Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Danced Last Night.

I am almost calmed down after screaming for freedom and sanity this morning. I tell you what, if my dad goes out of his way to harm me again, I will start spreading around his personal information. He needs to be kicked into line, and all I have for ammunition is knowledge. No one should treat anyone as cruelly as he treats me, and I have no other way to defend myself against him.

I actually kicked up my heels and went dancing last night. Jason Boland and the Stragglers played at the People's Court in Des Moines. I must blushingly admit I had never heard their music before, and I just happened to wander in. But it proved to be a damn good time. It was a fight to get out of the house, but once I was free of my parents I made it to live music and life was worth living. There is so much to be said for the freedom of the soul I find in dancing.

There are going to be superhero movies all over the place this year. I must admit I always wanted a Green Lantern ring. That might explain my affection for emeralds. There is even a new X-Men movie... ah, human evolution. There is so much to be said for human evolution.

Huh, it seems they have been building sustainable houses out of plastic bottles in Indonesia. Yes, it seems; humanity can be taught. I have been wondering for a long time what to do with all of the ocean plastics. They WILL be removed from the ocean by all who have wronged me. Oh, yes they will. I could tell them to build sustainable housing for the masses with all of it. Does that sound dreamy, or what?
Yeah, dad, you're on that list of people who will be fishing plastic out of the ocean yourselves.

This one
should be common knowledge by now. The rich just keep getting richer off of the US being at war. There is no reason why peacetime cannot be profitable... it would just be profitable for innocents instead of warmongers. I spent a long time in the UK talking with asylum seekers there. At last count, I heard that the US military had plans to build bases in Zanzibar, Nigeria, Japan, and Pakistan. This, of course, was news from asylum seekers not verified Wikileaks, but it was highly distressing nonetheless. Where does that huge percentage of the US budget that goes to the military end up being spent? It is not on soldiers' wages and benefits. We also know that the US government has been warmongering in Asia and the Middle East.

Thank goodness for whatever peaceful influence has been whispering in both Koreas' ears. Now, the North wants talks to release tensions. It seems that the Koreas do not want the rich of the US to turn their homes into war zones. Stay calm, Koreas, you do not want World War Three to be fought in your home. Do not get pushed into killing yourselves by the US's oligarchy of money.

Meanwhile, when I am not standing in the way of the nuclear weapons of World War Three, I have to deal with a verbally abusive and cruel father aggravating me to tears as I scream for him to leave me alone. I fear he might honestly think I am having delusions of grandeur. Somebody needs to kick him into line with a heavy dose of reality. Any volunteers out there?

Sweetness, did you get anything in the mail today? It was entirely my pleasure.

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