Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Who is Paying for Persecuting me?

You guessed it! It is the taxpayers who are paying for the US government to persecute me. Maintaining a complete bubble is expensive. My internet is patrolled. My television and radio broadcasts are censored. My phone calls are hand picked through.

And if you think that was expensive, image what it cost to fill me with spy equipment while I was in that hospital in Minnesota in 2009. The equipment alone cost a pretty penny, not to mention the cost of maintaining that I do not learn about my enslavement with it.

And think about maintaining the scare tactics required to enforce the bubble among the general public. Think of all the resources used. This does not come cheap.

This is where your taxpayer money is going. This is what the Feds are up to instead of keeping America safe. The nation of the USA is having a moral, spiritual, and psychological crisis, and the Feds are busy persecuting me instead of keeping America safe or helping America heal.

The US cannot go on like this. This bubble of persecution and terror has to end. Go claim your human rights, America! It is a matter of numbers.

Stand up and fight! You can never be too organized. Pick a day and time for this all to end. And universally refuse to comply!

Sweetness, with every beat of my heart, with every essence of my soul, and with every glint in my eye, I love you.

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