I can heal. I understand you know a place for this. I thank you for making all the plans.

Please tell me, Sweetness, that you still love me even though I am fat and ugly. Do you remember when you left Vanessa? You made me promise that I would love you for all the rest of my earthly existence. I do not break promises, Sweetness. But I could use some reassurances from you on occasion that you still love me.

Are you sure, my most beloved, you can love this woman for the rest of your earthly existence? If so, please reassure me.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Locals are (Expletive)holes.

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. I do not have much longer holding on in here in the hell they call Iowa. Take down everyone from DC to Des Moines who is between me and my human rights.

I would love to do my job of addressing major world and national problems and fixing them, but I am too damaged by Obama and the locals who obey him. I am too filled with hate today to show love for the world. Yes, Obama has made me hate. His persecution is killing me. Iowa is the weapon he wields to destroy me.

Synny, I know how busy I keep you, but have we laid it to rest yet that I have absolutely no mental illness? And what is this rumor I keep hearing that I am on Obama's terrorist watch list? Am I the first pacifist to ever make this list? If this is true, the charges start with libel, end with persecution, and cover everything in between. Then again, it might just be a rumor.

SynSyn, I know I keep you so busy. Just add these charges to the list if they apply. As long as I am not on some terrorist no-fly list, we are fine. Please see what the courts can do about cleaning up my reputation.

My beautiful world, I am sure you have all seen by now some strange man who claimed he was from Texas try to offer me therapy Monday night. Make a podcast out of it. I was not upset he argued with me. I was upset he refused to acknowledge reality.

I have never once given anyone nor anything other than Sweetness and Syniva power over me. But that has never stopped the evil from breaking the law just to take it. He refused to acknowledge reality. That is how he upset me.

My brave rescuers, I hear all day every day that you will be coming to rescue me at night. There must be something we can do to actually get you here. I am dying in here. You are dying out there. Please figure out what you need.

My beautiful world, I do not have much longer. The locals keep going out of their way to damage me as much as possible. All of our efforts to get the truth to them have only made the locals treat me worse. They hate me more than ever in here now. Please help rescue me.

SynSyn, on 02May I was tortured by Polk County. I assumed you already took care of it, but in case you did not, please press every charge possible against every single guilty party. I want people in prison over this. They plan on torturing me again 30May if I do not get a rescue first. We need to teach Iowa a lesson.

Also, spare no expense shutting down Wellman's and every other bar under control of the owners. They decided to refuse me service because I told the truth about one of their bartenders roofying me. Not only do they need a lesson in customer service and business ethics, they are protecting their staff for roofying me. Press criminal and civil charges against Sid. Press all charges possible against Wellman's. Take them all down. You have my hair.

Do you remember Matt, Synny? Matt is the guy on crutches who used to live down the street from me. I used to meet him at Wellman's. He was the only reason I would go in there.

One Sunday afternoon when I was at Wellman's, I remember Sid flat out saying. "Only drink the beer here." I only drank soda, so I did not think much of it. When asked why, Sid said, "All the bottles are drugged." When asked why, Sid said, "Because money makes the world go 'round." He was not talking to me. I barely noticed the conversation. And one of the next times I came in he roofied me.

Apparently, money talks to Sid a lot. It is time to teach Sid a lesson about money used properly. It is time to put Sid in prison. Please click here to read my original 10Dec post about Sid. Thank you, Syniva!

The good news is Zimm's cleared their name with me. Aaron took the plea deal. So, everyone who now will refuse to go to Wellman's because of Sid can go to Zimm's because Aaron is now a hero. Yey! Zimm's!

Sweetness, I am supposed to be your rock. I understand this. But I am a mess in here. The unrelenting persecution and imprisonment in a land of evil is too much for me. I need a chance to heal. That is your job. You are the only thing that can heal me. I love and adore you. You are my hero and my king. And I need you more than ever.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Nothing New Here

Preface: Same as always... Make sure you favorite or bookmark, so you can check this blog regularly for new posts. Please read and share them all. Yes, yes, share all my blog posts yourselves!

Here is my latest blog post. It is the same old grind. I have no idea how long I have left hanging on. I need a solution to this humanitarian crisis, and I need it now before Obama kills me.

Syria. If Israel becomes part of the fight in Syria, the US will be in Syria before Obama is comfortable with it. Syria already crossed Obama's red line and used chemical weapons, and Obama showed his internal weakness instead of following through. If Israel goes marching in, will Obama show more weakness to the world or stand beside Israel?

Please remember I say this as a pacifist. I believe war and violence solves problems in only very rare instances. Needing to end heinous human rights violations when a political solution cannot get there in time is one of these instances. Syria needs help. If Israel goes first, will Obama follow?

North Korea. According to the North Korean government, the newest American prisoner there is off limits as a negotiating chip. Why would they need one, though? Obama has already proven his red lines mean nothing. As far as Obama is concerned, Syria, North Korea, and Iran can do whatever they want. Obama will just make idle threats.

It is not too late for a political solution with North Korea and with Iran for that matter. Obama just has to let me go talk to them. And imagine the progress towards a political solution we could have made in Syria by now if I just had enough human rights to show up and do my job.

USA. Come on, Congress! We need this immigration reform bill sooner rather than later in America. While Obama is spinning his wheels looking weak over Syria, this is your chance to prove Congress functions better than he does.

America needs to see a bipartisan Congress working together to do good for America. We all know how much I personally need the immigration reform bill. Please do not let me down. Create something Obama has no choice but to sign. And, thank you.

My beautiful world, I know what we need is a political solution to this humanitarian crisis I am living through. But do not negotiate with Obama unless you know what you are doing. Succinctly, make the bubble come down before you give anything to Obama in return for the bubble coming down. He cannot be trusted.

Someone tried to cut a deal with Obama recently that was supposed to get my husband to me two nights ago, but, as always, Obama did not hold up his end of the deal. Give Obama nothing until he meets your demands and takes the bubble down first.

Obama cannot be trusted. To quote Dr. Phil, "Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. " Obama plays dirty and will always use you to get anything he wants out of you even if it is just to buy time.

I have no updates in my brand new search for a lover to take in the afternoons. Basically, there is no one in Iowa willing to treat me well enough to be in my life as a lover. Jack(expletive)es.

I am not just forbidden all of my human rights except freedom of speech; I am also forbidden the basic comforts in life: good food (It is always drugged.), friends (Obama forbids everyone from being my friend.), and, as a result, someone to keep me from being so lonely.

Thorbald, you are still my first choice, but I understand you are occupied with rescuing me. If you ever have a free night, I accept your offer to buy me dinner... but please remember I take my lovers in the afternoon. Did you just make me giggle?

My brave rescuers, there are so many of you now. I hear you are making grand progress out there. Please remember I hate when you get hurt. I hate when you get attacked. And I really hate when you die. Is there anything we can do to help you? Just ask my beautiful world for whatever you need. We will provide.

SynSyn, make sure Obama's impeachment is moving full speed ahead. I know you know what you are doing out there. It is okay to tell Obama and all his representatives that he must negotiate with me directly. Make Obama grow a pair of ovaries and face me himself.

You are such a hero, Synny. History will be very good to you. So will I... I just need you back in my waking life. Why do Chanel ads always make me think of you?

My benevolent podcasters, please find the old podcast you made of Sid at Wellman's roofying me this winter and recirculate it. He is trying to deny he did it. Bury him with reality.

I was sitting at Wellman's minding my own business drinking an unroofied Pepsi that Gary had given me. Sid picked me out, told me he would make me a special drink no one else would ever make for me, poured me a roofied drink, and insisted I drink it in front of him. He was such a jack(expletive) that day. Please recirculate the podcast. If I remember correctly, it was also evidence I should never trust anyone who asks me my name.

Sweetness, I saw Iron Man 3 this weekend. It made me cry. It also had a trailer for The Lone Ranger before it. I am very excited about this new summer blockbuster of yours. I love seeing you in action.

Darling, things are different between us now that you have a mistress. I cannot deny this. We can fix it, though. I am very good at fixing problems. Please understand I am happier knowing you are happy than I would be happy knowing I made you unhappy... if that makes any sense. But I am still unhappy.

My beloved, if there is anything wrong between us other than geography, I know we can sort this out. You never had to try to keep it a secret from me. You know how much I love you.

Sweetness, when I suggested you make a public display out of how much you love me, it was not just to help clean up your current PR catastrophe. I could really use a sign you love me still. I hate sounding high maintenance, but I need to know you still care. Every once in a while, please just tell me you still love me. I light up like a fireworks explosion when I hear you love me.