Monday, August 9, 2010

Do the British Ever Want me to Forgive Them?

They have done little yet towards being forgivable. All they have to do is organize to set me free and ensure I travel safely to a country already capable of guaranteeing my full human rights (Do not forget the protocols at the end.) by Thursday, 12 August 2010, and my heart will forgive them. The British peopled abandoned me in this proven torture facility in which I am still confined; if they want to do something to save themselves from still being guilty of this, they, as a people, need to set me free.

The British public should know by now that once I reach my full human rights, the money will help rebuild this country as well as help so many places in greater need of my help. What if I had completely obligatorily and legally obtained money to back up all of the beautiful things I want in this world? To see that world, I need to have my full human rights. To see that future, this world needs justice.

This country needs to do what is right, for once. The British people need to set me free.

If this waits past 12 August 2010, I will have to save myself in a way that does not save the British from their debilitating culpability. I will have to do something completely unpredictable and highly messy to reach my human rights, and it will leave the British people just a guilty as they are now. Please do not allow that to happen.

Please make sure the British people get to be my heroes. Please make sure they organize, amass, set me free, and ensure my safe and immediate travel all before 12 August 2010. That is more time than the need, and it is the right thing to do.

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